The Holy Father and the Papacy

Pope Fiction

Book cover: Pope Fiction
Patrick Madrid

This is a wonderful, very readable, book on history and apologetics that takes readers (chronologically) through 30 myths about the papacy and provides very clear answers. The myths cover topics such as: that Peter wasn't really a pope (because he refered to himself as a "fellow presbyter", that the Rock referred to in Matthew 16:10 was not really Peter, that Peter wasn't the ultimate authority in the Church because he was rebuked by St.

The History of the Papacy

This CD ROM provides a complete and orthodox look at the History of the Papacy in a professional and attractive interactive format. Each of the Popes from St. Peter through Pope John Paul II are presented with a short biography (from one or two paragraphs to one or two pages each - the text is taken from The Popes Through the Ages by Joseph S. Brusher, S.J. - 1959), numerous images (portraits, coins, commemorative stamps, statuary) and the coat of arms.