Favorite Suppliers
All of these companies sell worthwhile materials for Catholic homeschoolers (although not all the companies are Catholic). Unfortunately, many (even some of the Catholic ones) also offer materials that we would not endorse.
At the bottom of this list is a list of Additional suppliers, who may carry one or a few of the items reviewed on this site.
Adoremus Books
Catholic homeschool supplier.
AC Books (formerly All Catholic Books)
PO Box 1305
Daleville, VA 24083
Discount Catholic supplier with many homeschool materials.
American Science and Surplus
Interesting, unusual and inexpensive science supplies.
Aquinas and More
Large selection of Catholic homeschool materials.
450 S. Wagner Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Producer of educational board games and card games.
Ascension Press
P.O. Box 1990
West Chester, PA 19380
Publisher of Catholic apologetics materials with lots of great materials for children. Also see friendlydefenders.com
Audio Memory
Educational audio tapes and CDs to help memorize aspects of Math, Geography, History, etc. (set to Music)
Behold Publications
4503 Mattingly Ct., Suite E,
Buckner, KY 40010
1-866-305-8362 (Toll free, US orders)
1-502-225-6252 (international orders)
Publisher of Catholic American history materials for children, including short stories, activity books and the Blue Knights and Little Flowers clubs.
Bethlehem Books
10194 Garfield Street S
Bathgate, ND 58216
1 (800) 757-6831
Catholic company reprinting fine children's books from the early 20th century. Most books are not specifically religious, but provide excellent stories within a moral framework. Many good works of historical fiction. Check out their website for a special homeschool group discount.
CCC of America
Animated Catholic videos.
Catholic Books and Gifts
7346 W. Greenfield Avenue
West Allis, WI 53214
(414) 258-2665 or 1 (800) CATH-LIC
Catholic Heritage Curricula
2505 Texas Dr., Ste. 102
Irving, TX 75062
Fax: 1-972-258-5268
A homegrown Catholic publisher offering Catholic texts, games, and enrichment materials.
Catholic Shopper
Discounted Catholic Books online. Wide selection of books from TAN, Ignatius, Bethlehem Books, etc.
Catholic Textbook Project
The Catholic Textbook Project aims to write and publish solid new history
materials for Catholic students. The first titles, Sea to Shining Sea
and All Ye lands are ready, and three more titles are in the works.
See their website for more.
Christendom College Press
134 Christendom Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630
(800) 877-5456 x254
Catholic publisher of Warren Carroll's history titles, books by Fr. Stanley Jaki and others.
Container Store
Large selection of all kinds of organizational materials. Shop here or just get ideas.
Daughters of Saint Paul/Pauline Books and Media
50 Saint Paul's Avenue
Boston, MA 02130
1 (617) 522-8911
Many fine children's books and saint stories as well as Papal encyclicals.
Dover Publications
31 East 2nd Street
Mineola, NY 11501-3582
Ask for their children's catalog.
Secular company offering many colorful supplemental materials for history, science and art. Many titles are available from Catholic homeschool catalogs such as Emmanuel Books and Saints and Scholars.
Dumb Ox Press
10201 Grove School Road
Beloit, WI 53511
(608) 879-9400
Many items for Catholic homeschoolers and materials relating to the celebration of the liturgical year. Calendars are pre-Vatican II.
Emmanuel Books
P.O. Box 321
New Castle, DE 19720
Wide selection of materials for Catholic homeschoolers in every subject, with an emphasis on materials recommended by Laura Berquist.
Eternal Life
902 W. Stephen Foster Avenue
Bardstown, KY 40004
1 (800) 842-2871
Catechetical materials by Fr. John Hardon
Faith Images Rubber Stamps
Wide selection of Catholic/religious rubber stamps.
Harmony Media Inc.
P.O. Box 138
Gervais, OR 97206
Catholic CD ROMs for children and adults.
Interesting childrens games and toys, craft kits and more.
Hillside Education
R.R. 9 Box 9695
Lake Ariel, PA 18436
Small Catholic publisher of curriculum resources that teach composition, art, etc. through living books.
Ignatius Press
P.O. Box 1339
Ft. Collins, CO 80522
Catholic publisher of three books on Catholic homeschooling and the most popular modern-yet-orthodox Catholic religion series (the Faith and Life Series). Many other fine Catholic materials of interest to Catholic homeschoolers. Most books are softcover, but with a long-lasting binding and you can spot their titles easily at used book stores because of the colored band around the author's name.
In Ipso Press
388 County Road 548
Hanceville, AL 35077-6324
Small publishing company run by a young Catholic homeschool graduate.
Insect Lore
Secular science company offering books and videos about nature and live larvae to watch butterflies (and other insects) grow in your own home. (Some materials also available from Emmanuel Books)
The Institute for Excellence in Writing
P.O. Box 6065
Atascadero, CA 93423
Popular intensive writing program authored by a Catholic convert and homeschooling dad.
