Author(s): Ingri & Edgar Parin D'AulaireNumber of pages: 60 pagesCopyright: 1936ISBN: 9780964380318Publisher: Beautiful Feet BooksBinding: Softcover Subject(s): BiographiesSetting: American Revolution EraUnited StatesGrade / Age level: ElementaryReview: It is just like the D'Aulaire's to create a story (complete with beautiful full-color illustrations) that would be interesting and appealing to small children and yet teach more about the character and upbringing of "the Father of Our Country" than most textbooks. The story covers our First President's early childhood – growing up in Colonial America – his adventures (and character) as a young officer during the French and Indian War and, of course, his role in the American Revolution and as president. Reviewed by: Alicia Van HeckeFirst reviewed: 1998-99