Alicia Van Hecke

Whigs and Tories

Elizabeth Yank

This is an extensive reading list, from a Catholic perspective, on materials relating to or taking place at the same time as the American Revolution. The extensive introduction gives tips and ideas for studying the revolution, choosing books, and how to proceed. The list is broken up into the following categories: Grades K-3 Series, Grades K-3 Individual Titles, Grades 3-6 Series, Grades 3-6, Individual Titles, Grades 5-Up Series, Grades 5-Up Individual Titles, Grades 7-Up Series, Grades 7-Up Individual Titles and Grades 10-Up Individual Titles.

The Restoration of Christian Culture

Book cover: The Restoration of Christian Culture
John Senior

This book, originally published by Ignatius Press (with ecclesiastical approval) is available in print once again from Roman Catholic books. John Senior, an eminent great books scholar and Catholic writer of the recent past, here addresses what Christian Culture is, why it has nearly disappeared (particularly in America today) and what is required to bring it back.

Amos Fortune: Free Man

Book cover: Amos Fortune: Free Man
Elizabeth Yates

Amos Fortune is the true story of a man who was born in Africa – the son of a great chief – and was kidnapped (along with many people from his tribe) and taken to America, where he was sold into slavery. He was purchased by a Quaker family in New England who treat him more like a son than a slave and teach him to read and help him to embrace the Christian faith. Through an agreement with his first owner, Amos eventually earns his own freedom.

Saint Benedict

Book cover: 'Saint Benedict: The Story of the Founder of the Western Monks'
Mary Fabyan Windeatt
St. Benedict (480-543), particularly honored as the Father of Monasticism, is an essential character in understanding Christian Culture as it existed in the Middle Ages because it was heavily influenced by the Monasteries (and the rule of St. Benedict) which helped to preserve Catholicism and classical learning after the fall of the Roman empire. Fortunately, this particular book is very simple and aims at telling the STORY of St. Benedict.

If All the Swords in England

Book cover: 'If All the Swords in England'
Barbara Willard
The story of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket (and the last six years of his life) is presented in an intelligent and interesting format by viewing these events through the eyes of twin boys, Simon and Edmund, who are (respectively) in the service of Thomas Becket and King Henry II ( Saint Thomas' friend-turned-enemy). The story begins in the year 1164, while St. Thomas is in exile in France, avoiding the King's wrath for not cooperating with his wishes regarding the King's control over the Church.

Murder in the Cathedral

Book cover: 'Murder in the Cathedral'
T.S. Eliot
This classic play, written in the fashion of a Greek tragedy (but with Catholic content) is suitable for high school students and adults. Handling the topic of St. Thomas Becket' martyrdom, it focuses on the spiritual and emotional struggles and temptations the Archbishop is faced with immediately before his martyrdom. Full of many truths and fodder for great discussion, this is a highly recommended piece for literature, religion and history.

Voyage on the Great Titanic

A fictional diary of a young Irish-English girl who is raised in a Catholic orphanage in London and is hired as a companion to a wealthy lady for the duration of the Titanic's voyage to America (where she hopes to meet up with her older brother). Margaret, having lived on the streets with her brother for some time before coming to the orphanage, is wise beyond her years with a somewhat cynical streak.

A Catholic Garden of Puzzles

Book cover: 'A Catholic Garden of Puzzles'
Sandra Garant

This book includes nearly 100 word puzzles (for ages seven to adult - varying levels of difficulty) based on Catholic beliefs, prayers, litanies, precepts of the Church, famous Catholics of the past and present (nice to have some current material sometimes!), the Popes, etc. The book is organized by topic (not difficulty level) and includes five main sections - God, Scripture, the Blessed Virgin, the Saints and Virtues, and Catholic Life and Traditions. Types of puzzles include: Connect the words, Restoration, Vowelless, Purgation, Cryptogram, Which Way?

The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone

Book cover: 'The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone: Key to Ancient Egypt'
James Cross Giblin
Interesting and fairly simple history of the attempts to translate Egyptian hieroglyphics, and most notably the work performed by many scholars in trying to understand the text inscribed on the Rosetta Stone in hieroglyphics, demotic (a more modern form of Egyptian writing) and Greek. Because the same text was written in these three languages, the Rosetta Stone truly became the "Key to Ancient Egypt" in that it allowed the modern world to unlock the mysteries of Ancient Egypt through the hieroglyphic writing (of which numerous texts have survived on monuments, tombs, etc.

The Journal of Ben Uchida

Book cover: 'The Journal of Ben Uchida'
Barry Denenberg
This is a fictitious diary of a 12 year old boy in a Japanese internment camp in California during World War II. (The diary covers the bombing of Pearl Harbor - Dec. 7 1941 thru parts of 1943). The diary is based on letters from Internment camp survivors and other actual events from the time period.

The story helps the reader to understand certain truths about the camps and the consequences of having such camps;
