N.H. N.H. is a nine year old Catholic homeschooler. He likes drawing and sports, especially biking and skating. He has two brothers and two sisters. He is an altar boy. [NH has been reviewing books with us for awhile - he is now 10, Summer 2000] Read more about N.H.
Catholic National Readers: Book 5 This one contains stories like "The Power of the Blessed Sacrament" and "Rip Van Wynkle". It also contains pronunciation, dictation, vocabulary, and comprehension with the lessons. Read more about Catholic National Readers: Book 5
Catholic National Readers: New Speller and Word Book I am honestly not sure how to use this particular book. It does have spelling words and vocabulary. There are also lessons on Latin Roots, dictation, parts of speech (like synonyms) and abbreviations. Read more about Catholic National Readers: New Speller and Word Book
Catholic National Readers: Book 2 Some of the stories in this one I have seen in the "Rare Catholic Stories and Poem" book from Catholic Heritage Curricula. They are delightful. Not all of the lessons in this book have the new words listed, but almost all have a language lesson after the story. It is like reading comprehension or teaching parts of speech. Read more about Catholic National Readers: Book 2
Catholic National Readers: Book 4 This one contains stories like "St Agnes" by Cardinal Wiseman and "Pope Leo XIII". Besides dictation, vocabulary, and comprehension, this book contains also contains pronunciation and vocabulary lessons. Read more about Catholic National Readers: Book 4
Catholic National Readers: Book 6 This one contains stories like "King Solomn and the Bees", "Joan of Arc", and "Paul Revere's Ride" by Longfellow. This book does not seem to contain as many additional lessons like vocabulary. Read more about Catholic National Readers: Book 6
Catholic National Readers: Book 3 This one contains stories like "St Elizabeth" and "Our Lady's Flower Society". This book contains dictation exercises with some of the lessons, as well as vocabulary, and comprehension. Read more about Catholic National Readers: Book 3
Kindergarten Phonics for Young Catholics Unit one has twenty five lessons. The first eleven are Listening skills (stories and poems), Visual Discrimination (broad similarities, detailed similarities and detailed differences), and Motor Skills (straight and curved lines, detailed dashed, detailed straight, and slanted lines and geometric shapes). The next nine lessons are on auditory/visual discrimination. There are then three lessons on visual discrimination involving capital and lower case letters, letter identification and tracing. Then there is a another motor skills lesson and one on nursery Rhymes. Read more about Kindergarten Phonics for Young Catholics
Kindergarten Phonics for Young Catholics This volume begins with Unit three. It reviews the Alphabet sound list. Then it covers the following letters: N (including a N/M discrimination), W, C, R, P, Q, V, X, Y, Z. The lessons are the same setup as in Volume 1 (as explained above for the letter "S"). Read more about Kindergarten Phonics for Young Catholics
Art 1 for Young Catholics This course follows the liturgical year. It begins with Advent. There are a total of forty-four projects. Each one has an explanation. Read more about Art 1 for Young Catholics