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The Medicine of God

Book cover: 'The Medicine of God'
Bruce Carroll
Regina Martyrum Productions
Resource Type: 
The Medicine of God is an audio drama (on one cassette) in the style of old-time radio shows - with full cast, music and sound effects. This is the biblical story of Tobit, an upright man who trusted in God and the adventures of his son, Tobias, who was led by a stranger - who turned out to be St. Raphael the Archangel - to a new city and a new life. There is a theme of Divine Providence and the need to trust in God that runs throughout the story. This story is a particularly important one to Catholics as it is one of only a few books that are included in Catholic bibles, but not Protestant ones. Your whole family will be edified and entertained by this production. This particular story is a favorite with my children.
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45 minutes, audio cassette

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The Merchant's Mark

Book cover: The Merchant's Mark
Cynthia Harnett
Number of pages: 
181 pages
Sewn Hardcover

The Merchant's Mark is a mystery set in England in 1493, against a rich historical background of a family involved in the wool industry. The author weaves much detail about the wool and cloth trades into the story. Many traditions, celebrations and religious practices are also included, giving the reader a very nice picture of life at that time - particularly their strong Catholic culture. This might be a good book to read alongside a study of Christopher Columbus. Not only does the story take place at the time of his voyage, but the information about the cloth trade is interesting because Columbus came from a cloth-making family.

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Original book cover

Originally published in 1951 as The Wool Pack by Methuen in England, with illustrations by the author. The American Lerner edition retains these illustrations. 

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The Midshipman Quinn Collection

Book cover: The Midshipman Quinn Collection
Showell Styles
Number of pages: 
598 pages
Bethlehem Books
Grade / Age level: 

This collection includes all four stories (Midshipman Quinn, Quinn of the Fury, Midshipman Quinn and Denise the Spy, and Quinn at Trafalgar) of Midshipman Septimus Quinn, a junior officer of the British Navy from 1803-1805.

Septimus Quinn is a "small and studious" 15 year old who finds himself in the midst of all sorts of adventures fighting Napoleon under Lord Nelson. Daring naval assignments take him all over the Mediterranean as he really uses his head to deal with pirates, arrogant shipmates, runaway French patriots, clueless prison guards, etc. Complex escape plans, wild disguises and interesting sub-plots are par for the course. The reader will learn a great deal about ships and life at sea and the danger and excitement of sea battles amidst accounts of true historical events.The strategies of battle and other historical details are quite fascinating. The suspense and drama make it most appropriate for junior high and high school.

I found that it took me a little while to "get into" the story. I think this is because the continuous adventures and excitement make for a somewhat slower character development (READ: It will appeal to boys!). However, by the beginning of the second book, as I got to know Septimus Quinn a bit better, I was "hooked."

Additional notes: 

Copyrights 1956 - 1965. Bethlehem Books reprinted them in a single volume in 1999.

This book was donated for review by Bethlehem Books.

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The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima

DVD box: The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima
Warner Bros

This is a full length color movie of the story of Our Lady's apparitions to three children in Fatima, Portugal in 1917. It is faithful to the true story with just enough "Hollywood" to make it entertaining and likable even for the little ones. The scene where the three children are interrogated by the government officials might be is a little intense, so I wouldn't recommend having your little ones watch it without supervision. Otherwise, it's a great film for the whole family. My daughter (almost 6 years old) received this for Easter (Thank you Grandma! : ) and absolutely loved it. I was very impressed with how accurate the important aspects of the story are told. I especially love how they handled the miracle of the sun on October 13, 1917 and how they portray two of the miracles that occurred at the time.

The "jokester" character of Hugo is a Hollywood creation.

Additional notes: 
102 minutes

Update from webmaster, March 2024: The 2006 re-release is pictured here, and is available on DVD or streaming services.

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The Miracle of St. Nicholas

Book cover: 'The Miracle of St. Nicholas'
Gloria Whelan
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Bethlehem Books
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
It was the day before Christmas in a modern-day Russian village which has lived through the closing of their church, St. Nicholas. When the church was first closed, everything inside the church mysteriously disappeared and the priest was gone. Now, even though the soldiers were gone, there seemed to be no way to celebrate Mass on Christmas day. Young Alexi questions his babushka about this, but all seems hopeless. Still, she explains that "A miracle happens when God enters into your dream. But first you must have the dream."...

