Frank Gaze, known by his friends as Scouty, is accompanying his father on a trip to India during World War I. When an enemy vessel destroys their ship and all on board must flee in lifeboats, Scouty is separated from his father. He and his companions become separated from the other lifeboats and are forced to land on a deserted island in the Indian Ocean. All his spiritual training as a devout Catholic and physical training as a boy scout are put to the test as he is faced with comforting several men on their death-beds, finding food and shelter in the wild and handling the dangers of venemous cobras and dangerous enemies.
The story is a fun read, especially for boys (ages 12 and up). It is written in a first-person narrative and in a rather humorous and informal style (a little reminiscent of P.G. Wodehouse, even though the story is American, not British).