What's New
I love picture books and I love biographies... and I love it when both are combined successfully! This warmly illustrated picture book tells of the most beloved American author Louisa May Alcott. Her family was definitely sui generis, holding unusual beliefs and moving often, and Louisa began thinking and writing poetry at a very young age.
This picture book sheds light on what a noble soul Louisa had, filled of generosity, integrity and character. Highly recommended especially for young readers who love the wonderful Little Women author.
Black? White! Day? Night!
Here's a clever picture book about opposites! We loved it so much, the kids told me this had to be a picture book of the week.
Each page has a one-word question, such as "alike?" Each page has one or more cut-out windows, showing a picture–in this case, several "alike" diamonds. Flip the page and the picture of an opposite concept is shown: the little "alike" diamonds were actually all part of several very differently-shaped snowflakes!
Mozart, the Wonder Child
No need to introduce young Mozart or kids biographer extraordinaire Diane Stanley, but this brand new biography has a twist: she wrote the whole book as a marionette play! The pictures look as if his whole life is a show, with characters suspended on strings. Expect the usual detail-rich, high level writing that comes with her wonderful biographies.
What Bluebirds do
We picked a full bag of mostly new picture books from the library as we don't visit it as often as during the school year. Several new publications were examined by my review team – our children. Some were bold, creative, large and colorful. Fiction, informational, biographies: we read many different books over a number of days. In my mind as I hear their comments and listen or watch their reading enjoyment I run my own elimination process.
We have been spending hours in the garden where insects abound, and this new friendly title comes to entertain and inform my summer readers. The photos are very interesting and our 10 yr. old enjoyed reading about the reasons behind the dimensions of each of the unusually sized insects. The amount of information is juicy enough but also little enough to make this light and breezy summer reading!
Have fun learning about these insects: the most numerous animals on earth!
Faraway Island
So, it just slightly based on the meager accounts of a tale that may have really happened... but still, it makes for a wonderful picture book! Perseverance, kindness, mystery... and true love bringing life to a lonely soul, all in the backdrop of the great navigations involving the Queen of Portugal herself: how can a reader resist it?
Our own Number Seven has read this new picture book aloud to me countless times since I picked it up at the library last week. She loves it! Perhaps it is because the numbers in the story stop at seven... or more likely it is because the book gives the colors personality and emotion, creating interesting twists to a fun story.
Product Description:
First Communion / First Confession
This is a relatively-recent reprint that combines two older titles by Our Lady's Catechists into a single volume. Please see our individual reviews:
Originally published in 1954. Republished 2022.