
Some thoughts on Sacrifice

Many people think of "sacrifice" as an old-fashioned word – perhaps pre-Vatican II – that really doesn't have a place in modern life. They may be willing to make New Year's Resolutions or go on a diet, but have no interest in the spiritual idea of sacrifice. Once I heard a homily for the beginning of Lent in which the priest said that you shouldn't worry about giving up your favorite candy bar or soap opera, because it was internal change that mattered.

Internal vs. External

It's a strange thing in a world so caught up in superficiality for Catholic ideas on sacrifice to be thought of as shallow. It's kind of like saying that you shouldn't exercise because what you eat is really more critical for bodily health. What this priest didn't realize, of course, is that internal changes don't happen instantly, they usually need help from something external. If you have trouble loving someone, the first step is to act loving to them externally, even if you don't feel it internally. If you work on this enough and ask for God's assistance, your internal struggles will resolve themselves as well. Even so, it takes an internal effort of your will to make an external thing happen. (This same priest also thought that external gestures of respect in church were meaningless and unimportant to God. But external things are helpful in lifting our minds and hearts to God. Beautiful paintings, statues and crucifixes assist our wandering thoughts in focusing on God and the great things he has done for us.) In a nutshell: because we are both body and spirit, internal and external factors work together in our spiritual lives. The greatest example of this concept is that God really came to earth as a small baby and lived life among us in all its gritty reality.

Exercising the will

I know a man who runs a Karate school which emphasizes discipline of the mind and body. He encourages his students to occasionally give up a candy bar or sweet that they would otherwise eat. He explains that if they can't say no once in awhile to something little that looks good, how will they ever be able to say no to something more important later on. It's all about training the will (as in "willpower"). Even this simple concept is useful to us as Catholics. If we exercise our will by saying no to little things, we will be better prepared to resist temptation later on. There are other earthly benefits as well, since we often give up things that aren't good for us anyway (I never could understand why the above-mentioned priest didn't realize that giving up soap operas has direct spiritual benefits as well).

Natural and Supernatural Benefits of Sacrifice

One exciting thing to me about understanding the faith is that natural and supernatural benefits go hand in hand. Yes, giving up sweets for Lent might help us lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle and giving up television gives us more time for reading or to spend with our family. These are certainly good things. But as Catholics, we realize that there's another whole level to look at too. When we offer our small sacrifices up to God with love He turns them into something much better and allows us to participate in His plan of good for the world. For more about this concept, you can read up on St. Therese of Lisieux and her "Little Way." I think Mother Teresa of Calcutta is another excellent example of God taking the simple, humble work of one person and turning it into something much greater and bigger.

As a simple way of illustrating this for our children, we have them place a simple dry pinto bean in a jar for each sacrifice or good deed they perform during Lent. They enjoy watching this grow and are certainly proud of their little accomplishments. But when they wake up on Easter morning, the dry beans have been replaced with colorful Jelly Beans. This simple tradition allows them to better understand the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection from the dead. Our little sacrifices are made much more meaningful by his big sacrifice. He allows even the smallest child to participate in "the good" by sharing in his sacrifice.

As a wife and mother I have really come to love and even look forward to Lent because it has become a time in which we clean up our spiritual house as a family and re-focus our energies on God. In the craziness and busy-ness of family life, we can often get carried away with too many sweets and movie-watching and other things which make life a little more comfortable and which are not evil in and of themselves. But we begin to see that these things can also, just by their power of distraction, start turning our family farther from God and the way we want to be. One place we really see God's understanding in our need for external things to help with the internal changes is the happiness he allows us to feel when we do something good. It is this Christian joy that even small children can begin to appreciate by celebrating Lent as a family. In addition, Easter becomes so much more meaningful and joyful when we have prepared for it well during Lent.

Alicia Van Hecke

A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families

Book cover: 'A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families'
Monica McConkey
Number of pages: 
299 pages
Arma Dei Family Ministry
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

During the past few years, there has been a renewed interest in beginning and in continuing traditions within our families within the context of the liturgical year. This book has been written to help make these celebrations easier to plan as well as to provide countless new ideas. Some of these ideas are original while others are traditional. This book is especially well-suited for families with children in the preschool years up through the late elementary years.