Ita Pater Publications
703 Michigan Ave.
South Milwaukee, WI 53172
Catholic home-based publisher of the Catholic Home Educator's Resource Guide (booklet) and Whigs and Tories: an American Revolution Reading Guide.
Keep the Faith
50 South Franklin Turnpike - Suite 1
P.O. Box 277
Ramsey, NJ 07446
(201) 327-5900
Catholic audio tapes - specializing in tapes by Archbishop Fulton Sheen.
Kolbe Academy
1600 F Street
Napa, CA 94559
1 (707) 255-6499
Catholic homeschool program with a classical emphasis.
Leaflet Missal Company
976 West Minnehaha Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104-1556
1 (800) 328-9582
A nice source of Catholic gifts, books, videos, religious art prints, statues and rosaries with a full-color catalog.
Lepanto Press
103 East 10th Avenue
Post Falls, ID 83854
1 (208) 773-7265
The publishing arm of Our Lady of Victory school offering reprints of older Catholic texts and other materials.
Lilyfield Press
P.O.Box 8-B
Delavan, WI 53113
Small Catholic publisher.
Lost Classics Book Company
Reprints of history-related books and stories and several older textbooks - including a number of selections that are recommended by Laura Berquist in Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum.
1378 River Road
Drumore, PA 17518
Memoria Press
4105 Bishop Lane
Louisville, KY 40218
Publishers of Latina Christiana and Traditional Logic. Schola Latina now redirects to Memoria Press.
Michael Olaf
Post Office Box 1162
Arcata, California, 95518
1 (707) 826-1557
Many fine children's books and hands-on materials oriented toward the Montessori philosophy. Catalog is $5.
Montessori Services
11 West Barham Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
Major educational supplier that works with individuals/families as well as schools. Particularly extensive selection of materials for Science and Math.
Our Father's House
5530 S. Orcas
Seattle, WA 98118
(206) 725-0461
Materials for Catholic homeschoolers with a Montessori emphasis.
Our Sunday Visitor Catholic Bookstore
Major Catholic publisher of a wide variety of materials including catechetical items, apologetics, children's books, saints, devotions, pamphlets, a weekly news magazine, and more.
Quiet Waters Productions
11045 Ketchum Road
North Collins, NY 14111
(716) 337-2404
Catholic family apostolate & nonprofit publisher of Learn Spanish with Grace, Little Flowers Music, etc.
Rainbow Resource Center
Rt. 1 Box 159A
50 N 500 East Road
Toulon, IL 61483
Because of Protestant world view, I recommend avoiding books on science, history and religion unless you know of their reputation from other sources.
Regina Martyrum Productions
2941 S. Topeka Avenue #251
Topeka, KS 66611
Producer of Catholic audio dramas (on cassette) for children and families.
RC History
21328 Eveleth Street NE
East Bethel, MN 55011
A Catholic company devoted to offering supplemental materials and living books to coordinate with history and Catholic apologetics.
Roman Catholic Books
P.O. Box 2286
Fort Collins, CO 80522-2286
Publisher of Catholic reprints including The Mass: Explained to Children by Maria Montessori.
Sacred Heart Books and Gifts
14202 Pier Place
Liberty, MO 64068
(816) 415-4301
Discount supplier of a wide variety of curricula and other books of interest to Catholic homeschoolers. Free shipping for orders over $20!
Saint Joseph Communications
P.O. Box 720
West Covina, CA 91793-0720
Catholic books on audio tape, especially titles from Ignatius Press and apologetics materials.
Seton Educational Media Catalog
1350 Progress Drive
Front Royal, VA 22630
1 (540) 636-9996
Catholic homeschool program offering an extensive, full-color catalog of educational materials (including many Catholic textbooks and a selection of videos and CDROMs).
Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Gift Shop
3222 County Road 548
Hanceville, AL 35077
1 (256) 352-0358
Shrine and Gift Shop founded by Mother Angelica of EWTN
Sophia Institute Press
Box 5284
Manchester, NH 03108
(800) 888-9344
Reprints of fine old Classic Books such as Three Greatest Prayers by St. Thomas Aquinas and My Path to Heaven: A Young Person's Guide to the Faith by Geoffrey Bliss, S.J.
Stella Maris Books
3121 McCart Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Wide range of orthodox Catholic materials, books on Catholic homeschooling, philosophy, Catholic history, Papal encyclicals, morality, the sacraments, etc.
Stone Tablet Press
3348 Whitsetts Fork Road
Wildwood, MO 63038
(636) 458-1515
Catholic publisher of Little Angel Readers.
TAN Books
P.O. Box 424
Rockford, IL 61105
(815) 987-1800
Catholic publisher of the Douay Rheims Bible, many Catholic textbooks, saint stories, children's books and many other items of interest to Catholic homeschoolers. Most of their books are very good, but the binding quality is mediocre.
Teaching Textbooks
P.O. Box 60529
Oklahoma City, OK 73146-0529
Toll free: 1-866-867-6284
Publisher of "Teaching Textbooks" series of math materials.
1510 E. Spencer Lake Road
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 426-0672
I would tend to avoid history, science and religion books because of Protestant slant, but the company offers many nice hands-on materials and educational games.
Totally Catholic Tees
1 (480) 213-8452
This company produces a whole array of high quality Catholic T-Shirts and other clothing. These are well-loved shirts that last from one sibling to the next without fading.
Wooly Lamb Publishing
Full Spectrum Learning
170 E Guadalupe Rd, Suite 108
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Publishers of the Catholic Unit Study Program - History Links
WriteGuide.com Individualized Writing Course
Provider of Internet-based writing course.
Ye Hedge School
24934 478 Avenue
Garretson, SD 57030
Publishes a number of unique Catholic items of interest to homeschoolers, including First Whole Book of Diagrams, Elementary Diagramming Worktext and 1000 years of Catholic Scientists.
Blue Mantle Educational Supplies
295 South Gower Drive RR #2
Kemptville ON K0G 1J0
Supplier of Catholic homeschool materials, as well as Catholic books and
DVD movies.
Cardinal Books
Old Birr Schoolhouse
23179 Richmond Street London
Birr ON N5X 4B2
Distributes materials from Ignatius Press and others. They are now a storefront on AbeBooks and can ship from both US and Canadian addresses to reduce costs.
Cat.Chat Productions
Box 178
Bruno SK S0K 0S0
1-866-286-5433 (toll free US & Canada)
+01-306-369-2220 (International)
Catholic family company and creators the Cat.Chat audio and video products to "make the faith come alive for kids, pre-kindergarten to grade 5."
Sunrise Marian Center
1317 Merrittville Hwy,
Welland ON L3B 5N5
Carries the Bethlehem Books line.
American Chesterton Society
Chesterton-related resources and materials including The Annotated Innocence of Father Brown.
Arma Dei Family Ministry
116 Booth Drive
Stouffville, Ontario
Source of A Treasure Chest of Traditions for Catholic Families.
Arx Publishing
Source of Niamh and the Hermit: A Fairy Tale, Angels in Iron, and The Laviniad
Simple Latin readers for young children.
A Broader View
Geography supplemental materials including The Global Puzzle.
Producer of Callirobics by Liora Laufer.
The Catholic Company
Carries a huge line of Catholic products from books to medals to crucifixes, etc. Books from many Catholic publishers.
Classical Writing
Source of "Classical Writing" materials including Classical Writing: Aesop and Traditional Tales - Models for Classical Writing.
Focus Imprint of Hackett Publishing Company
P.O. Box 44937
Indianapolis, IN 46244-0937
Secular publisher of Conceptual Physics for Parents and Teachers and Lingua Latina.
Catholic Family Education
Carries Catholic homeschooling materials including some Bethlehem titles.
Our Coats of Many Colors
Facebook page
Beautiful and imaginative dress-up costumes, including a line of religious costumes for children.
Catholic Books and Gifts (formerly Fr. Healy's Bookstore)
7346 West Greenfield Avenue
West Allis, Wisconsin 53214
(414) 258-2665
Fax: (414) 258-2926
Milwaukee Catholic bookstore that carries Something to Write About, History Edition.
H.E.L.P. Press
5805 Dahlberg Drive,
Raleigh, N.C., 27603
Small publisher and source of the Home Educator's Lesson Planner.
Image Cascade
Publisher of paperback novels including the Beany Malone and Jordon family series (Just Jennifer and the sequels).
Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Intercollegiate Studies Institute - publishes college level materials including A Student's Guide to the Study of History and A Student's Guide to U.S. History.
Producer and supplier of the art program Meet the Masters.
Mercy Academy
Source of the Learning Styles Test and Evaluation.
Well-Trained Mind Press (Formerly Peace Hill Press)
Publisher of First Language Lessons for the Well Trained Mind.
Manufacturer and distributor of Foreign Language Courses.
Penny Gardner / Nine-Note Recorder
Penny Gardner's Nine-Note Recorder materials.
Publish America
Publisher of lighter titles including Past Suspicion.
Saint Aidan Press
Source of older reprinted novels such as Cobra Island.
"Teach Me" series to introduce foreign languages to young children, including Teach Me Spanish.
The Light Weigh
Supplier of materials related to Suzanne Fowler's Light Weigh weight loss program, including Building the Family Cookbook.
Trapp Family Gift Shop
Gift shop at the Trapp Family Lodge in VT:
700 Trapp Hill Road
P.O. Box 1428
Stowe, VT 05672
Carries items related to the Trapp family, including The World of the Trapp Family.