
Preparing your Child for Baptism

Janet Schaeffler, OP
A concise, brief synopsis to aid parents regarding the Baptism of their children. The rite and symbols of this Sacrament are explained, and there is a page on the seven sacraments. In addition, there are scripture readings, prayers and some questions parents may have about he rite of Baptism as well as on Christian living. An interesting page offers "Suggestions of 8 ways to fulfill our Baptismal promises for year to come": I liked some of these, including the suggestion of celebrating baptismal anniversaries and talking to your children about their godparents.

Preparing your Child for Confirmation

Janet Schaeffler, OP
This is a concise guide for parents of young people who are preparing to be confirmed. Questions and answers about confirmation names, sponsors and service projects are brought up, along with suggestions for family discussion and scripture readings. The seven gifts as well as the twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit are highlighted with explanatory notes for the youth.

The King of the Golden City

Book cover: The King of the Golden City
Mother Mary Loyola
John Watson Davis

This is a simple, old-fashioned allegory about our relationship with Jesus and our journey to heaven (the "King" and the "Golden City"). The story is about a girl named Dilecta who struggles in the "Land of Exile" to keep her "hut" in order in order to be prepared for the King's visits, keep her "lamp" of peace burning brightly and control "Self", and listen to her "Prince Guardian" who helps to keep her out of the snatches of Malignus.