What's New
Did Adam and Eve have Belly Buttons?
Not just a catchy title, "Did Adam & Eve have Belly Buttons?" is an actual question posed by an eighteen-year-old boy. In fact, the whole book is organized around questions from teenagers about the faith. To make it easier to follow, the author has grouped them into twelve categories: God, Creation and Man, Religion and the Bible, Jesus Christ, Catholic Morality, etc.
Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Preaching Beggars
St. Thomas Aquinas
It does not seem adequate to compare it to a TV show but it reminds me of one of those really good PBS documentaries that gets you totally involved in something you didn't ever think was that big a deal.
Schoolhouse in the Woods
A Students' Guide to U.S. History
Catechism on the Real Presence
In September 1965, Pope Paul VI issued the encyclical titled Mysterium Fidei (Mystery of Faith) to provide the faithful with the teachings of the Catholic Church on the doctrine and worship of the Holy Eucharist. The first half of Catechism on the Real Presence is an eloquent question-and-answer catechism that carefully details each of the main points of Mysterium Fidei, cross-referenced to specific paragraphs in the document itself. The latter half of the book contains the entire text of the encyclical itself as a convenient reference.
Catholic Catechism on the Angels
In today's culture, angels are represented on everything from popular television programs to needlecraft projects, but they are rarely portrayed accurately. This little powerhouse of a book sets the record straight on Catholic teaching regarding our "holy helpers". Thorough but concise, it is written for upper high-school students and adults.
The Civil War Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (July 1 – 3, 1863) is a complex, multi-faceted piece of history that would be difficult to understand after reading just one book. If you ever find yourself in the South-Central Pennsylvania, I would recommend a visit. I've been there twice and it's very a moving, historically interesting site.