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Book cover: 'Easter'
Fiona French
Number of pages: 
28 pages
Ignatius Press
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
A gorgeous presentation of the Easter story! Fiona French tells the story in twelve stained glass tableaux: the entry into Jerusalem, the Last Supper, the betrayal in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus judged before Pilate, the scourging at the pillar, the carrying of the cross, the crucifixion, taking him from the cross and laying him in the tomb, the resurrection, meeting with doubting Thomas, the loaves and fishes by the Sea of Tiberius, the Ascension into heaven. The images are inspired by stained glass in the English cathedrals of Ely, Lincoln, York,and Canterbury and are rich in traditional details. The effect is rather more like guiding a child on a tour of a church, examining the artwork and explicating it than reading a story of Jesus' life. Which is a plus for me as I love the didactic art in old churches. I especially adore stained glass and love the way French uses its conventions. The text is taken from the Revised Standard Version of the New Testament, though I think it is edited some. This isn't the full text of the Gospel, just short passages of a paragraph or two that caption the picture. I like that it doesn't water down the Biblical language with too-simple paraphrases and yet doesn't overwhelm with too much text either. My three-year old is quite captivated by this book asking for it to be read again and again and pointing to the pictures and requesting further explanations of the images.
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Easy As 1, 2, 3

A Catholic Overview of Science For the Primary Grades
Book cover: 'Easy As 1, 2, 3: A Catholic Overview of Science For the Primary Grades'
Nancy Nicholson
Number of pages: 
41 pages
Catholic Heritage Curricula
Loose-leaf (binder-ready)
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

This program provides families who like to use living books with a Catholic framework from which to study science. It is not a textbook but rather is 40 pages, of which approximately half are outlines, that are three hole punched and ready to go into your notebook. The parent that uses this will find the eleven units of science outlined very handy for creating their own program and clearly laid out so that they can tuck personal notes and activities into their notebook using the 40 pages as their point of organizing. The manual begins with an explanation of how the outline can best be used and includes suggested resources and supplies. Each units focus (animals for example) is broken down by grade and includes a listing of the main headings that should be studied (e.g. Mammals, habitats and others in grade 1, amphibians, migration and others in grade 3). The author also includes a "find out" paragraph that includes special topics that parents should bring out.

Additional notes: 

This First Edition is out of print. Please see our review of the second edition of Easy as 1, 2, 3, here.

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Easy as 1,2,3

A Catholic Overview of Science For the Primary Grades
Book cover: Easy as 1,2,3 - second edition
Nancy Nicholson
Number of pages: 
44 pages
AMDG for Little Folks / Catholic Heritage Curricula
Grade / Age level: 

This is a teacher's manual of sorts for those "seeking a primary-level presentation less restrictive than a text", as the author states in the introduction. The author recommends using Childcraft: How and Why Library by World Book's editions predating 1980 and The Everyday Science Sourcebook to go together with this guide, along with library books. (Note: I found very inexpensive used copies of both of these resources available on the internet). The author also cross-references her suggestions here with stories from her volume entitled "Catholic Stories from Science 2", also available from CHC.

The eleven units are divided into two parts each, the first entitled "Find Out" and the second, "Faith". The first one offers suggestions of themes to read about, activities to do and interesting concepts to research about. Also, each unit offers three sets of topics for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. I find this helpful especially if you have an emerging first grader and a more advanced third grader, let's say. The third grader will be ready for more intricate topics, while the first grader will be happy to be included, focusing on more basic topics.

For example: on Chapter 3, "God Gave me Five Senses", 1st graders topics are sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch; the 2nd grade topics are sound--waves and vibration--and taste; while 3rd grade students study vision as well as the basic structures of the eye and the ear. Under Find Out several activities are suggested: testing the children's sense of touch by feeling things in a box; testing the sense of smell by smelling different items while blindfolded, and also tasting things while smelling an onion to see how smell affects taste. The activities for studying sound waves and vision are directed towards the student instead of the parent which I think is a good idea. Experiments with sound waves' speed using loud noises on an open field, and an interesting experiment with after-images and low-light vision are suggested, which can be done easily at home. The layout offers generous blank side columns for jotting down book lists and "new discoveries". These side columns also offer the related stories from Catholic Stories from Science 2.

Continuing to use Chapter 3 as an example, under Faith the author offers a brief discussion of how we cannot always rely solely on our senses: that something exist beyond them, and that trust in God is necessary. Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson and St. Thomas Aquinas are both quoted, the latter with the Adoro Te Devote, the traditional Blessed Sacrament hymn that address exactly how our senses can be deceived. A very clever quote!

Easy as 1, 2, 3 can be a very useful curriculum provided this is what you are looking for: a guide to lead you through science topics during the year, perhaps with more than one lower-elementary school child, tying it all with our Catholic faith.

Additional notes: 

This is the second edition of a 1998 volume by CHC with the same title. While it has an all-new layout, much of the content remains the same.

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Easy Latin Crossword Puzzles

Quid Pro Quo
Book cover: Easy Latin Crossword Puzzles
Betty Wallace Robinett
Virginia French Allen
Number of pages: 
58 pages
Passport Books
Resource Type: 

This will make a fun supplement to students in upper grade school or high school who have already studied Latin for a year or two. The words are fairly simple (requiring both English to Latin and Latin to English translations). One feature that makes it quite accessible is a list of words from which to choose the correct word. There are 50 crosswords in all, plus a complete answer key, and a brief introduction to Roman numerals, some common Latin abbreviations in use today and a list of the Latin mottoes of 19 states and the District of Columbia. A nice product at a very reasonable price!

