18th century
Pride and Prejudice
The Courage of Sarah Noble
The Courage of Sarah Noble is based on the true story of eight year old Sarah Noble, who accompanies her father into the Connecticut wilderness to cook meals for him as he builds the family's cabin. The story takes place in 1707 and focuses on her courage against the unknown fears of the wilderness.
The Sign of the Beaver
This is a story about a twelve year old boy named Matt who lived in Maine about 250 years ago. Near the beginning of the story, all of Matt's family (besides Matt) went away. One day he was fishing when a bear took a lot of Matt's food. The next day he was going to try to get a spoon of honey from a bee's hive. The spoon wasn't small enough to fit in the hole; neither was his finger. So he pulled a piece of the bark from above the hole and the bees came out and chased him to a river.