Picture Books

Building on Nature

The Life of Antoni Gaudí
Rachel Rodríguez
Julie Paschkis
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Henry Holt
Resource Type: 

Like most art students and lovers, I have had mixed feelings about the architecture of Gaudi all my life. When our oldes son visited Barcelona and sent pictures of Gaudi buildings, I planned on learning more about him. Now I find this new and remarkable picture book telling children about a man who was perhaps little understood during his lifetime.

What I find in the warmly-illustrated pages is a likeable man! A devout Catholic, a lover of nature and of poverty, married to his life's hard work. Perhaps his art isn't traditional, in any shape or form, but there is a genuine aspect of Gaudi's work that one can't help being attracted to.

This picture book does a good job of bringing his life and work to young children and it is a fun read aloud, written in the present tense, in poetic lines. The author's note adds important biographical information including the fact that he was a very early recycler, using all sort of discarded materials in his buildings. A list of websites is also listed. I found this list of buildings with photos very useful!

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Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction

Book cover: 'Cathedral: The Story of Its Construction'
David Macaulay
Number of pages: 
80 pages
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
An interesting, fully illustrated (with pen and ink drawings) story of the construction of a Medieval Cathedral. The cathedral in the book and the details of the story are fictional, but are based on details of what we know about the construction of real-life cathedrals. (Among other reasons, this technique makes sense because there probably aren't enough details known about the construction of any one Cathedral to make a book of this sort). In addition to scientific, artistic and architectural details about how flying buttresses work and other technical information, the author provides a glimpse into this significant aspect of Medieval life - how dedicated the townspeople were to the project, how many of those who started the project did not live to its completion (because it took so many years to build), difficulties that would come up in the midst of the construction, etc.

From what he has portrayed in this book, I believe that David Macaulay is trying to be fair to the Church. Unfortunately, there is one significant error with regard to Church teaching - on the first page. The problematic portion reads: "A new cathedral would offer a worthy resting place for the sacred remains of Saint Germain, a knight of the First Crusade whose skull and forefinger had later been sent back from Constantinople by Louis IX. Such relics as these were worshipped by people throughout Europe." I don't think that this error makes the book unusable, but parents should be certain that their children understand that Catholics are not permitted to worship saints relics, statues, images or any other thing or mere human. Worship is reserved for God alone (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). We pray to the Saints and to Our Lady only to ask them to pray and intercede for us because they are so close to God. Statues, images, relics and other sacramentals are not worshipped, but reverenced and venerated (treated with great respect, cherished and even devoutly kissed - even as we may kiss another person or the image of a dead beloved one) because they remind us of God or those who are close to God.
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Catholic Mosaic – Living the Liturgical Year with Literature

An Illustrated Book Study for Catholic Children
Book cover: Catholic Mosaic
Cay Gibson
Margot Davidson (Editor)
Number of pages: 
242 pages
Hillside Education
Grade / Age level: 

The title clearly explains what this book is all about: Gibson took the twelve months of the year, wove in the liturgical celebrations and linked these to marvelous picture books – creating a mosaic of Catholic culture and beautiful literature.

But this book is much more than an annotated book list, although that is included too. Gibson gives suggested questions for you to discuss with your children. She gives suggested copywork – that is, quotes that children memorize or use for handwriting practice. She gives ideas for activities that will reinforce the meaning of the particular book. She helps families to truly live and embrace the wondrous Catholic traditions connected to feast days, liturgical celebrations and other things Catholic.

Some of the books described and linked in this book are Catholic illustrated classics – books like The Weight of a Mass by Josephine Nobisso, Song of the Swallows by Leo Politi and St. George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges are extremely popular with many Catholic parents and children. But Gibson goes beyond the “Catholic classics” and mentions books like The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen (illustrated by Rachel Isadora) and The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and how you can apply Catholic teachings to these books, giving your children a rich and lasting understanding of our Catholic culture.

In total, Gibson integrates FIFTY-TWO illustrated children’s books with the Catholic calendar and Catholic living. Books that cover the Mass, First Communion, various saints and important liturgical seasons are included. In addition, she suggests other books which may also work (but omits questions and activities linked to these “second-string” books some of which unfortunately are out-of-print or hard-to-find).

All the primary books are easily attainable from booksellers; in addition, books by popular authors like Tomie dePaola are usually available at public libraries so as not to strain your book budget too much. However, after seeing these books, you might want to have good copies for your home library. Gibson has selected books not only for the meaning in their words, but also for the beauty of their illustrations. These books could easily be used as an art study in conjunction with the literature, religion and other subjects covered in these books.