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Egg: A Photographic Story of Hatching

Book cover: Egg: A Photographic Story of Hatching
Robert Burton
Jane Burton (Photographer)
Kim Taylor (Photographer)
Number of pages: 
45 pages
Dorling Kindersley
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

When you think of eggs hatching, do you tend to think of birds and chicks? Think again! Reptiles, fish and insects can hatch from eggs as well. This book provides the photo stories of the hatching of 27 different animals including Ostrich, Moorhen, Japanese Quail, Starling, Leopard Tortoise, Cornsnake, Leopard Gecko, Ladybug, Common Frog, Great Crested Newt, Goldfish and Kerry Slug. Each hatching includes numerous photos with detailed descriptions of the process and how long it takes. A final photo generally shows the creature a day or two later.

The introductory pages provide comments and illustrations on "What is an Egg?", "Who Has Eggs?", and "The Developing Egg" (with drawings of the development of a baby chick within its egg).

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Elementary Diagramming Worktext

Book cover: 'Elementary Diagramming Worktext'
Mary Daly
Number of pages: 
68 pages
Ye Hedge School
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

This is simple, clearly presented, and in a pleasing font; examples are profuse, and exercises numerous. It includes a complete answer key, on different colored paper, in the back of the book. Ours was just a shrink-wrapped set of 3-hole-punched pages which we put into a simple binder. No fancy bindings, but an excellent presentation. The eight chapters include The Sentence: Subject and Verb, Three Articles, Adjectives, Direct Objects, Linking Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, and A Peek Ahead. The introductory paragraph sums up the book succinctly: "Usually, we teach diagramming very gradually and even spread it over several years because there are so many details to learn. The trouble is, diagramming is a sort of language, though only a written language, and until you can use it for everyday thinking, you can't get used to it...Perhaps grammar could be taught a lot earlier and faster if it were made simple and visual." That is what the author has done...simply and visually.

Update:The second edition (2002) contains 71 pages plus a 38 page answer key. The binding is now a "perfect bound" softcover binding. The content is essentially the same.

Additional notes: 

Copyright 1998 / 2002

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Book cover: 'Emma'
Resource Type: 
Based on the novel by Jane Austen, Emma is a fun and frivolous story of a young woman's misguided ideas about matchmaking for her friends that ends up saying some very nice things about friendship. It's funny, clever and great family entertainment. My children and their friends have very much enjoyed the story, the dancing, the music, the dresses, etc.

Additional notes: 

PG, 121 Min, Color

Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow, Toni Collette, Alan Cumming, Ewan McGregor, Jeremy Northam

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Enemy Brothers

A Story of World War II
Book cover: 'Enemy Brothers: A Story of World War II'
Constance Savery
Number of pages: 
287 pages
Bethlehem Books
Grade / Age level: 
After being very impressed with Constance Savery's insightful writing style and unique plot line in The Reb and the Redcoats, I had rather high expectations for Enemy Brothers. I wasn't disappointed in the least. This story is set in the early years of World War II (before the United States joined the Allied Forces) and tells of a young British man (Dym) whose toddler-aged brother was kidnapped from their large family ten years earlier. Dym loses both his parents within a short time of the kidnapping, but promises his mother before she dies to continue to search for little Tony. He spends many years in Germany and Switzerland looking for the boy, studying the books that his brother might be brought up on, but has to return to England when war breaks out. As an officer in the British Air Force, Dym is introduced to a young lad (Max) from Germany who has been captured and brought to England because of his pro-Nazi escapades in Norway. Known to be a real trouble-maker, his captors have a difficult time finding a place for him to live. Dym, suspecting that this is his long-lost brother (who was raised in the Nazi ideology) offers to take him home to the family estate the White Priory (fans of The Reb and the Redcoats, will recognize the same house from a different era). Although evidence mounts againts him, Max insists that he is not Tony and demands to be sent back to Germany. He lives up to his reputation for trouble by attempting numerous escapes, playing harmful pranks and even trying to spy for his home country right under their noses. The plot is thoughtful, engaging and not at all "predictable".

The story is a classic tale of the conflict between good and evil, love and hate - particularly on an intellectual level (the plane in which so many of today's moral conflicts lie). Much of Max's indoctrination is of an intellectual nature and I appreciate the fact that the good side is portrayed as fighting on God's side, despite errors of judgment in the past. The story is filled with interesting details of the time period. As I read the story, I found myself stopping frequently to comment to my husband about this or that aspect of the way things were during World War II, that I had never heard of elsewhere.

The writing quality and the beautiful way the author describes certain subtleties (such as how Max slowly discovers how different life in England is from life in Germany and how much of his beliefs about the English were simply German propaganda) are just wonderful. The thoughtfulness of the scenes in portraying some of these details makes the reading very enjoyable for adults as well as children. In some cases, as a family read-aloud, these scenes may require a little explanation for the younger children. A few tidbits made me and my husband laugh out loud which prompted the children to beg for an explanation! Overall, we have found that our children really love these opportunities to stop and talk about the story a bit and these tangents can be one of the real blessings of reading books as a family.

Although the story touches upon some intense and difficult concepts, like the Reb and the Redcoats, it is presented in such a manner as to be appropriate for a wide age range and could be used as a family read-aloud. The conflicts and relationships between the main characters of the story provide a beautiful opportunity to thoughtfully consider how our actions and example can affect the moral decisions of others. Highly recommended.

Additional notes: 

This book was donated for review by Bethlehem Books

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