High School

Stations of the Cross Grotto Kit

This well-thought-out kit is easy to use and makes a beautiful set of the Stations of the Cross "grottos" when complete. The kit contains full-color art prints of each station, pre-cut wooden sticks for the frames, and gemstones to glue on for decoration. When complete, each station measures approximately 7" tall by 5" wide.

Algebra I: A Teaching Textbook

Book cover: 'Algebra I: A Teaching Textbook'
Greg and Shawn Sabouri

Over the years I have used several different Algebra programs with my children. With Peter, this is the fourth Algebra program we have tried. For various reasons, they have never met our expectations. At long last with Teaching Textbooks Algebra I, we have found one that works.

Before writing a review, I wanted to wait until Peter had completed most of the textbook, so that I would avoid any unpleasant surprises. Right now, he has completed about 2/3rds of the text and my opinion has not changed. This program is a homeschool mom's dream come true.

What's The Deal?

Rhoda Blumberg

National Geographic published some longer, generously illustrated non-fiction picture books, and this is one of them. A great aid to any homeschool's History curriculum. We have picked up several different titles from the library like this one. I, for one, learned a lot! From their site:

Persuasive Pro Life

Book cover: Persuasive Pro-Life
Trent Horn

In Persuasive Pro-Life, Trent Horn draws from his extensive experience as both a pro-life advocate and trainer of other advocates to teach us how to be effective advocates for life wherever God has placed us. He covers what to say and how to say it, dos and don'ts, and specific strategies that can effectively persuade. He also shares mistakes he's made and what he's learned from them, which both allows us to benefit from his errors as well as points to the right attitude toward our own inevitable mistakes.

The publisher describes Horn's book this way:

Not God's Type

Holly Ordway
This is the fascinating and very engaging story of an atheist who converted to Catholicism thanks to her affinity for literature and competitive saber sword-fighting. No really! I love the way she skillfully and accessibly takes us through the series of ideas and arguments she needed to work through in the process of conversion. I am also completely intrigued by the fact that she is a Catholic who now holds the chair of apologetics at Houston Baptist University. An excellent and fairly quick read for high schoolers and adults that will be especially enjoyed by book-lovers.

Something Other Than God

Jennifer Fulwiler
Jennifer Fulwiler was raised a pro-abortion atheist and was committed to that belief system for many years, but over time a number of little things made her wonder. Eventually she came to see that this was God working in her life. In this delightful and engrossing book, she shares this great illustration of how God works in mysterious, unexpected and sometimes hilarious ways!

Here's a brief sample from a conversation she had with the man she would later marry:

You Can Share the Faith

Karen Edmisten
I highly recommend this terrific little book for everyone who wishes to share their faith with others – especially with their family and friends. Karen is an atheist-turned-Catholic (and Catholic homeschool mom, and contributor to this website) who shares in this book many common aspects of the conversion journey through her own experiences and those of a number of her friends. These stories are organized around a very practical set of “do’s” and “don’ts” that will help readers be better prepared to witness to and support those who are being drawn to the faith.

The Monuments Men

Book Cover
Robert M. Edsel
"The Monuments Men" is an engaging and little known story about servicemen who specialized in trying to preserve the art and culture of Europe during World War II. Not only were they involved in trying to get the Allies to do as little damage as possible in fighting the war, but it became almost another front of the war with Hitler, who not only stole and hoarded unbelievable quantities of art (in order to create his own "Fuhrermuseum"), but also gave orders to destroy these hoards of art as the Allies made headway into Germany. It's a fascinating story to begin with.
