No name

Saving Private Ryan

Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Saving Private Ryan is the story of a band of soldiers in World War II who are assigned to find and send home Private James Ryan who is missing and whose three brothers were all killed in action within a short period of time (at or around the time of the Invasion of Normandy). The men struggle with what they see as a wasteful public relations assignment - particularly hard to deal with after their horrific and bloody experiences on D-Day. In the midst of this task, the movie portrays a number of the very difficult kinds of situations that soldiers were forced to deal with - simple danger, dealing with civilians, feelings of vengeance for a fallen "brother", and other ethical and moral difficulties.

In many senses, this is a great movie. Unlike most World War II movies (which seem to either glorify war or have an anti-war theme), this movie attempts to portray accurately what it was like to be a soldier during World War II. There is a great deal of truth portrayed in the movie about the difficulties ordinary men faced amidst the evils and horrors of war. I thought it interesting that Deal Hudson, editor of Crisis magazine, has credited this movie with a revival of patriotism, interest in World War II and general appreciation of the World War II generation among young people of today. However, this is a very difficult movie to make any kind of general recommendation about because the violence (particularly the storming of the beaches of Normandy) is very intense and bloody, however accurate . There are also questions of language and a few mild-to-moderately risque stories told by the soldiers. Overall, I would recommend this only to adults with a fairly strong stomach (although some of the scenes could be edited with the fast-forward button for the more sensitive types) and suggest that parents should decide for themselves whether or not to permit their older teens to watch it.

Cast: Tom Hanks, Matt Damon, et al.

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2 hours 49 minutes, Rated R (Violence)

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Saving Sweetness

Diane Stanley
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Putnam Juvenile3
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This delightful little story is the first of two Texas 'small tales'. Sweetness, the tiniest orphan, is aptly named which is one reason why the good-hearted but somewhat clueless sheriff can't resist her. The story is told in Texas twang entirely from the sheriff's point of view, but the clever illustrations provide a broader picture and add to the fun. There are elements of adventure, danger, cruelty, humor, justice, and goodness, all culminating in generous, fatherly love. What more could you want?
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Saxon Math

A Saxon Math book
John Saxon
Stephen Hake
Number of pages: 
141 pages
Saxon Publishers
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

I have friends who have used Saxon for years and are very, very happy with it. Saxon's circular pattern and constant review is exactly what they love about it. However, it was this circular pattern that caused problems for us. The way Saxon works (someone please correct me if I'm off base here) is that it introduces a new concept in increments, the child works a set of problems that teach a new concept, then spends the rest of the lesson reviewing previously learned concepts. The next day, another new concept may be introduced with a few problems and then review of previous concepts including a problem or two from yesterday. Then further on in the book the first concept learned will be expanded upon and the review continues from there.

The reason Saxon didn't work for us was that it didn't spend enough time on a concept for her to fully grasp it and once she had mastered a concept the constant daily review irritated her. So, we had many days with either a totally frustrated child that thought she was dumb because she "didn't get it" or grumpy because she already knew how to do it and didn't see the value of doing it again and again. As you can see it could very well be a personality thing. We discovered that Torie learns better in "chunks", i.e.. learn a concept, work on it until it is mastered, then move on.

Additional notes: 

All the basic problem solving material and techniques are there - this is the whole rationale for the series. What it lacks is the founding principle that math is knowledge which is worthy of possessing for its own sake. Thus, it will fall short in depth. Practically speaking, it WILL prepare them for standardized tests - best at the lower grades. (Michael Van Hecke - headmaster of St. Augustine Academy in Ventura, California, and homeschool father)

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Saxon Math 2

Nancy Larson
Number of pages: 
40 pages
Saxon Publishing
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Saxon 2 covers the arithmetic topics of addition and subtraction of one and two digit numbers and simple multiplication and division as well as the related topics of patterns, graphing, time, measurement, money, geometry and estimating. Although it uses manipulatives it is not a "manipulatives-based" program.

Each day's lesson begins with oral exercises called "The Meeting" during which use of a calendar, counting, time, money, and patterns are practiced. The actual lessons follow and are completely scripted in the teachers edition. They are designed for four days of new material and one day of review. Math facts are practiced every day as well, using flash cards provided with the kit and fact sheet drills in the workbook.

The beauty of Saxon is repetition. Concepts are introduced and then reinforced over and over again. In Saxon 2 there are games, art projects and physical activites as part of the lessons which provide a break from strict pencil and paper work. My children had been doing a strictly manipulative based math program previously so I thought they wouldn't like Saxon, but they love it. I believe it is because of the variety of activities.

One drawback to Saxon is the price which is close to $100.00 for the homestudy kit. The kit includes a teacher's manual, workbook, meeting book and cardboard manipulatives and flash cards. It can be found in discount catalogs or used from fellow homeschoolers. It requires a set of manipulatives which can be purchased separately at teacher supply stores or as a kit from the source given by Saxon and various homeschool catalogs.

