What's New

Made This Way

Book cover: Made This Way
Leila Miller
Trent Horn

This new book by Leila Miller and Trent Horn is an answer to Christian parents' prayers. Which of us hasn't wondered how to talk to our kids about these difficult moral issues or felt overwhelmed at the thought of figuring out how to do it lovingly and without fear? Especially since these issues weren't even on the radar when we were growing up. As the back cover notes:

Persuasive Pro Life

Book cover: Persuasive Pro-Life
Trent Horn

In Persuasive Pro-Life, Trent Horn draws from his extensive experience as both a pro-life advocate and trainer of other advocates to teach us how to be effective advocates for life wherever God has placed us. He covers what to say and how to say it, dos and don'ts, and specific strategies that can effectively persuade. He also shares mistakes he's made and what he's learned from them, which both allows us to benefit from his errors as well as points to the right attitude toward our own inevitable mistakes.

The publisher describes Horn's book this way: