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Language of God for Little Folks (Level C)

Book cover: 'Language of God for Little Folks (Level C)'
Nancy Nicholson
Number of pages: 
143 pages
Catholic Heritage Curricula
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Language of GOD for Little Folks - Level C, is Catholic Heritage Curricula’s grammar program designed for the third or fourth grader. It is a complete program in a spiral bound workbook and does not require any additional text or teacher’s manual. The program focuses on gradually building language skills. These skills are very naturally presented within the context of the Catholic faith. Topics covered are sentence parts, nouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, commas, apostrophes, tense, and subject- verb agreement. These topics are all covered in a slightly more challenging manner than in the previous levels.

We have been using CHC’s Language of God program for two years. It presents the information in a regular and comprehensive manner without being needlessly repetitive. Each topic is introduced and the child has the opportunity to practice the necessary skills with reviews included every few lessons. We normally supplement the exercises by discussing the concepts as they apply to our literature and writing assignments. The program is designed to be easy on the teacher and easy on the student without sacrificing quality (speaking plainly, it is easy for me to call out, “Start your grammar.” while attempting to redirect a mischievous toddler and my eight year old begins the lesson joyfully). Furthermore, it teaches grammar while focusing on the ultimate goal of salvation. In the very first lesson it is necessary to read through and discuss several passages from the Gospel. This is a very balanced program for the Catholic homeschooler.

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Latin for Beginners (Passport's Language Guides)

Book cover: Latin for Beginners (Passport's Language Guides
Angela Wilkes
John Shackell
Number of pages: 
50 pages
Sewn Hardcover
Resource Type: 

In the typical Usborne style, this book offers lots and lots of cartoon-like pictures with Latin dialogue and descriptions and quite a bit of grammar and other tidbits along the way. The pictures are a little goofy (I think they use the same pictures for all the different languages they have out in this series), but the book is packed with content (particularly for the price). This might make an especially nice supplement for grade school students studying Latina Christiana or another early Latin text. Students at this age level will often enjoy writing little notes or dialogues in Latin and this would make a good source of additional vocabulary. It's also fun to have around the house to absorb a little Latin as a family.

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Latin is Fun, Book 1

Book cover: Latin is Fun, Book 1
John C. Traupman, Ph.D.
Number of pages: 
419 pages
Amsco School Publications

I've been teaching Latin to two small classes in our weekly homeschool co-op for the past year using Latin is Fun as the primary text. The younger students were 9-11 yrs. old and the older students were ages 12-14. The text is a large workbook with a lot of cartoon-like illustrations and dialogue boxes to make the text engaging and intended to help students connect a Latin word directly with an idea rather than to the English word. Since this is a "classical" program and we wanted the children to learn "ecclestiastical" or "Church" Latin, we simply replaced the pronunciation guide in the front of the book and supplemented the program with Latin hymns and prayers.

We really enjoyed the Latin class and the students have become very enthusiastic about it, and I'm sure this is partly due to the format of the book. It really helped them connect Latin with real life today, made it fun and engaging, and gave them a really good start in Latin. They were forced to use what they learned in grammar very precisely and keep lots of rules, endings and vocabulary in their heads in order to successfully complete the assignment.

Having said this, there were a number of drawbacks to the book that might especially be frustrating to a homeschool family with no prior Latin experience. First, each chapter introduced a very large amount of vocabulary, some of which were hard to find when they came up in later usage. It would have been nice to include straight-forward vocabulary lists at the beginning of each chapter which could be studied and memorized, but the problems went farther than this as some of the vocabulary that would pop up mid-chapter couldn't even be found in the glossary in the back. We did make up our own vocabulary lists and study cards which helped to sort this out, but still had a lot of frustrations in completing particular assignments. Second, in order to keep the student from being overwhelmed with all the declensions of nouns, the author only introduces a few cases to begin with and then later goes back and sorts out how it all fits together. My students, however, sensed the disorder and really wanted to see how all the cases line up together in order to have the bigger picture in their heads. So we used this book alongside the Henle Latin Grammar which was a great aid in sorting things out. Third, although there seems to be plenty of written work in each chapter, there isn't really a lot of simple translation work at each stage which would have helped reinforce each idea as it was being studied. To resolve this, I had the students write up sentences for each other to translate (which was challenging and also fun - particularly since "silly" sentences were smiled upon). I also supplemented with some pretty tough crossword and word search puzzles (which are very easy to create at .

