Lesson Planner

Lesson Planner

Book cover: 'Lesson Planner'
Rita Munn

Can a practical, hard-working tool designed for everyday use also be inspiring and elegant? The CHC Lesson Planner is just such a tool. Developed to be used with the CHC Middle School Lesson Plan Guide, it is completely useful at any grade level and with any curriculum. This inexpensive plan book is consumable and designed for all subjects for one student for one academic year.

Home Educator's Lesson Planner

Designed to keep track of one child's lesson plans for a year, this organizer has several features that would please both the structured homeschooler or those who prefer unit studies. This comb bound planner includes an attendance record as well as pages for expenses, projects and field trips, book lists, progress reports, grading, monthly overview and 70 lesson plan pages with two pages covering each of 35 weeks.