This third collection in the series features the stories of ten more converts. As with the previous collections, these make great reading for those inquiring into the Catholic faith. Each story also invites those of us already blessed to be Catholic to a deeper understanding of our own Faith in areas in which many struggle, such as: materialism and doubts about the supernatural, answering the challenge to seek the truth, marriage and sexuality, and separated groups ranging from anti-Catholic Protestants to "More Catholic than the Pope." It never fails to amaze me how many different routes there are to the one Truth.
Well-known Catholic writers Carl Olson, Fr. Dwight Longenecker, and Pete Vere are among the converts and reverts in this volume.
This particular set of stories includes one, entitled "Sex, Lies, and the Catholic Church," that parents may want to preview before giving it to their children to read. As the title indicates, issues of sexuality are raised, specifically contraception, cohabitation, premarital sex, sterilization, and adultery. Another story ("More Catholic Than the Pope" no More) mentions the writer's previous involvement in satanism. I consider the book appropriate for mature teens and adults.