Teaching methods

Discover Your Child's Learning Style

Book cover: Discover Your Child's Learning Style
Mariaemma Willis, M.S.
Victoria Kindle Hodson, M. A.

If you have been wondering what is the key to getting your reluctant learner excited about math, science, or any other academic subject, Discover Your Child's Learning Style may be what you have been looking for. Written to the parents of public, private, or homeschooled students, the authors' goals are for the parents to get on their child's "team", have the child take the learning profile (learning assessment test), and coach him to learning success.

Learning Styles Test and Evaluation

Dr. Andrea Chen
(Additional Review)

I just had three of my children (grades 1, 3 and 6) tested for learning styles through Mercy Academy. The test is quite simple and has to do with likes, dislikes, ways of interacting and how they think about problems. Older children can take the test on their own, while younger ones might need a little supervision. I was very impressed with the thoroughness and usefulness of the analysis and evaluation given.

Each of my children received a unique 7-10 page analysis based on five different "preferences and modes of learning":

Learning Styles Test and Evaluation

Dr. Andrea Chen
$25 per student

Truly a unique offering, the Learning Styles assessment from Mercy Academy provides a wonderful opportunity for a homeschooling parent to learn how to better teach their child(ren). Understanding the best way in which a child learns, as well as learning how to strengthen their weaker areas, will make each day's lessons more productive and less frustrating. You will not necessarily need to purchase new curriculum in each subject area; instead, you will learn how to use any materials more effectively.

Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher

Book cover: 'Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher'
Luke M. Grande, F.S.C.

Based on twelve virtues that St. John Baptist de La Salle, patron saint of teachers, thought important for teachers to know, Twelve Virtues of a Good Teacher is a reprint from 1962 that elaborates on these virtues. St. John Baptist de La Salle was an educational reformer and founder of the Brothers of Christian Schools in France during the 17th Century.

The Trivium: the Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric

Book cover: The Trivium: the Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric
Sister Miriam Joseph, C.S.C.

This little gem was used as a freshman college course after the author met philosopher Mortimer Adler and understood the importance of teaching basic language skills as the foundation of other learning. After some years of study, she put together this course in the Trivium, the three language arts – of word relations (grammar), concept relations (logic), and composition (rhetoric). The result is a primer in Aristotle's Categories, a demanding course in logic, and a prerequisite to good composition.

Poetic Knowledge

Book cover: 'Poetic Knowledge'
James S. Taylor
Poetic Knowledge, by James Taylor, is a difficult read. He wishes to present, from both history and philosophy, a solid argument for an education that is more intuitive and interior than what we find in the schools today. His background and bibliography are impressive, including a period of study with John Senior in the Integrated Humanities Program at the University of Kansas, famous as an early ferment in the revival of classical education.

However, Taylor's argument is flawed both as a whole and in several of its parts.

The Restoration of Christian Culture

Book cover: The Restoration of Christian Culture
John Senior

This book, originally published by Ignatius Press (with ecclesiastical approval) is available in print once again from Roman Catholic books. John Senior, an eminent great books scholar and Catholic writer of the recent past, here addresses what Christian Culture is, why it has nearly disappeared (particularly in America today) and what is required to bring it back.

Implementation of an Ignatian Education in the Home

Francis Crotty

The focus of this booklet is on the method of teaching. Mr. Crotty goes through the timeless and time-tested Jesuit philosophy of education and applies it to homeschooling. He has put together an outline that could be successfully applied to any curriculum. The ideas will be especialy helpful for parents who are homeschooling their teens, but it is useful to consider such important goals even when our children are very young.. Although it's a short booklet, the reading is rather heavy. I think you'll find it well worth the effort. Mr.