The majority of the suggestions for each month are craft-oriented or games that are sure to appeal to younger children. For example, January 17th is the memorial of St. Anthony, patron of basket makers. The book gives a very simple biography of St. Anthony, suggests a "prayer habit", and includes the directions for making a basket out of bread dough. The description for the Feast of the Ascension includes detailed directions for making a kite to ascend to the heavens in addition to directions for making bubble-blowers and bubble solution. Ordinary Time saints' days include a lengthy section describing the making of Catholic games that will help in learning the catechism and in remembering the Saints. Names of some of the games are Jell-O Box Jeopardy, Catechism Categories, Holy Rummoli, and Lists and Levels; don't they sound interesting and fun to play?

The book is organized by the liturgical calendar, beginning with a New Year's Eve party for the beginning of the Church year just prior to the start of the Advent season and continues on to the Feast of Christ the King in late November. The dates and feast days are those of the modern Church calendar, although the listings for some dates include those saints not found on the revised Roman calendar. There are more ideas and suggestions than a family could possibly do; this book should keep your family busy for many, many years. It will be an excellent addition to your family library and a good companion to a book of saint's stories or of church history. 

Additional notes: 

with laminated "jelly-proof" covers

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A Year With God

Celebrating the Liturgical Year
Book cover: 'A Year With God: Celebrating the Liturgical Year'
Number of pages: 
261 pages
Catholic Heritage Curricula
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
A Year With God is simply THE purchase of the year! Completely original, inspiring, and unique, the abundance of fresh ideas and activities will re-energize your religion class and re-motivate you to make your homeschool a truly Catholic school in every sense of the word. Spanning the liturgical year, A Year With God contains hundreds of carefully detailed and illustrated projects and activities. Nearly all of these can be extended into several other projects, giving you many, many years of exciting projects to work on with your students.

The Table of Contents begins with "Celebrate Advent and Christmas", continues with "Celebrate Lent and Easter", and concludes with "Celebrate Ordinary Time". This overview will provide you with an easy-to-use reference to the book, but even more valuable is the "Index of Activities" in the back of the book. This Index is arranged by the calendar year and provides page and activity references to specific Feast Days of the Church. Have you ever considered celebrating The Feast of St. Nicholas? Or the Annunciation of the Lord? Or the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows? Now you have ready-to-go plans for these and hundreds of other special days.

Plays, craft projects, dramatic readings, games, drawings, hands-on learning, writing projects and much more employ all of the various styles of learning. Also included are the most popular longer-term projects from the CHC Lesson Plans. Many families have purchased the lesson plan sets just to have access to these enriching ideas. The wide range of projects and activities appeal to all age groups as well. I have a sixteen-year age-range between students in my own homeschool, and there are enjoyable activities for everyone, including me! The extensive artwork is professional, orthodox, and pleasing while remaining accessible and comprehensible to everyone. Produced with a variety of easily-read fonts on creamy, thick paper, the book is a joy to read while allowing both durability and excellent reproduction quality. CHC has permitted that activity pages may be copied for immediate family members, further extending the usefulness of the book. Arrangements can also be made for group copyright permissions; this is a terrific way to introduce these activities into homeschool cooperative groups, sacramental preparation classes, and other group situations.

Every other book that we have used as we have celebrated the liturgical year has been tied to the cultural traditions of different countries around the world. While we have enjoyed these experiences, there are plenty of books available to learn about them. A Year With God is different from these books; it does not include such popular and well-known traditions as the Christmas Tree or the baking of Hot Cross Buns. A Year With God is focused on the truly spiritual and universally Catholic in a way that develops and fosters growth in virtue and holiness. The richness and depth of our Faith comes alive in a way that is unforgettable, both to the student and the teacher. Take the time to really read through and use this book. It will be a blessing to your family!

Additional notes: 

Copyrights 2003/2005

Donated for review by Catholic Heritage Curricula

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My Path to Heaven

Book cover: My Path to Heaven
Geoffrey Bliss, S.J.
Caryll Houselander
Number of pages: 
89 pages
Sophia Institute Press
Sewn Softcover

This is one of the nicest educational materials I've come across (and I think that's saying a lot). What this book amounts to is a simplified form of the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius, designed to be understood by children. This is cleverly done with a very detailed picture for each of the twelve chapters. The child studies the details of the pictures and then the parent or the child reads the text (two or three pages) which explains the details of the pictures. The child is then invited to look at the picture again. The text is read a second time and then a list of ten to twenty yes or no questions are asked to reinforce the text and determine how well the child understood it. This is not just another religion text teaching facts, but a very persuasive text leading children to desire holiness and the greatest good in their lives. 

