"Why do I need to learn long division? I'll never use it. I can just use a calculator."
"Well, your calculator might run out of batteries."
"But I'd get a solar-powered calculator."
"What if it broke?"
"I'd buy a new one."
"What if it broke when you were stuck in the middle of the desert?"
"Why would I need to do long division if I was in the middle of a desert????"
Don't get stuck in this trap.
Studying long division is exercise for your brain: it helps to develop strength, endurance, coordination and flexibility. It's an exercise in complex thinking and develops problem-solving strategies. Understanding how it works is essential for later math studies. Learning long division develops real life skills that will apply to other studies and decisions. Don't let a calculator get in the way!
Further Information:
Ditch the Calculators by Diane Hunsaker