The long and short of it is that we had a great year with Latin and the students benefitted greatly from the extra effort we put into making the book work better for us. I covered about one third of the book with my older students, but the younger students got a bit bogged down with the grammar. We only went through a few chapters of the text, but spent lots of time making vocabulary cards and memorizing endings in order to prepare them for more Latin in the future. One of the moms in our co-op also gave the younger students several weeks of diagramming, which they learned to love and which is an excellent aid to understanding Latin. I'm sure they're on the right track for studying more Latin in the future.

The book is probably best for students or parents who have either had some Latin background or have a good grasp of English grammar.

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Latin Proverbs

Wisdom from Ancient to Modern Times
Number of pages: 
278 pages
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
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Latina Christiana: Book I

Book cover: 'Latina Christiana: Book I'
Cheryl Lowe
Number of pages: 
83 pages
Memoria Press

Basic Set includes Student Book, Teacher's Manual and an audio tape or CD Teacher's Manual, 138 pages, softcover

This text is intended to introduce grade-schoolers to the Latin language. It is useful in preparing for future Latin studies in high school (particularly helpful for studying Henle Latin), but also teaches children some basics of grammar and vocabulary that sharpen thinking skills and assist in understanding the English Language more thoroughly.

This first volume teaches verbs from the First and Second Conjugation as well as two irregular verbs (sum and possum) and nouns of the First and Second Declensions. Students memorize present and imperfect endings of the First and Second Declension Nouns. They also study adjectives of the First and Second Declension and some personal pronouns. Exercises include finding appropriate endings for nouns and adjectives (which have to match in number, gender and case). A number of simple Latin sayings and prayers are studied as well.

The Teacher's Manual is very easy to use, providing all of the supplemental material for each lesson on the same page as the student material. The complete student book is reproduced in a smaller size on each page (with correct answers in a nice blue typeface) surrounded by lesson instructions, oral recitation lists, information about the Latin Saying for each lesson, Grammar instructions, Word Study and an extensive derivative list. It also includes reproducible blank maps for the students to identify locations, "History Key and Notes", and a complete set of reproducible Quizzes and Tests with Answer Keys.

The text is intended to work with Famous Men of Rome (and includes optional history questions along the way), although we've substituted The Story of the Romans by H.A. Guerber without any difficulty. The back of the text includes two very nice full-page maps, a list of history questions, the Pater Noster (Our Father) and Table Blessing, 15 basic conversational Latin phrases and the music and words for Adeste Fideles (O Come All Ye Faithful), Dona Nobis Pacem and Christus Vincit.

The third edition offers substantial improvements from the first and second editions. Changes include the Latin word identified for each derivative in the student lessons and the teacher's manual being integrated with reproductions of the student text (much easier to use than the old version!).

We've been using the Latina Christiana series in our local Latin homeschool co-op for a number of years. My teenage students, most of whom did not start out with Latina Christiana, have lamented that they didn't have a chance to memorize the forms and vocabulary given in these books before they started Henle. My 6th grade daughter has almost finished Latina Christiana II (supplemented with Basic Language Principles with Latin Background by Ruth Wilson - which is excellent!). She and her four fellow classmates have become very enthusiastic about their Latin studies and are well-prepared to start Henle as a class next year. My 3rd grade son studied the vocabulary from Prima Latina last year and has completed the first half of Latina Christiana I with his class this year. This has been such a wonderful experience for this school-resistant boy. He's really developing an interest in languages and learning that are spreading to other areas of study. The grammar, vocabulary and spelling that he's picking up in Latin have been invaluable - and I think more meaningful than a typical grammar book would have been for him.