The publisher gives permission for parents to photocopy the pictures for their own children to color while studying the text, which might enhance their interest in the pictures and their ability to notice all of the little details. The book is recommended for children ages nine through twelve, although I've heard from a number of homeschoolers (and found the same to be true in my own family) that younger children and adults will benefit from it as well. Particularly nice for Lent/Holy Week or for First Communion Preparation.

Additional notes: 

Copyrights 1936/1997

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Passion Play Cut'n'Color Kit from Illuminated Ink

Illuminated Ink
Grade / Age level: 

The 3-D Passion Play Cut ‘n Color Kit creates a spectacular miniature theater when completed. It displays in a circle format and includes four ready-to-color, 3-dimensional scenes (The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Crucifixion, and the Resurrection). Three are back to back on the bottom and one is perched on top. (You might like to display it on a lazy-susan in order to change between scenes). Easy-to-follow, step-by-step, illustrated instructions are provided to insure success. Once completed, children will have a beautiful theater to re-enact the events of Holy Week, beginning with the Last Supper through the Resurrection, along with numerous movable characters, and 3 mini-booklets (Biblical excerpts from The Agony in the Garden, The Crucifixion, and the Resurrection). Besides the miniature booklets, there are scriptural verses printed along the perimeter of each scene. Also along the top tier there are nine virtues: Joy, Peace, Faithfulness, self-control, etc. Finished size: 10" x 10" x 13 ½". Younger children will need some adult supervision.

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Stations of the Cross for Children

Book cover: Stations of the Cross for Children
Julianne M. Will
Patricia Mattozzi
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Our Sunday Visitor

This small booklet can make a nice resource for a child during Stations of the Cross devotions.

Each set of double pages depicts a full page illustration in a simplified iconic format and a page of text. Under the title of each station, in bold, is the traditional prayer of the Church: We adore you, o Christ and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world. 

The language is directed towards children, and it has a personal and sincere tone. In a letter format, each opens with a "Dear Jesus" greeting and ends with an "Amen." Subjects revolve around the everyday life of a child and the prayers are very nicely worded.

This is a very nice resource, especially for Lent. 

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Stations of the Cross for Children Poster Set

Book cover: 'Stations of the Cross for Children Poster Set'
Julianne Will
Number of pages: 
15 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 

This is a very nice, very inexpensive, large-size set of the Stations of the Cross (created especially for children) appropriate for homes and classrooms. The drawings are simple (they remind me a little of Tomie dePaola's drawings) and what my husband would describe as "sanitized". Our first inclination was to think these were too sanitized, but when we compared them to our more "traditional" set (which cost us 3x as much and are about half the size), we realized that the other set, too was without blood. As a matter, of fact, my 10 year old son noticed that one of the pictures in our "traditional" set was reversed and had the wound in Jesus' side - on the wrong side.

I think many families will find this to be a very nice set to hang on their walls during Lent as a very visual reminder (and even a visual catechism in the sense that religious art of old was intended to instruct) of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Additional notes: 

Medium weight paper – each poster is approximately 11x17 inches.

Sadly, these are no longer in print but you might be able to find a used set.

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Stations of the Cross Grotto Kit

Illuminated Ink

This well-thought-out kit is easy to use and makes a beautiful set of the Stations of the Cross "grottos" when complete. The kit contains full-color art prints of each station, pre-cut wooden sticks for the frames, and gemstones to glue on for decoration. When complete, each station measures approximately 7" tall by 5" wide.

This could be a wonderful family project to make during Lent or beforehand and the set of Stations can then be used for years to come. Illuminated Ink recommends it for children 10 and up or for younger children, 6 and up, with close supervision and help from a parent.

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Woven Cross Kit from Illuminated Ink

Illuminated Ink
Grade / Age level: 

This inexpensive Woven Cross Kit provides materials for three beautiful woven crosses. Each kit comes with thin strips of vellum paper 3 ½” x 3” (The primary kit colors are green, purple, pink, and red), gold or silver "nail" studs, colored metal hearts, and step-by-step illustrated instructions. The quality and beauty of the materials are impressive.

Plus, the same technique that children will learn from this kit can be used to weave fresh palm fronts from Palm Sunday into crosses as well.

Additional notes: 

The kit is also available in a "class pack" with materials to make 30 crosses in assorted colors.

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