The text is fully illustrated using the traditional icon technique and style. It makes for a charming, but slightly haunting look... a subtle reminder of past sorrows in the face of a hopeful future. The book is a delightful Christmas story for the whole family; full of faith, hope and the beauty of tradition.

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The Miracle on 34th Street

Valentine Davies
Tomie de Paola
Number of pages: 
118 pages
Galahad Books
Grade / Age level: 
When I was little, there was one Advent tradition that really stands out in my mind: the annual viewing of the movie, Miracle on 34th Street. It usually aired on the last weekday before Christmas Eve - we'd be home on Christmas Break, wrapping presents or decorating the house, and this classic would be playing in the background. I'm talking about THE classic 1947 movie - Natalie Wood as the little girl, Maureen O'Hara and John Payne as the "love interest", Gene Lockhart as the judge with a heart, and the ultimate St. Nick: Edmund Gwenn. This is the movie to start your holiday season!

The idea for the movie originated as the Davies family watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from their apartment in post-WWII New York City. Mr. Davies remarked on the growing commercialism of the season and asked "What would Santa do if he were here today?" The answer was a classic movie from 20thCentury Fox. The book, The Miracle on 34th Street, is true to this original movie - written by Davies and his wife after the movie's debut, the book was an instant success. The copy we have, reprinted in 1998 by Galahad Books, is richly illustrated by Tomie de Paola.

This has been our lunch-time read-aloud since Advent began. The book stays very close to the movie but does have some slight differences - there is no young Alfred in this book, but Mr. Sawyer is just as rotten!

Reading this book aloud to my 3, 5, and 6 year-olds has helped me understand why I've always loved this story. Kris Kringle explains early on that "Christmas isn't just a day. It's a frame of mind." Towards the end of the book, Doris explains to her daughter that "faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to... Anyone could have faith when everything was fine. But real faith meant believing, rain or shine." These two quotes are a summation of why Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday and why I don't mind my little ones believing in Santa Claus - he's the personification of the magic of the season and the mystery of Incarnate Word!

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The Miracles of Jesus

Book cover: The Miracles of Jesus (dePaola)
Tomie dePaola
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Puffin Books
Grade / Age level: 

This book is a beautiful way to help your children learn to know and love Jesus. With many simple pictures (but nicely done) and just enough details of the story, Tomie de Paola relates how Jesus helped others while he was on earth. Stories include: The Wedding at Cana, The Catch of Fishes, The Calming of the Storm, The Loaves and The Fishes, Jesus Walks on the Water, The Paralyzed Man, The Centurion's Servant, Jesus Heals the Lepers and The Raising of Lazarus. (13 stories altogether) My children love to hear about how good Jesus is and how much he loves them. This book is a really nice way of reinforcing that idea.

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The Monuments Men

Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History
Book Cover
Robert M. Edsel
Number of pages: 
468 pages
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
"The Monuments Men" is an engaging and little known story about servicemen who specialized in trying to preserve the art and culture of Europe during World War II. Not only were they involved in trying to get the Allies to do as little damage as possible in fighting the war, but it became almost another front of the war with Hitler, who not only stole and hoarded unbelievable quantities of art (in order to create his own "Fuhrermuseum"), but also gave orders to destroy these hoards of art as the Allies made headway into Germany. It's a fascinating story to begin with. The author skillfully weaves together a number of particularly interesting (and informative) stories by focusing in particular on two very great works of art that were particularly coveted by Hitler - Michelangelo's "Bruges Madonna" and the "Ghent Altarpiece" by Jan Van Eyck. When the author started piecing together stories for this book, he had so much material that he ended up writing a separate book just for the stories about the Monuments Men that took place in Italy. The second volume, entitled "Saving Italy", was published in 2013. Our family has also seen the movie and very much enjoyed it. It is rated PG-13 for some strong language and is quite simplified in comparison with the book (which is not a bad thing with a book that contains many, many threads of stories), but also has a number of breathtakingly beautiful and profound aspects to it.
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2-8-2014, updated 9-16-2016

The Mysteries of Life in Children's Literature

Mitchell Kalpakgian
Neumann Press
Sewn Hardcover

This book is not too "scholarly" to enjoy, and I have truly enjoyed it. Each of the chapters discusses a different element of children's literature in the context of actual books. There is a complete synopsis of the book at this address:

Be forewarned: you will be running to your bookshelves to start reading some of these books to your children and to re-read them yourself.

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The Mystery of Harry Potter

A Catholic Family Guide
Nancy Carpentier Brown
Number of pages: 
176 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 
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