To be quite honest, all of my students complain about the audio CD. Maybe it's just their midwestern up bringing, but the accent and audio quality is a real distraction to them. Personally, I think it's a fairly minor point, especially since, as author Cheryl Lowe points out, the purpose here isn't to develop great Latin speakers, but to develop thinking skills and related cultural benefits.

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Latine Cantemus

Book cover: Latine Cantemus
Franz Schlosser
Number of pages: 
135 pages
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers
Resource Type: 

This is a fun collection of popular and traditional songs translated in Latin. It's a nice exercise for Latin class to practice pronunciation and gain a little cultural literacy to do some of this kind of singing in class. You'll a wide variety of songs, including: Old MacDonald Had a Farm, Happy Birthday, Amazing Grace, My Bonnie, The Star Spangled Banner, Good Night Ladies, Lots of Christmas Carols and a section of Gregorian Chant. With the exception of the 20 page Gregorian Chant segment (which includes the traditional Chant notation), only words are included and no musical notations. The book includes nearly 100 songs (although a few are repeated with different translations). The only downside, in my opinion, is that price is a little steep for such a slim volume - particularly if you want to get a number of copies for group singing. You might want to keep an eye out on the publisher's website for specials. (At the time of this writing, this title was marked down 20% to $13).

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Leap of Faith

Book cover: ‘<Leap of Faith>’
Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
Number of pages: 
192 pages
Dial Books
Grade / Age level: 
I love conversion stories, they are the best kind of romance. When I find a good one online (and aren't they all good?) I devour the whole thing. Even if it's pages and pages long. Leap of Faith is a great conversion story. There aren't many novels that explore the faith of young people. Especially not faith in its nascent stages as doubt gives way to yearning. And then yearning leads to the moment when the leap is made:
Why couldn't I believe that Jesus was the Son of God? All of a sudden I wanted to, more than anything. I wanted to be baptized and forgiven and blessed. I wanted to hold the Eucharist and realize that it really was the body of Christ. I wanted all that. I was wide awake again. I looked at my script. No answers there. I thrashed around for a while, trying to make my pillow more comfortable, and then I took another deep breath and followed Mrs. Brashares's advice. I talked to Jesus. In the middle of the night, I emptied everything out of my mind except this one thing, this wanting to believe. I held onto that. And then I talked to someone I didn't believe existed, someone I didn't believe could answer. "Jesus, I said, "I'd really like to believe." Nothing happened. No lightning, no clap of thunder. I didn't get knocked out of my bed the way Paul got knocked off his horse on the way to Damascus. I waited. I quieted my mind, shooed away all the thoughts of Paul and Mrs. Brashares and horses and Damascus and Ruthie and my parents. I started to feel sleepy again. Then I heard, quiet but clear like a tiny bell, an answer. Okay.*
When in the first week of sixth grade Abigail gets herself kicked out of public school, her non-religious parents enroll her in Catholic school while warning the parish priest that they'd better not try to convert her. Angry that her parents don't listen to her, Abigail retaliates. First, by enrolling in drama instead of an academic elective and then by deciding to become Catholic. In drama class Abigail befriends Chris and finds freedom in putting on the characters she plays. And, although her Wednesday night "Catholic classes" begin as an act of rebellion, as Easter approaches Abigail begins to have qualms about accepting baptism when she doesn't believe in God. Those qualms lead her to ask questions and those questions lead to her leap of faith. There is no cheap grace in the novel. Abigail struggles with anger and forgiveness and mixed motives and until the very end she still has doubts. But she learns that struggling with doubts is a part of faith. The Catholics Abigail encounters are honest with her, willing to say 'I don't know,' and always gentle in allowing her true freedom of choice without coercion. They give her room to doubt but also encourage her gently to learn, to explore, to grow, all while making sure she knows that they won't think less of her if she decides not to go through with her baptism. I loved that Abigail's parents are not cardboard villains. Instead, they are overachieving professionals who in their drive for success have lost their ability to focus on their daughter. In the course of the novel they begin to try to refocus, even if they do so ineptly and with mixed results. In fact, all of the characters, even the bit players, feel human. None of them are reduced to stereotypes, with the possible exception of the bully who was responsible for Abigail's expulsion. But even there the situation is revealed to be more complicated than simply that of an evil bully and innocent victim. I also found it refreshing that Abigail's friendship with Chris is allowed to develop and deepen but never becomes anything more than friendship. Not all relationships between girls and boys need to be romantic and in fact I'd argue that in sixth grade none of them should be. I always cry at baptisms, especially at the Easter vigil and so it was no surprise that the end of the book found tears streaming down my face. Bradley captures the glory and awe of the vigil mass and the baptism perfectly through the eyes of the new convert who doesn't understand everything she sees and hears but who nevertheless gets what it's all about. Finally, I simply can't not share one of my favorite scenes-- favorite because of the way the heroine so nicely deflates one of my pet peeves: parents who pretend they don't want to impose belief on their children, all the while with the intention of keeping their children away from all faith:
"Am I baptized?" "No." My mother, who'd come into the room halfway through our conversation, answered. "You're not." "Why not?" My father heaved a dramatic sigh. My mother said, "Why would we, honey? It's not important to us. Plus, we decided it's wrong to impose any kind of religious beliefs on you. We wanted you to be able to grow up and choose for yourself." As soon as she said that, her mouth dropped open just a little bit. A-ha. The opening I needed. "Good," I said, "because now I'm grown up enough and this is my choice." It was the end of the argument, and we all knew it. Logic was the only god my father ever worshiped. And if I had any doubts about my plan to become Catholic-- any little worries over the fact that I didn't believe in God-- well, they pretty much faded away. Because the plan worked: Right then, I had my father's full attention. For the first time in years, he may have actually listened to me.*
* This review is based on a galley proof, an advance, uncorrected text, not the final, published version.
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Learn Spanish with Grace

Book cover: Learn Spanish with Grace
Miriam Alvarez Gallaher
Number of pages: 
191 pages
Quiet Waters Productions
audio CD

Everyone knows that children's minds are good at grasping new languages. Many children find foreign languages exciting and fascinating. However, it's not always easy for parents to help satisfy this delight. Learn Spanish with Grace offers a colorful and engaging approach to beginning Spanish that is very homeschool friendly (designed for grades 2-8).

The complete audio accompaniment to the book will allow many children to work independently, but the whole family might enjoy listening to the songs and lessons. Children will learn basic prayers, songs about their day and many familiar words. The book offers simple lessons (including vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar rules) and many fun ways to reinforce the studies. There are colorful booklets that can be cut and assembled (these pages are printed on heavy, glossy cardstock!), crossword puzzles, word matching, "fill-in-the blank" stories and hundreds of colorful illustrations. Catholic content and moral values permeate the program.

Miriam Alvarez Gallaher, who spent her formative years in Puerto Rico, is a Catholic homeschool mother of five children with a degree in Spanish Teaching (as well as a law degree). Learn Spanish with Grace is a complete beginning Spanish program structured around the daily activities and routines of a Catholic child. The title offers a meaningful play on words - Miriam's oldest daughter Grace is the main character in the book and CD who introduces children to the Spanish language, but a "Catholic approach" to Spanish also offers "the light of grace".

Appendices include a brief Spanish to English and English to Spanish dictionary, common expressions and phrases, a pronunciation guide, spanish grammra rules, rules about accent marks, prayers, songs, an answer key, bibliography and recommended resources.

Families who have purchased the book and CD set should contact the publisher directly to purchase additional books for their own children.

