Teaching Montessori in the Home

Elizabeth G. Hainstock
Number of pages: 
177 pages

This book is filled with simple Montessori learning activities and techniques for young children (2 - 5 yrs. or so). Included are instructions for making the materials very simply and inexpensively. For example we made some very nice picture cards by cutting photographs out of magazines, catalogs, etc. I attached them to index cards with contact paper.
One of the most valuable things I gained from using this book is a method called the "three period lesson" which I've found useful for teaching many things. I'll use the example of picture flashcards to explain it. The first step is to show the child the picture and tell them it's name. The second is to have the child point out a particular picture out of a small group. (e.g. where is the dog?). The third is to point to a picture and ask the child what it's name is. You won't use all three steps in the very beginning, but observe the child so you know when they are ready to proceed to the next step. It sounds very simple, but you might be surprised how easy it is to expect your child to know something he hasn't yet been introduced to. This method presents a very straightforward way to keep yourself from skipping steps.

Additional notes: 
Note from the Webmaster: Since this review was written, the book was essentially split into two separate books, subtitled: The Preschool Years and The School Years. I have not personally seen the new volumes, but I'm under the impression that the content has remained essentially the same.
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