The Phantom Tollbooth

Book cover: 'The Phantom Tollbooth'
Norton Juster
Number of pages: 
272 pages
Grade / Age level: 
This rather ordinary-looking book is a genuine treasure! It is the story of a bored little boy who has a mysterious tollbooth suddenly appear in his bedroom one day. He goes through the tollbooth, mostly because there is nothing better to do at that present moment. Well, a thoroughly entertaining adventure awaits our young friend, Milo. The novel is a romp through the lands of numbers and letters, the former ruled by the Mathemagician, of course! The plot is Milo's quest to rescue the princesses of Rhyme and Reason, but the fun and enjoyment is in reading about Milo's adventures along the way. This book is sure to captivate readers of all ages, from five years old to adult. It is a wonderful family read-aloud. Highly recommended. Look for it at your local library, or consider purchasing a copy of The Phantom Tollbooth. It's a classic that is sure to be re-read.

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