Willa Ryan

Willa Ryan

My name is Willa Jean Ryan and I have been married to my husband Kevin Ryan since 1985. We met in Oregon, where I got my BA in English Literature and he got his BS in Computer Science. He now designs and programs computer games and has been able to work at home since about 1991. We have a small Christian game business which is located at www.topm.com. We have at present six living children: Liam Mayo born in 1986. Brendan Calder born in 1988, Clare Francis born 1990, Sean Timothy born 1993, Kieron Thomas born 1996, and Aidan Michael born 1999. They are all boys except for Clare! I was confirmed into the Catholic faith the Easter after Clare was born, but I owe my Evangelical parents an immense debt of gratitude for raising me to seek after the truth and after God.

Famous Men of Greece

Book cover: 'Famous Men of Greece'
John Haaren
A.B. Poland
Rob Shearer (revisor)
Like Famous Men of Rome, Famous Men of Greece introduces ancient history in the manner of Plutarch, by means of thirty-one short (4-5 page) biographies of the great men of Ancient Greece. It begins back at the point where history merges with legend, and ends with the fall of Greece to Rome in 146 B.C.

Faith Quest: Deepening Your Knowledge and Faith in the Person of Jesus Christ

Book cover: 'Faith Quest: Deepening Your Knowledge and Faith in the Person of Jesus Christ'
Michelle Willis, M.Ed.
FaithQuest: Deepening Your Knowledge and Faith in the Person of Jesus Christ is a religious education resource for students in grades 7 to 12. It is a multimedia package which includes a Facilitator Resource Guide and two CD-ROMs.

The course is divided into three modules. The first one aims to increase knowledge about the life and character of Jesus Christ, the second one focuses on the Lord's Prayer and getting to know God as Father, the third one focuses on Jesus's teachings in the Sermon on the Mount and how to live as Christians in the world.

Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Greece

Book cover: 'Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Greece'
Cynthia Shearer
The Guide to Famous Men of Greece is an optional supplement for the book. It includes, for each lesson, a vocabulary list and several discussion questions designed to bring out the key points of each life through a Christian (biblical) perspective. The discussion questions are excellent narration starters and really do help bring out the theme that "individual people and their actions have a significant effect on history".

Famous Men of Rome

Book cover: 'Famous Men of Rome'
John Haaren
A.B. Poland
Our first year of homeschooling we used a dry textbook for American history. Well, we didn't really use it - we put it off as much as possible and the year passed with only the first few chapters read.

Our second year of homeschooling, we discovered Greenleaf's Famous Men series (through enrolling in the Kolbe Academy Home Study program). What a difference! It was our first exposure to literature-based history study, and the idea of studying time periods through "real books" was a formative one in our homeschool.

Beginning Apologetics 1: How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith

Book cover: Beginning Apologetics 1: How to Explain and Defend the Catholic Faith
Fr. Frank Chacon
Jim Burnham

When I first considered converting from a "mere Christianity" form of Protestantism to the Catholic faith, I had several issues to deal with. I believed that "Scripture alone" was the rule of faith. I thought that the Catholic Church had added several non-Biblical doctrines throughout the years – for example, praying to Mary and the saints and the existence of Purgatory.

Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Rome

Book cover: 'Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Rome'
Cynthia Shearer
The Greenleaf Guide to Famous Men of Rome is an optional supplement for the book. It includes, for each lesson, a vocabulary list and several discussion questions designed to bring out the key points of each biography through a Christian (biblical) perspective. The discussion questions are excellent narration starters and really do help bring out the theme that "individual people and their actions have a significant effect on history".

Father McBride's Teen Catechism

Book cover: 'Father McBride's Teen Catechism: Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church'
Alfred McBride, O.Praem.

Teen Catechism is a nice entry point into the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In spite of its name, Teen Catechism could be used by an adult convert or any person who wants a solid introduction to or review of our Catholic faith. It follows the topic sequence of the Catechism, covering the Creed, the Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer in its 36 chapters.

Classical Writing: Aesop

Book cover: 'Classical Writing: Aesop'
Tracy Davis Gustilo
Lene Mahler Jaqua

If you are attracted to the classical method of teaching composition, by analyzing and imitating excellent literature, but have struggled with implementing your own program, then this is the writing series for you. Meticulously thought through and well organized, Classical Writing: Aesop combines structure with flexibility. It can be used with multiple ages in the homeschool and, though designed for beginning writers in grades 1-5, can be adapted for older ages.
