Sample Pages from [em]A Catholic How-to-Draw[/em] by Sara Johnson and Kelly Hudson

Here are a couple of samples of the lovely illustrations in this edition of the D'Aulaires' classic book.
Excerpted from Abraham Lincoln. Please see our review page for full copyright information.
St. Martin of Tours by Sister Mary Margaret, S.N.D.
(from the American Cardinal Readers, Book Five, pgs. 247-249)
"God of the Christians." Our Lord rewarded him by letting him find Christian teachers who taught him the Catholic faith. He became the bihsop of Tours and as a saint is honored as one of the apostles of France.
When Martin was a young man, he was sent to France with his regiment, for his pagan father had forced him to become a soldier in the Roman army. He believed in Christ,a nd tried to live a good life for His sake, so that even his pagan fellow-soldiers noticed how different he was from themselves; but he had not yet received Baptism, and was still but a catechumen. One cold winter's day, as his troop of cavalry came rattling down one of the old streets of Amiens, a poor old beggar, crouching by the roadside, the icy wind fluttering his rags about, held out his hands and cried for alms. Martin's heart was touched as usual, but having no money left to give, he took off his military cloak, cut it in half with his sword, and wrapped the warm folds about the shivering old man. The other soldiers laughed, but Martin rode on, happy to have been able to serve Christ's poor.
That night he received a wonderful grace in a dream. He saw Our Lord in heaven, surrounded with the angels. Upon Our Lord's shoulders was Martin's half cloak! "Martin," He said, "dost thou know this mantle?" Then turning to the angels, He added, "Martin, still only a catechumen, hath clothed me with this garment."
When St. Martin awoke he was very happy to think Our Lord had taken the kindness as done to Himself; but he also felt there was a gentle reproof in His words, for not yet having received Baptism. It was very difficult during his time of military service, but nevertheless he went to the priests and asked to be baptized.
Shortly after the left the army. He was so happy in his faith that he even succeeded in converting his mother.
Study Suggestions:
Questions on the Text. In this short story is told an incident in the life of St. Martin of Tours. Read it silently.
1. How did Martin happen to be a soldier in the Roman army? 2. In a brief paragraph relate the incident of Martin's meeting with the poor old beggar. 3. How did God reward Martin for his charity? 4. Whom did he succeed in converting later in his life? 5. Locate Tours on a map of France.
Words to Study. Catechumen; reproof.
The Blessed Virgin by William Wordsworth
(from the American Cardinal Readers, Book Eight, pg. 114)
Mother! whose virgin bosom was uncrost
With the least shade of thought to sin allied;
Woman! above all women glorified,
Our tainted nature's solitary boast;
Purer than foam on central ocean tost;
Brighter than eastern skies at daybreak strewn
With fancied roses, than the unblemished moon
Before her wane begins on heaven's blue coast;
Thy Image falls to earth. Yet some, I ween,
Not unforgiven the suppliant knee might bend,
As to a visible Power, in which did blend
All that was mixed and reconciled in Thee
Of mother's love with maiden purity,
Of high with low, celestial with terrene!