The Mitchells
Canadian Summer
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Canadian Summer continues the story of the Mitchell Family (this is the second book in the series) several years after World War II. Baby Catherine has joined the family. Father is back from the war and has moved to Quebec for his job. He has difficulty finding housing for the family, but finally makes arrangements and sends Mother, Granny and the children up on the train. Upon arriving, the ladies are shocked to find that accomodations consist of a remote ski cabin lacking electricity or running water. Doctors and stores are many miles away and transportation is nearly impossible. Wild animals and a big lake worry Mother, but intrigue the children. Of course they discover the pleasures and difficulties of rural life and have many interesting and humorous adventures.
Hilda Van Stockum is a gifted storyteller whose motherly (and grandmotherly) experience is evident in all of her books. The little details and stories, so grounded in the truth and reality of large loving families, are just plain wonderful. These books are highly recommended.
Hilda Van Stockum is a gifted storyteller whose motherly (and grandmotherly) experience is evident in all of her books. The little details and stories, so grounded in the truth and reality of large loving families, are just plain wonderful. These books are highly recommended.
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Friendly Gables
Grade / Age level:
Friendly Gables is the final book in the Mitchell's Series and our favorite of the bunch.The family has recently settled into a large, comfortable house in Quebec. Mother has just given birth to twins and a cranky nurse comes to help. The children are adjusting to life in Canada - including French schools and a boy who's itching to pick a fight with "Yankee" boys.
Six-year old Timmy has my children in fits of laughter every time they hear about the toothache in his tummy and his exclaims of "Good News!" They are enchanted by the Mitchell's story-telling games, their secret-hideaway in the attic and their twin baby brothers. There are of course many humorous adventures and many wonderful tidbits about family life. Despite frustrations and set-backs, in the end they see that kindness is the best policy.
This is the kind of story that we pick up when we're having a bad day, read a chapter or two aloud, and feel much better afterwards.
Six-year old Timmy has my children in fits of laughter every time they hear about the toothache in his tummy and his exclaims of "Good News!" They are enchanted by the Mitchell's story-telling games, their secret-hideaway in the attic and their twin baby brothers. There are of course many humorous adventures and many wonderful tidbits about family life. Despite frustrations and set-backs, in the end they see that kindness is the best policy.
This is the kind of story that we pick up when we're having a bad day, read a chapter or two aloud, and feel much better afterwards.
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