Language Arts Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension: Stories of the Saints, Volume 4

Book cover: 'Reading Comprehension: Stories of the Saints, Volume 4'
Elaine Woodfield
Number of pages: 
106 pages
Catholic Heritage Curricula

Mrs. Woodfield has brought to life yet another collection of wonderful, but somewhat lesser-known, saints through beautiful stories, study questions and other projects that help older children grow to love and better understand these beautiful saints. This collection covers the lives of three canonized Saints and one very holy man who has been declared Venerable: Saint Katherine Drexel, Venerable Matt Talbot, St. Josephine Bakhita and Pope St. Pius X.

Saint Katherine Drexel, just canonized in the year 2000, is the first American born, Catholic-born saint. A wealthy Philadelphia heiress of the late 19th century, she used her fortune to found an order of sisters to run schools, convents and universities for the needy Indians of the West and the Blacks in the South. Saint Katherine is a remarkable American saint who should be known and loved widely in the United States. Surely her example will inspire young children of today to be the heroes of tomorrow.

Venerable Matt Talbot was a simple Irishman who struggled back from the darkness of serious alcoholism to lead a very holy life - in the world, but not of the world. Dublin in the latter 19th century was a difficult place for simple Irish workingmen. The oppression of the English caused great poverty and the British customs further plagued the Irish by having their salaries paid to them at the local tavern, where they were likely to spend a great deal of it for drink. By the grace of God, Matt managed to pull himself out of this oppressive lifestyle, pledging to never drink again and spending many, many hours at Church in order to avoid the deadly temptations.

St. Josephine Bakhita was born in the Sudan, Africa, in 1869. She had a very happy childhood in a loving "noble pagan" family until she was kidnapped by slave traders when she was nine. She suffered horribly but patiently from her cruel masters in Africa until she came into the possession of the Italian Consul to the Sudan. There she lived a relatively happy life caring for the daughter of the Consul until she traveled with the child and mother to Italy. In Italy she attended a Catholic school with the little girl and fell in love with Jesus. Eventually she was permitted to join an order of sisters where she led an extraordinarily holy life and inspired countless numbers of people to a deeper love for God. She spoke gratefully of her enslavement because it eventually led her to Jesus.

Pope St. Pius X was a humble Italian farm boy who went on to do great things for the church as priest, bishop, cardinal, and finally Pope. He is well-known for reforming Church music (especially by encouraging a return to the use of Gregorian Chant), exhorting people to the frequent reception of Holy Communion despite imperfections (at the time, it was common for people to receive Holy Communion only once a year because of a sort of false piety) and especially lowering the common age at which children could receive First Holy Communion. Although an understanding of the faith is certainly important for children, he saw a child's need for the grace received in Holy Communion as even more important in getting them off to a good start in their faith.

The stories are approximately twenty full-size pages each, and are illustrated with nice black and white photos and sketches. After each story is an extensive (4-5 pages each) "Lesson Activities" section designed to further analyze the story, provide vocabulary and comprehension exercises and learn more about the saint and the time in which he/she lived through geography, history and biography projects. Segments include a vocabulary list, terms to know, Comprehension Questions, "Analyze This" (Questions drawn out of the story that require additional thought and reflection on the part of the student), Essay Questions, Quotes (learning a few quotes from the saint), a Geography and History segment (project ideas relating to the saint), "Research and Report" (Possible report topics relating to the saint) and "You, the Biographer" (Contemporary or otherwise related historical figures that could be studied in conjunction with the saint's life). An Answer Key covering the Comprehension Questions is found in the back of the book.

This book would be most appropriate for upper grade school or early high school. These are by no means too mature for this age level, but certain parts of two of the stories in particular - the alcoholism struggled with by Ven. Matt Talbot and the brutality of the slave-owners of St. Josephine Bakhita - would probably not be appropriate for younger children. The text provides a great deal of engaging material relating to History, Religion and Geography as well as Reading Comprehension. Highly Recommended. Great reading for adults too!

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The Little Apostle on Crutches

Book cover: Little Apostle on Crutches
H.E. Delamare
Number of pages: 
86 pages
Catholic Heritage Curricula
Stapled Softcover
Resource Type: 

The Little Apostle on Crutches by H. E. Delamare is the story of young Willie– almost nine–whose cheerful goodness touches the lives of everyone he meets.

Through his many adventures, he always strives to do what is right, making him an excellent role model for younger children. For example, he faces persecution from another boy who covets his newspaper corner. Yet, he treats the other boy with continual kindness.

Willie is unique in that he is not afraid to share his faith. When asked about the family's financial difficulties, he replies..."'We're Catholics and that helps one so much, doesn't it? It keeps one contented and happy–and teaches one to bear one's troubles.'"

Because the book was originally published in 1911, there is a quaint old-fashioned flavor to some of the language. However, this never interferes with the meaning of the story. For example, as a complement, another boy says of Willie, "'You're a bully little chap, anyhow!'"

A short 86 pages long, The Little Apostle on Crutches is republished by Catholic Heritage Curricula. Although the story would be a great a read aloud for any age, the reading level is 3-6 grade. This paperback has no illustrations, but you do not miss them.