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Schiller Math

Kit 1 for 4-8 year olds
Schiller Math Kit
Larry Schiller
Grade / Age level: 
This is an impressive, complete, scripted, Montessori-based Math program. Though it's not 100% purist Montessori (for example, some of the manipulatives will provide changes in color and shape at the same time, where Montessori was very fussy about only working with one attribute at a time), I think it does a really nice job of incorporating her most critical ideas. I think it's a perfect fit for those who want to start with something really well-organized (such as those who appreciate Saxon's completeness), but wish to aim for a more holistic approach or are working with a child that might be struggling with learning challenges or unconventional learning styles. I was particularly impressed with how the materials helps the parent determine how much the child will need to work in each area. Note: The scripted lines are included in the workbooks. The books are workbook in format, but carefully make use of (and include explanations of) the Montessori philosophy throughout. The kit includes workbooks, answer guides and manipulatives for grades K-4. The manipulatives are quite nice for "inexpensive" products (in comparison with those you can purchase for starting up a Montessori school). The bulk of the expense of the kit is for the books. Some of the manipulatives are inexpensive and readily available at teacher supply stores, where others are custom made for Schiller, like the "numbers bank", a lovely set of numbers in a wooden box (with sliding lid) that helps teach place value (my kids have really enjoyed using this!). Scripted programs are not for everyone. They tell you exactly what to say at each point, which are helpful for some parents and annoying to others. The best way to more thoroughly understand the program offered here is to visit their website where you can view pdfs of all the materials included, sample pages and more: While this particular kit is intended for grades K-3, Schiller also has Math materials available for grades 4-7. The K-3 kit is quite expensive (about $500), but includes a large box of books and materials (including a CD of math songs to accompany the program), plus 5 years of free downloads of consumables - to cover younger siblings. Keep an eye on their website for discounts and sales which seem to come up frequently.
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Schindler's List

Universal Studios
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This is a remarkable movie and the heart of the story is very beautiful. Two stories are intertwined. The first is simply the story of the persecution of the Jews by the Nazis during World War II. The second is the story of Oskar Schindler, a German businessman, determined to profit from the war by hiring Jews as cheap laborers. He is a womanizer, living the high life through in spite of the suffering around him. Steven Spielberg has artfully combined these themes by contrasting Schindler with the Nazi Commandant he interacts with and by the positive changes that develop in Schindler even as the evils of the Holocaust grow.

The movie is available (probably at your local library) on two video tapes. The first tape basically sets up the story of the Holocaust and how brutal it was. I understand that Spielberg thought this was important because he had become aware that many people today don't believe the Holocaust actually happened. There is a great deal of gore, nudity and other difficult content. Given the desensitization in our culture to gore and violence in movies in general, Spielberg may have felt that a graphic and realistic portrayal was necessary. I personally don't believe it is necessary to see all of this in order to grasp the importance of the story (particularly since most of my readers probably have no doubts about the reality of the Holocaust). I also don't think it's particularly healthy - spiritually or psychologically if you will - to plant such images in the imagination - particularly for young people. I suggest skipping this entire first tape.

The second tape focuses on the story of Oscar Schindler and how he rescued over a thousand Jews from certain death in the Nazi concentration camps. Even though it is milder in content than the first tape, it still contains some offensive/mature/objectionable content. Parents should definitely preview it before considering it for more mature high schoolers. Even then, it would probably be reasonable to edit certain portions with the fast-forward button. The ending is amazing and very powerful as we see the dramatic change in Schindler's character, his return to his wife and the Faith and, especially, his overpowering realization of the value of human life.

Despite the graphic scenes, the morals offered by the story in its entirety are good. I'm appreciative of Spielberg's acknowledgments within the story that Schindler's Catholic faith is connected with his good deeds.

For those who don't want to tackle this rather difficult movie, the story of Oskar Schindler is also told in A Place to Hide: True Stories of Holocaust Rescues by Jayne Pettit

Additional notes: 

Rated R, 197 minutes, Black and White

Director: Steven Spielberg, Starring: Liam Neeson, Ralph Fiennes

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Schola Latina

Ken Stephenson
Number of pages: 
156 pages

After several challenging years of teaching beginning Latin to my elementary-grade children, I have finally found exactly the book that I wish I had had available from the beginning. Not only is this book classical in orientation and Christian in content, but it is also very well-organized and easy to use. This program can be begun as early as third grade by a motivated student with excellent reading fluency and some grammar knowledge, but it will be beneficial for a beginning Latin student of any age.

