I consider familiarity with the Bible a high priority in my children's education. I've been frustrated with many of the children's Bibles (although they certainly have their place and are useful) because they don't contain all the stories I like, they contain too much "additional information", etc. For this reason, I've decided to make a list of the major stories of the Bible and where they can be found in a real Bible to make it easier for me to read these stories to my children. I recommend the Douay Rheims or the Revised Standard Version - Catholic Edition. This page will be under construction for some time.
The Old Testament
The Story of Creation - Genesis 1
God rested on the seventh day - Genesis 2:1-3
God created man and woman - Genesis 2:4-25
The serpent tempts the woman, the fall - Genesis 3:1-7
Punishment - Genesis 3:8-24
Cain and Abel - Genesis 4:1-16
Noah's Ark - Genesis 6, 7, 8, 9:1-19
The Tower of Babel - Genesis 11:1-9
The New Testament
The Life of Christ
Conception of John the Baptist - Luke 1:5-25
The Annunciation (The Angel Gabriel appears to Mary) - Luke 1:26-38
The Visitation (Mary Visits her Cousin Elizabeth) - Luke 1:39-56
The Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1:57-80
The Nativity (The Birth of Jesus) - Luke 2:1-20, Matt. 1:18-25
The Visit of the Wise Men - Matt. 2:1-12
The Slaughter of the Holy Innocents - Matt. 2:16-18