Update from webmaster, March 2024: It appears that CHC is no longer printing this book. However, you can click here for the Internet Library copy of The Little Apostle on Crutches or find it from a variety of sources who reprint public domain works.

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The Trivium: the Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric

Book cover: The Trivium: the Liberal Arts of Logic, Grammar, and Rhetoric
Sister Miriam Joseph, C.S.C.
Number of pages: 
292 pages
Paul Dry Books

This little gem was used as a freshman college course after the author met philosopher Mortimer Adler and understood the importance of teaching basic language skills as the foundation of other learning. After some years of study, she put together this course in the Trivium, the three language arts – of word relations (grammar), concept relations (logic), and composition (rhetoric). The result is a primer in Aristotle's Categories, a demanding course in logic, and a prerequisite to good composition. It is not, mind you, a course in grammar conceived as the study of commas, periods, and subjunctive verbs, though it might lead to insight into these matters. Not is it a course in "symbolic logic", the modern logic stripped of thought and studied simply as a form of mathematics. Rather, Sister Miriam offers a prerequisite to philosophy and writing, for this is a course in clear thought and the right use of language.

With all this, The Trivium is demanding, yet it is very accessible. Despite its original use as a freshman college course, it reminded me very strongly of my high school logic text, which, like this, was the work of an obscure nun who had studied Aristotle and wanted his clarity to form the minds entrusted to her care. I look forward to the opportunity to use it at the high school level.

Not only is the volume accessible, but one must delight in its literacy. The illustrations are taken from the great literature of western culture – so the mind is always lifted. It is a pleasure to read, and study is always rewarding, because every step sparkles with beauty and interest as well as clarity. Many of Sister Miriam's examples were originally taken from great literature; her loving editor Marguerite McGlinn has taken the liberty of replacing those illustrations which were time-bound with even more good literature so as to move the book into its rightful place as a timeless resource.

For those who know and love Dorothy Sayers' little essay on the trivium, it may be appropriate to warn that this is not in any sense a resource for primary or middle school children.

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Catholic Heritage Curricula Lesson Plans: Third Grade - Supplements

Book cover: 'Catholic Heritage Curricula Lesson Plans: Third Grade - Supplements'
Grade / Age level: 

The supplements are carefully woven into the third grade lesson assignments, but for those who prefer not to use the lesson plans the supplements alone could easily be used for enrichment and would make purchasing the plans worthwhile. For example the book report supplements contain clear guidelines for helping young students write book reports, a checklist to help the student in their efforts, creative ideas for written reports or oral reports and hands-on project reporting. There are over 20 beautifully illustrated forms to be used for writing the reports or keeping track of books that have been read. These are not the normal squares and circle forms on the market, but are ruled pages containing illustrated borders depicting Victorian, Catholic and nature scene which would appeal to the eyes of both children and adults. Book report books comparable in length sell for about $6.99.

In addition to the book report supplement, the plans include a series of reading comprehension pages. Once again the pages are visually attractive to the student and they focus on questions designed to encourage beginning literary analysis as well as the usual comprehension type questions. These pages are based on three outstanding books: Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls, More Catholic Tales for Boys and Girls, The Little Apostle on Crutches. Almost 50 pages in length, this supplement is comparable to workbooks that sell for about $8.99 with the added feature that they are Catholic and clever in their design.

"At the Feet of Mary: Holy Rosary Project." is the most beautiful introduction to the rosary that I have seen. It is designed as a hands-on project to bring the faith to life. Each week the child focuses on a different mystery through discussion, readings from a lovely description of a child's trip to shrines, the coloring of gorgeous illustrations that form part of a prayer book and meditations that are clearly explained. The prayer book that the child makes includes illustrations that will touch the heart of a child because they depict the Mysteries as seen through the eyes of a child. At the end of this 5 week project the child has produced a gorgeous prayer book. This supplement is 65 pages long and nothing on the market even remotely compares to the depth and beauty found in this project, but books on meditating, understanding the rosary and illustrations on the rosary combined would stand at about $15.95.

The fourth supplement focuses on geography and is entitled "Tour a Country." It includes both a general plan for the study of any country, as well as nine sets of four week plans for studying specific countries. (i.e., 36 week course covering nine specific countries.) The instructions are easy to follow and have a Catholic world view. The pages themselves are beautifully illustrated and the activity pages are sure to please the children. We have been using a "Countries of the World" activity book that cost $15.99, but will be switching to the "Tour a Country" supplement as the activities are more interesting and the study approach is more focused and logical as well as Catholic.

Finally, there are: monthly planners and certificates which could be used for any grade or program; thirty pages devoted to the teaching of third grade which answers home schooling questions as well as teaching independence; a dozen pages of memory gems and how to use them; illustrated chore and virtue charts Similar books covering home schooling helps, charts and poetry together would cost at least $12.99 If one were to buy books that covered the material contained in each of the four supplements the cost would be over $50.00 but the books wouldn't be Catholic in approach or presented in a way that allows the home school mother to efficiently teach the subject. For the family that home schools using material other then those published by CHC it is clear that the supplements alone make the plans well worth the price. You won't be disappointed. (365 pages of lesson plans and supplements cost $38.95 from CHC)

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