Schola Latina offers some unique features that make it stand apart from other Latin programs that are available. First, the vocabulary is immediately useful and relevant to the student. In the Preface, the author states, "When a present-day American child learns French (or English, for that matter), she begins by learning the names of the objects around her in the house. But when she starts Latin, she begins by learning military terms she's expected to come across in Caesar four years down the line. ... It was my goal that every word in the vocabulary list could be used in simple, natural sentences as the students learned the rudiments of grammar." Another very motivating feature is the variety of puzzles designed to drill the reading, writing, and spelling of the vocabulary words. This unique, painless spelling emphasis has an immediate benefit in the spelling of English derivatives as well. A third feature is the conversational practice in each lesson. Not only will the student practice the infamous Latin mottoes and lovely biblical phrases, he will also learn to say "Merry Christmas!", and "My head aches!"

Each of the twenty-four lessons includes five teaching sections and five clearly-marked daily assignments. The teaching sections follow this pattern: a famous Latin saying, a practice conversation, new vocabulary words with a few questions that require critical thinking, Latin grammar with English grammar review and comparison, and a history summary keyed to Famous Men of Rome. The Famous Men book is not required to use this course, but it will be a very useful addition to extend the history lesson. The daily assignments vary from day to day and week to week, but they all are very easy to use and work to reinforce the new material while reviewing previous lessons. Activities include oral recitations, written work on derivatives and history, and puzzles and translation practice; each lesson concludes with a reminder for the student's parent to check their work. The student's text also includes a pronunciation guide, a glossary (both English-to-Latin and Latin-to-English), a listing of Latin numbers, and several songs in Latin.

A Teacher's Manual is also available and highly recommended. It includes the full text of the student's pages, with the correct answers included, as well as specific teaching notes. The teaching notes describe potential difficult areas, suggest additional practices, and remind the teacher about the chants and forms to drill.

Further information and sample pages are available at the author's website noted below. I'm very excited about this Latin course, and I'm looking forward to using the second book in the series next year!

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Science 4 for Young Catholics

Book cover: 'Science 4 for Young Catholics'
Dr. Gregory Townsend
Number of pages: 
250 pages
Seton Press
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

This 4th grade science textbook is nicely laid out and easy to use. Each chapter begins with a brief biography of a famous Catholic scientist, like Copernicus, Mendel and Pasteur, followed by four literal comprehension questions. The goals of the chapter and an outline are also provided at the beginning of each chapter. Interspersed among the text of the chapters are experiments, activities, and review questions. There are also review study pages at the end of the chapter.

Since it is a Catholic text, the author inserts things to think about which are distinctly Christian. For example, in the chapter about plants, the text offers an explanation of the plant dying to release a seed. There is a picture of a Crucifix on the page and an accompanying caption explains, " . . .a flower dying to produce a seed reminds us of how Jesus suffered and died in order that we might have new life."

The topics covered in this course are The Heavens; The Earth, Moon and Space; Oceans, Weather and Climate; Water and Material Things; Machines; Living Things; The Wonder of Man; and Health. Many states require a health component and this last chapter handily takes care of that requirement.

The topics are arranged in the order of creation, which is great for religion, but not necessarily good for the study of science. If done that way, the student starts with things which are least known to him (the heavens), instead of those things which are most known. However, most secular science texts also start with things least known, like cells. A significant drawback to the text is that there are few if any true "thinking" questions. The questions for review are all explicitly literal comprehension. Even the experiments and activities do not ask the student to reflect about what he has observed or to draw conclusions. That seems to leave out a very important element in the study of science.

If supplemented with discussion and hands on activities, this could be a useful text because of the information it provides. The chapters do not rely or build upon one another, so you could teach the topics in any order you choose.

The 2012 and later editions feature updated and improved full-color illustrations as well as a new glossary and index. With the first edition (from 1999), some of our reviewers had concerns about some "cheesy" illustrations (such as a cartoonish picture of a sun with sunglasses in the astronomy section). We are happy to update our review to reflect that this is no longer an issue.

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See How I Grow

Book cover: See How I Grow
Angela Wilkes
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Dorling Kindersley
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

This well-worn book has been kicked-around, chewed on and well-loved by my young children since my second oldest received it for Christmas just before the birth of his new baby sister (he was two at the time). The book is a photo-story of the author's daughter as she grows from a new baby to an active toddler. Each two-page shows a number of pictures of the baby doing whatever she does best at that given age. It's a very simple idea, although with my adult fussiness I would only complain that the pages are a bit busy and I sometimes wonder if my very young children understand that all the pictures are of the same baby.

While not a board book, the pages are extra thick and have held up pretty well considering the wear-and-tear in our household. In fact the only major damage so far is that the front and back end-pages have been torn-off (which happily did not damage the actual text of the book). This is really a pre-preschool book (Ages 1 - 4).

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