"A Curriculum Based on the Principle of the Incarnation" by Mary Daly
An Essay on the Culture of Life: How to build a curriculum which reflects and nurtures the culture of life which is based upon the principle of the Incarnation. You can also watch Mary's video series on the same topic on YouTube.
C.S. Lewis: Introduction to "On The Incarnation" (On the Importance of Old Books)
There is a strange idea abroad that in every subject the ancient books should be read only by the professionals, and that the amateur should content himself with the modern books.
Catholic Educator's Resource Center
Your online resource library for the best in Catholic faith and culture: the facts in context, the Church int he world, the faith in education, the latest articles from outstanding writers, authors and journalists around the globe.
Declaration on Christian Education - Gravissimum Educationis
Proclaimed by His Holiness Pope Paul VI on October 28, 1965
Eide Neurolearning Blog
Fascinating and helpful posts about learning styles and how the brain works.
James V. Schall, S.J - Another Sort of Learning
This Web Site's title comes from a book of mine by the same name, Another Sort of Learning. This site is not, however, devoted to the technical subject of "education," but rather to "learning," to anything worth knowing, especially things of the greatest human importance. What the reader of this ANOTHER SORT OF LEARNING WEB SITE will find are numerous suggestions about learning, about reading, about what to read. Many people, in reading what is said to be important, often miss the significance of what they are reading. They also miss a number, not too many, of very wise books that no one else recommends to them.
Love2Learn Moments
Thoughts on education, parenting and homeschooling as heard on Relevant Radio from a Catholic homeschool graduate and homeschool mom of six.
Schall: A Student's Guide to Liberal Learning
The important things, Aristotle told us, are to be known "for their own sakes", not for some useful or pleasurable purpose, however useful or pleasurable they might also be.
The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education
"The Riches of Classical Education for Today's Catholic Schools"