Further resources that Gibson gives the reader are suggestions for creating and maintaining a “Liturgical Notebook” throughout the year – a memory scrapbook of this literature-based journey – as well as incorporating some of the traditional Catholic homeschool resources (for example, CHC’s A Year with God or Seton’s Art 1).

Run, don’t walk, to get a copy of this book. I know I sound effusive, but this book is remarkable in its ambitious objective which is stunningly successful. This is one of those homeschooling volumes that needs to be on every Catholic resource shelf – that is, when it’s not being used!

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Chanticleer and the Fox

Book cover: 'Chanticleer and the Fox'
Barbara Cooney
Barbara Cooney
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This is an illustrated, children's adaptation of "The Nun's Priest's Tale" from The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. It's a simple moral tale, reminiscent of Aesop's Fables, with a lesson about the dangers of flattery and pride. A prideful rooster faces danger as he is flattered by a cunning fox. Truly a classic.

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Close to the Wind

The Beaufort Scale
Peter Malone
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Putnam Juvenile
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
Sometimes your casual pick-up-what-looks-good from the library hits jackpot--last week it was one of those instances for us. Close to the Wind by Peter Malone gets very close to being the picture book par excellence. In every aspect, this gem brings the very best of the world of picture books: beautiful, detail-rich illustrations, a captivating story, plenty of educational content, and great use of visual diagrams, side notes and explanatory illustrations. Good picture books, I am always exclaiming, are so helpful in the homeschool. What did we know about the Beaufort Scale before this find? Next to nil. Now, not only we learned about the useful scale that measures wind based on detailed observations, we also learned information on ship-building, sails, the life of sailors, curious entries in sailor's glossary, how many trees are cut down to build a ship, and the sad destiny of many ships after their many years of service.
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Daddy's Lullaby

Book cover: 'Daddy's Lullaby'
Tony Bradman
Jason Cockcroft
Number of pages: 
25 pages
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
Daddy's Lullaby by Tony Bradman, beautifully illustrated by Jason Cockcroft, is a children's storybook about a young dad who comes home late at night to find the baby wide awake in his crib. In his efforts to soothe the baby back to sleep, dad cuddles him in his arms and tours the house with the baby to see all the other sleeping members of the family. When that doesn't work, dad takes the baby downstairs and sings him a soft lullaby about "Daddy will hold you safe from all harm" and "Love you forever--A promise he'll keep." Exhausted from his long week at work, dad falls asleep with the baby nestled in his arms. In the morning, mom and big brother find them still sleeping peacefully. The strength and power of this dad is displayed in his commitment to his family, "let me chase that bad old dream away" and the warmth and the love he has for them with words like "And here's the best mother a baby could have. You're a lucky baby and I'm a lucky dad!" In this day and age of broken homes, this story is a refreshing encouragement to dads about the real meaning of family life. The captivating pictures poignantly illustrate the tenderness and love of this dad for his family.

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Do Re Mi

If You Can Read Music, Thank Guido D'Arezzo
Susan Roth
Number of pages: 
40 pages
Houghton Mifflin
Resource Type: 

A dear blog reader recommended this picture book on the life of Guido d'Arezzo, the Benedictine monk who came up with the system for writing music one thousand years ago–the same system we still use today. I requested it via inter library loan since our library does not own the title.

I liked the way the life of the monks is described, but I wonder about the illustrations... in the book the monks look more like Dominicans in white habit... Honestly, my wish is for the book to be re-ilustrated by another artist! Still, a very nice cultural picture book and... you may not mind the style of the illustrations!

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First reviewed: 
November 30, 2009


Book cover: 'Easter'
Fiona French
Number of pages: 
28 pages
Ignatius Press
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
A gorgeous presentation of the Easter story! Fiona French tells the story in twelve stained glass tableaux: the entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the betrayal in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus judged before Pilate, the scourging at the pillar, the carrying of the cross, the crucifixion, taking him from the cross and laying him in the tomb, the resurrection, meeting with doubting Thomas, the loaves and fishes by the Sea of Tiberius, the Ascension into heaven. The images are inspired by stained glass in the English cathedrals of Ely, Lincoln, York,and Canterbury and are rich in traditional details. The effect is rather more like guiding a child on a tour of a church, examining the artwork and explicating it than reading a story of Jesus' life. Which is a plus for me as I love the didactic art in old churches. I especially adore stained glass and love the way French uses its conventions. The text is taken from the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament, though I think it is edited some. This isn't the full text of the Gospel, just short passages of a paragraph or two that caption the picture. I like that it doesn't water down the Biblical language with too-simple paraphrases and yet doesn't overwhelm with too much text either. My three-year old is quite captivated by this book asking for it to be read again and again and pointing to the pictures and requesting further explanations of the images.
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