What's New
The Catholic Christmas Book of Cherished Christmas Customs
Frankenberg, Robert
I love Christmas. I love all the preparing during Advent, the feasting during Christmas Day itself, and the Catholic and secular traditions surrounding the entire Advent-Christmas-Epiphany cycle. I love reading about Christmas and planning new traditions and dusting off old ones.
I was delighted to find a republished (by Neumann Press) copy of Father Francis Weiser’s classic, The Catholic Christmas Book of Cherished Christmas Customs. Originally published in the 1950s, I can remember Mom reading snippets from this book when I was growing up.
Catholic Heritage Handwriting
It’s often the little things that make a resource stand out from the myriad of great products out there. Maybe it’s color pictures instead of black and white; or maybe it’s the typeface used; or maybe it’s the weight of the paper.
There are many reasons why I like the Catholic Heritage Handwriting series more than the many other options available for practicing writing, spelling, even grammar and punctuation.
The Tripods Attack!
I don’t much care for science fiction books or movies. One of my brothers loved them, spending every Saturday afternoon watching movies on television, checking out every sci-fi thriller from the library and spending his hard-earned dollars to watch, and re-watch, and re-watch the first Star Wars the summer of 1978.
The Sally Series
Helen Sewell
The Sally Books by Elizabeth Coatsworth
Away Goes Sally (pgs 117), Five Bushel Farm (pgs 142), The Fair American (pgs 134), The White Horse (pgs 168), The Wonderful Day (pgs 139)
In our house, we always have at least two read-alouds going: one that I read to the kids during the day and the other in the evening that Dad reads to the kids before bed. We do this year-round, so even in the summer-time we’re doing our read-alouds.
Praying the Rosary with St. Paul
I am happy to review this little book as the prayer of the Rosary is my constant life companion. The book consists of clever selections drawn from the biblical writings of Saint Paul, to illustrate a theme related to the fruit of each of the twenty mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
The preface explains how the apparent conflict between Saint Paul--a saint who never payed the Rosary--and the Rosary is just a superficial one. As both are engulfed in Scripture and the life of Our Lord, both are actually highly compatible.
God's Love Story
Poor Clare Nuns, NM
I am glad to see a reprinting of this marvelous little book. The author listed is the Poor Clare nuns in Roswell, NM, but if I remember correctly it was the wonderful, intelligent and witty Mother Mary Francis, author of the fabulous "The Right to be Merry" who wrote this wonderful story for children. From Genesis to the Ascension and the descent of the Holy Spirit, the book tells the most important story of all in a language that is story-like, children-friendly, and loving.
St. Paul: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics
Our homeschool moms' group met monthly this past year and studied this book from cover to cover. We read aloud Fr. Pacwa's text, looked up and read aloud the bible passages, and discussed the questions posed. We learned a lot about Saint Paul! We did it during the year of Saint Paul, but needless to say this book is perfect for a group at any time, as the life of the great Apostle is always relevant, and speaks to our life any time!
If Not for the Cat
Ted Rand
This is what a picture book should be. A perfect pairing of beautiful text and beautiful illustrations.
I love haiku and Jack Prelutsky's verses are beautiful examples of the form. I love poems that linger, that take up residence in your heart and resonate long after the book is closed. The title poem has made a nest in my ear and sings to me while I'm doing the dishes:
If not for the cat, And the scarcity of cheese, I could be content.It has something of the simplicity and weight that I find so pleasing in William Carlos Williams.
Onions in My Boots
I was very pleased to see Catholic Heritage Curricula offer a new gardening guide, Onions in my Boots by Nancy Nicholson. Onions in My Boots offers basic instructions for gardening at home. It is an easy read and is printed in child friendly font and format, making it well suited for children or their parents. It features sections on preparation and tools, flowers and houseplants, herbs and vegetables. Nicholson emphasizes adaptability, to both location and budget, and in this way makes gardening very accessible. The methods described are simple and practical.