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Catholic Mosaic – Living the Liturgical Year with Literature

An Illustrated Book Study for Catholic Children
Book cover: Catholic Mosaic
Cay Gibson
Margot Davidson (Editor)
Number of pages: 
242 pages
Hillside Education
Grade / Age level: 

The title clearly explains what this book is all about: Gibson took the twelve months of the year, wove in the liturgical celebrations and linked these to marvelous picture books – creating a mosaic of Catholic culture and beautiful literature.

But this book is much more than an annotated book list, although that is included too. Gibson gives suggested questions for you to discuss with your children. She gives suggested copywork – that is, quotes that children memorize or use for handwriting practice. She gives ideas for activities that will reinforce the meaning of the particular book. She helps families to truly live and embrace the wondrous Catholic traditions connected to feast days, liturgical celebrations and other things Catholic.

Some of the books described and linked in this book are Catholic illustrated classics – books like The Weight of a Mass by Josephine Nobisso, Song of the Swallows by Leo Politi and St. George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges are extremely popular with many Catholic parents and children. But Gibson goes beyond the “Catholic classics” and mentions books like The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen (illustrated by Rachel Isadora) and The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and how you can apply Catholic teachings to these books, giving your children a rich and lasting understanding of our Catholic culture.

In total, Gibson integrates FIFTY-TWO illustrated children’s books with the Catholic calendar and Catholic living. Books that cover the Mass, First Communion, various saints and important liturgical seasons are included. In addition, she suggests other books which may also work (but omits questions and activities linked to these “second-string” books some of which unfortunately are out-of-print or hard-to-find).

All the primary books are easily attainable from booksellers; in addition, books by popular authors like Tomie dePaola are usually available at public libraries so as not to strain your book budget too much. However, after seeing these books, you might want to have good copies for your home library. Gibson has selected books not only for the meaning in their words, but also for the beauty of their illustrations. These books could easily be used as an art study in conjunction with the literature, religion and other subjects covered in these books.

Further resources that Gibson gives the reader are suggestions for creating and maintaining a “Liturgical Notebook” throughout the year – a memory scrapbook of this literature-based journey – as well as incorporating some of the traditional Catholic homeschool resources (for example, CHC’s A Year with God or Seton’s Art 1).

Run, don’t walk, to get a copy of this book. I know I sound effusive, but this book is remarkable in its ambitious objective which is stunningly successful. This is one of those homeschooling volumes that needs to be on every Catholic resource shelf – that is, when it’s not being used!

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Catholic Prayer Book for Children

Book cover: Catholic Prayer Book for Children
Julianne M. Will
Number of pages: 
64 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Sewn Hardcover

This is a very nice children's prayer book illustrated with full-color cartoon-like pictures. The book includes:

  • Traditional prayers like the Hail Mary, Our Father and Morning Offering
  • Prayers of the Saints, like Prayer of Saint Francis and Breastplate of St. Patrick
  • Prayers and Mysteries of the Rosary (including the Luminous mysteries)
  • Psalms from the Bible
  • Some special prayers written just for children
  • Gentle invitations for children to talk to God in their own words too.
  • A segment on "Going to Confession" which includes instructions as well as prayers
  • "Stuff Every Catholic Kid Should Know" like Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy and the Ten Commandments
  • "Prayers from the Mass"
I was pleased to see that the Scripture Citations are from the Revised Standard Version: Catholic Edition (the best modern translation of the Bible). This book is particularly well-suited for a First Communion or Birthday gift for a godchild or for parishes or Catholic organizations to give as gifts to First Communicants. It would be nice to put such an attractive and substantial booklet in the hands of every child (so many Catholic children grow up without understanding many of the basics covered by this book). The publisher has made this more feasible by offering it in softcover at such a reasonable price of under four dollars!
Additional notes: 

Also available in softcover

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Catholic Saints Prayer Book

Moments of Inspiration from Your Favorite Saints
Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle
Number of pages: 
80 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Sewn Hardcover
Catholic Saints Prayer Book is a small format, handsomely bound in sewn hardcover and printed in high quality, decorated paper. This little treasure will make a great gift any time of the year. Thirty-two saints, from Saint Anne to Saint Thomas More, are described, quoted and invoked in intercessory prayer. The traditional illustrations complement the beauty of this little book. The text reflects the teachings of the Catholic Church and our rich traditions! The prayers are write in colloquial style and yet still reverent and respectful.
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Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls

Book Cover: 'Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls, vol 1'
Number of pages: 
140 pages
Neumann Press
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

These charming readers, which are appropriate for a second grade reading level, contain "stories written and compiled in days long past by Catholic nuns in America and dedicated to Mary the Mother of God our dear Lady of the Miraculous Medal." My second grader (who is somewhat advanced in reading level) enjoyed these very much and polished off all four volumes in the first week of school - including one book which she read straight through without putting it down (she requested that I include that detail in the review). She really loves the small size and the beauty of the books themselves and has read them over and over.

