Study Questions for To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

We are unable to supply an answer key to these study questions. Original thought is looked for in answering many of these questions for which there is no "one right answer". We hope these questions will assist parents in discussing the book with their children. Those who haven't read the book themselves could still discuss these questions and ideas in a general way with their children, have their children discuss it with others who have read the book, or seek summaries of the book online to better understand it.

1. From whose point of view is this story told? Why do you think the author chose this character instead of Jem?

2. How does Jem look on his father early in the book? (give at least one example) Does his view seem to change by the end? If so, how?

3. Who is Mrs. Dubose? Why do the children hate her so? When Atticus realizes how angry Jem is over Mrs. Dubose's comments, he says: "You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it's your job not to let her make you mad." What does this comment tell you about Atticus's character and how he tried to raise his children? How did the children end up helping Mrs. Dubose?

4. In chapter 11, Atticus and Scout briefly discuss why he feels he must defend Tom Robinson. Atticus says, "The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience." Explain what he means by this and how this belief causes conflict for him within the community.

5. How was the Finch's family life different than others they knew? How did other people view the way their father was raising them? What do you think of Atticus Finch as a father?

6. Who was Tom Robinson and how did he find himself on trial for his life? Why did Mayella accuse Tom Robinson of rape? Why did the community overwhelming accept Mayella's accusation? Why was Tom Robinson's case so hopeless? What did it say about the judge that he asked Atticus Finch to represent Tom Robinson?

7. What is the meaning of the title of the book? Why is it a sin to kill a mockingbird? Who is the mockingbird in the book? (Feel free to mention more than one if you think it appropriate). Given this title, what do you think the author would consider to be the most important point of the book?

8. What do you think this book might teach parents about raising children in difficult times and under difficult circumstances?

Extra: Saint Thomas More was a great man who gave his life rather than go against his conscience. Try to rent the movie "A Man for All Seasons" (the 1966 version starring Paul Scofield is better than the later one). Discuss the similarities between Atticus Finch and Saint Thomas More

Study questions by Alicia Van Hecke.