March 3rd
Feast of Blessed Katherine Drexel
Famous Birthdays - Alexander Graham Bell (1847)
March 6th
Famous Birthdays - Michelangelo (1475), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806) English Poet
March 9th
Feast of St. Frances of Rome
Catholic Encyclopedia Entry on St. Frances of Rome
Famous Birthdays - Amerigo Vespucci (1454) Italian Explorer
March 14th
Famous Birthdays - Albert Einstein (1879)
March 17th
St. Patrick's Day -
Catholic Encyclopedia Entry on Saint Patrick
The Confessio of Saint Patrick
Patrick: Brave Shepherd of the Emerald Isle, animated video, CCC of America The story of Patrick, presented in a very appealing, very Catholic way, with lots of humor too.
Other good stories and resources about Ireland: The Cottage at Bantry Bay series by Hilda Van Stockum, Red Hugh, Prince of Donegal by Robert T. Reilly and The Saints of Ireland by Mary Ryan D'Arcy.
March 19th
The Feast of St. Joseph
Catholic Encyclopedia Entry on Saint Joseph
March 21st
The Feast of St. Benedict
March 25th
The Feast of the Annunciation
Catholic Encyclopedia Entry on the Feast of the Annunciation
March 26th
Famous Birthdays - Robert Frost (1874) American poet
March 31st
Famous Birthdays - Joseph Haydn (1732) Austrian Composer
Also See: Catholic Information Network's Calendar for March