Additional notes: 

Set contains: softcover + 3 audio CDs

This program was donated for review by Quiet Waters Productions

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Learning Latin with Grandpa Carmellus

Karmenu Attard
Number of pages: 
60 pages

Program consists of an audio tape, a reader and an activity book (approximately 30 pages each) This home produced conversational Latin program is designed for young children. Your pre-Latin students from Kindergarten up may enjoy getting a taste of the language, especially if their older siblings are studying Latin. The program consists of two softcover books (the binding leaves something to be desired) and an audio tape.

The reader contains the full text of the audio tape so that the child may read along with the tape (and probably absorb the lesson more fully in this manner). Grandma Maria (who is helping out Grandpa Carmelus in the American version) takes us back to Ancient Rome with the help of "Sprig", the magic kangaroo. Each lesson introduces some basic Latin words and gives some practice using them in a sentence or other conversational context (such as counting). Children will learn how to say Hello and Goodbye, count various items from one to ten in Latin, and some simple sentences involving places, animals and everyday activities.

The activity book includes some fun Latin practice involving matching words, unscrambling and finding missing letters. Both books include lots of clip-art type illustrations which can be colored in by your young student.

Catholic content is found throughout the program - particularly in the Saint stories and the use of Catholic names (such as Jacinta - my 6 year old of that name was particularly delighted!)

For more information including how to order this program, click here. Note: The price for the program, noted on the website, is $16 plus $9 shipping - Australian Dollars. According to the Universal Currency Converter, this is equivalent to $10.18 plus $5.73 shipping - American Dollars. So the total cost, including shipping from Australia is $15.90

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Learning Palette Mathematics

Image of set: 'Learning Palette Mathematics'
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Learning Wrap-Ups, plastic palette and colored discs with self-correcting card sets (This review is based on use of the first and third grade sets).

Actual size is approx. 12 in. diameterThis clever learning tool for young children features an almost 12 inch diameter "palette" which holds a double-sided learning card and 12 different colored discs. A clear plastic lid is included. I have been very impressed with how these palettes hold up under a lot of use (and occasional abuse from babies and toddlers). Each card has pictorial equations or problems on one side. The child matches the correct color/shape disc with the answer he chooses. When finished placing all twelve discs, he can turn the card over and correct the answers himself.

Cards are purchased in sets of 12 (a total of 144 problems since there are 12 problems per page). Math sets are available for first through third grade. There are six card sets available for each of these three grades:

Three sets of Numeration Cards: The numeration sets cover all kinds of basic math operations with an appropriate level of challenge and content.

One set of Algebra Concept Cards: First grade algebra card "challenges" include recognizing missing numbers and finding missing shapes. The third grade cards involve solving for the unknown in addition subtraction, multiplication and division.

One set of Geometry and Measurement Cards: First grade cards cover shape names, volume, calendars, telling time and reading thermometers. The third grade set covers includes problems regarding perimeter, area, geometric forms and terms, simple graphing and units of measurement.

One set of Probability and Statistics Cards: These cards cover topics like "more and less likely" and tallying in the first grade set. The third grade set provides practice in the relationship between fractions and probability, determining the likelihood of an event and using the data from charts to draw conclusions.

I am very impressed with the level of challenge and variety of topics covered at appropriate age-levels (they meet the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics standards). We have found these particularly nice because they offer mental stimulation while taking a break from writing-skills (which can be very taxing on children in the early grades). For example, we used these with my third grade son last year as a supplement to MCP 3rd Grade Math. Some days he would just do Learning Palettes for his Math assignment. (In addition, I had him spend some time doing mazes and other fine-motor skill building activities.) He didn't do every page of the MCP book - instead I let him test out of some of the chapters (he had to achieve a very good score in order to skip the chapter - naturally we had to discuss some concepts as they came up on the Learning Palettes as well).

Investing in the entire line of Learning Palettes can be rather expensive. The Palette itself is about $15 and each card set is $10 (you can buy grade-level groupings of six sets for a little less). I found this investment to be quite worthwhile since the product is non-consumable (and quite sturdy). The material is very straightforward and well thought-out.

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