Wordly Wise
Wordly Wise is a terrific spelling program - inexpensive and readily available from most homeschool companies. It was originally written in 1967, but has lived through many revisions. Each lesson is divided into four sections, with the fifth day being a test. Fits perfect into any homeschooler's weekly schedule!
The Old World and America
Joan of Arc
The King's Daughter
This engaging novel is centered around a young orphan from France, who is married off to a Canadian coureur de bois. The heroine, Jeanne Chatel, is spunky and determined to succeed in the wilds of 17th century Canada. There is considerable Catholic content in the novel. Jeanne is an orphan, and is raised by Catholic nuns in France. She travels to America with Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, who went on to found schools and chapels, and started the Congregation of Notre Dame in Montreal, Quebec.
Saints for Young Readers for Every Day
The Quiet Light
The dust jacket reads that the "theme of this novel was suggested to Louis de Wohl, in a private audience, by His Holiness, Pope Pius XII in 1948". The Quiet Light was printed two years later.