I thought it was nice how the stories were so often inter-related as many of them were about the Sisters of Charity and some of their pupils, the founder St. Vincent de Paul, and other related saints, including St. Catherine Laboure and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. The books introduced my daughter to these saints and others (including St. Isaac Jogues and St. Edmund Campion) and she is now planning on working her way through the Vision Books and Mary Fabyan Windeatt titles about these saints.

The books would offer some good reading practice, a little more appealing than the older Catholic reading texts, while promoting Catholic virtues and tidbits from history. The numerous illustrations are black and white silhouette-like drawings.

Because the books were written for younger children many decades ago, they do display a slight amount of "twaddle" in a few places, along the lines of "'Tick, tock, tick, tock,' said the schoolroom clock as it looked down on the children reading and writing. It liked the French country children." Fortunately, most of the stories are not written in this style. Some parents don't like the way that souls are described as "black" or "white" instead of "in the state of sin" or "in the state of grace" because of the confusing connotations with regard to ethnic background (this also comes up in the Treasure Box Books). Also, although I don't think the authors intended it to come across this way, there is one story in the fourth book which appears to condone one boy beating up another for calling his brother a thief and for cursing. If I remember right, all of these possible objections are limited to the same story in the fourth book ("The Flowery Kingdom" starting on page 45).

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4 volumes, 140 pages each

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Catholic Traditions in Crafts

Book cover: 'Catholic Traditions in Crafts'
Ann Ball
Number of pages: 
189 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 
This book includes 23 pages of Crafts relating to Christmas. There really isn't an Advent segment, but as Advent is a time for preparing for Christmas, it is certainly an appropriate time to make crafts for Christmas. Mrs. Ball explains that it would certainly be possible to write an entire book on crafts for Christmas, but that here she is providing only a sampling. Some projects you'll find include: Luminarias (a variation on the paper bag variety that are safer, longer lasting and more intricate), a special Christmas tree filled with Christian symbols, German Cookie Ornaments, Ukranian Straw Ornaments, Crochet-Edged photo ornaments, Lacy Snowflakes, Potpourri Pie, Photo Earrings, and Christmas Card Sachets. Where appropriate, the author explain the religious background or significance of projects and each project includes detailed instructions and a black and white photo.

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This book was donated for review by St. Gabriel Gift and Book Nook

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Catholic World Culture

Book cover: 'Catholic World Culture'
Number of pages: 
124 pages
Seton Press
Resource Type: 
This book is sold as a 7th/8th grade history text, but with the addition of some outline maps and a little imagination it could easily serve as an introduction to world geography.

When I first saw Catholic World Culture it appeared to be a rather dry and boring book, but after reading a few paragraphs I was convinced that it would hold my children's attention and excite them about the Faith and history. My oldest son told me that he found it interesting and inspiring, as well as a great source for trivia with which he could impress his friends (a humble child as you can imagine.)

Each of the 30 chapters in this 124 page full color book focus on a specific country, Catholic personality or event. Some of the topics covered include: "The Artist of Mysteries" (da Vinci/Italy), "God Alone Sufficeth" (St. Teresa of Avila/Spain), "Martyrs and Miracles (The Netherlands), "Conversions in the North" (Scandinavia). The chapters end with "Thinking Over" prompts which lead to several interesting discussions in our family.

We attempted to use this as part of a chronological history program and it just did not work, but as part of a geography or religion program or as a supplement to history it was ideal. Best suited for 8th-12th.

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Catholic World History Timeline and Guide

Book cover: 'Catholic World History Timeline and Guide'
Marcia Neill
Number of pages: 
291 pages
Marcia Neill
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This book/kit contains colorful strips of paper printed with the years that can be affixed to a wall-mounted (or board-mounted) timeline. The book provides a chart for how to arrange all the strips of paper so that there is enough room for the hundreds of black and white images of people and events which will comprise the bulk of the timeline. These images are taken from older books and can be "colorized" for a nicer appearance (and a fun project). The images are printed on very heavy cardstock which makes up about half of the very thick spiral bound book. The first half of the book (which, as might be expected, is printed on ordinary white paper rather than cardstock) offers chronological listings (with references to the illustrations, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible) of the people and events for use during construction of the timeline and for reference during history studies. The material covers a lot of detail about Biblical events and people, significant events and people from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, extensive details about the life of Christ and the early church, saints, church councils, heresies, prominent popes, Roman emperors, cultural highlights, battles, major kings and dynasties, crusades, great authors, great works of art and architecture, important explorers, and more. There are separate sections in the book timeline for U.S. Presidents and the Popes to make the book easier to use, but they are designed to be blended into the same timeline for your family.

The front of the book includes some rather extensive lists of recommended Catholic history texts, supplemental history reading and recommended websites.

The package is rather expensive, but many families are finding that, because it is a resource for the whole family that the investment was a worthwhile one. Personally, I very seldom purchase items in this price range (approximately $100). I have to admit that, in addition to using the images for our family's timeline (although we didn't do it exactly the way recommended in the book) I find myself using the reference timeline portion of the book very frequently. It's definitely not a book that will just get left on the shelf!

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