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The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism No.1
Though very inexpensive, the New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechisms with explanations written by Father Kelley are worth their weight in gold. They are based on the Baltimore Catechism which was first approved by the Archbishop of Baltimore, James Cardinal Gibbons in 1885. The New Saint Joseph version goes beyond the simple question-and-answer format of the original catechism, it incorporates Holy Scripture with each lesson and includes discussion questions, a fill-in-the-blank section, and suggested Bible readings at the end of each lesson. The pictures themselves are a great teaching tool, as they illustrate spiritual truths.
Memorizing the questions and answers of the catechism provides the opportunity to build a religious foundation. This basic Catholic doctrinal foundation gives children the tools necessary to defend their faith when they are old enough to apply reason and logic, much like memorizing the alphabet before learning to read and analyze literature.
In addition to memorization of the question and answers, I copy the accompanying Scripture onto a 3 by 5 index card. Then the children and I memorize the Scripture verse and discuss how it applies to the week's lesson. I am careful to emphasize the Scripture as a part of a whole picture rather than putting too much emphasis on individual verses. We review the Q&A and Scripture each day for a week, before moving on to the next lesson. Book no. 1 has the Baltimore questions and answers divided into three parts: The Creed, The Commandments, and The Sacraments and Prayer. Its recommended use is for grades three through five.
This book is available from nearly all Catholic homeschool providers, including those listed below.
The New Testament and the Psalms (Revised Standard Version, Second Catholic Edition)
Also Available Leather Bound.
The Old World and America
We are presently in the early chapters of this text, but the flavour of the book is apparent. Each chapter is amply illustrated with photos, diagrams, and maps (all black and white). Following each chapter is a series of tests, which include oral questions, written questions, discussion questions, word list, questions to make you think, and questions that test your character. What more could a homeschool mother ask for?
The book is reasonably priced. With older children, some supplementary material may be needed to cover various topics in more detail. It is my opinion that this is a wonderful book, and would be an asset to any history program. It would be suitable for a variety of ages (presently, I am using it for Grades 4 to 8).
The One-Minute Apologist
The Orphans Find a Home
The Outlaws of Ravenhurst
This is a lovely and engaging story set in early 17th Century Scotland and Colonial America. A mysterious "gray-cloaked" stranger leaves a toddler to be found by a passing priest. A young boy notices that he looks surprisingly unlike his "twin." It is a story of a boy being suddenly thrust into great challenges to faith and life. Secret passages, mysteriously changing identities and subtleties of who you can trust surround a story that stirs the blood to stand up for the faith – inspired by true stories of long ago. Devotion to the Eucharist and Our Lady come alive in noble characters who are boldly ready to die for their faith.
The story is Catholic through and through, but the characters are so real and the enemies are not exaggerated. I was pleased to see that not only are Protestants not demonized, but seen as fellow-sufferers (however misguided) under corrupt men. The action will keep you on the edge of your seat while surprises await you at every turn. My children and I really enjoyed this story as a read-aloud.
Donated for review by Lepanto Press.
Also available in paperback format from Neumann Press, ISBN 9781939094070, as pictured at right.
The Parables of Jesus
In a similar manner to The Miracles of Jesus, Tomie de Paola presents seventeen of Jesus' parables. This book makes them very accessible to small children and may even be the start of some interesting little discussions with your children about why Jesus told these stories. Some of the text of the parables is very brief.
The Passion of the Christ
For the most part, the story is just as we know it from the Bible and the Stations of the Cross (including a touching scene with Jesus and Veronica). Our Lady is portrayed beautifully, as a loving Mother to Jesus. Her love and faith are evident throughout. The affection of the apostles for Mary is also evident; Peter calls her "Mother" in one heartbreaking scene after the denial. Flashbacks during the horrific scourging bring blessed relief as we see peaceful moments in His life, including a scene from His childhood, a playful moment with Mary, the Last Supper, and more.
Mel Gibson has taken poetic license with certain elements of the story, but those things only made the larger Truth of the story even more compelling. For example, his portrayal of Satan is absolutely chilling, and while I couldn't say that the images he uses are necessarily Biblical (though some are), they are appropriate. The movie leaves no doubt about the supernatural element of the battle between good and evil. There is a great deal of literary symbolism, especially regarding eyes, and there is a running theme of Truth ("I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life", and a discussion of "Veritas" that Pilate has with his wife.)
As a work of art, it is superb. It is expertly directed, the cinematography is stunning, and the original soundtrack is hauntingly beautiful. I have only minor quibbles with a few things (for example, some of the costuming). Others have pointed out problems with the historicity of the languages used, or the length of hair of the characters. In no way, however, do these small things compromise the effect of the film overall.
Many have complained of possible anti-Semitism. Yes, some of the Jews come off very badly in the film; so do virtually all of the Romans. This film is no more anti-Semitic than it is anti-Italian. It is a story set in a particular place with particular ethnic groups. Jesus was a Jew; some of the Jews loved Him, others wanted Him dead. As Christians, we know that all of us are sinners; we all are responsible for the death of Christ.
One warning: I would not take young teens, and certainly not younger children, to see this movie. The sadistic cruelty displayed by the Roman soldiers would destroy the innocence of children who do not yet know the full extent of evil in the world, and the graphic, bloody scenes would be too shocking for them. Should any teens see it? Yes, older teens, if they are mature, and well-grounded in their Faith.
In spite of the violence and brutality pictured so vividly in the movie, the images that linger are the beautiful ones; His compassion, His strength, and above all His Love. This movie is certainly not entertainment. Instead, it is an opportunity for prayerful reflection on the sorrowful passion of our Savior and Redeemer, and His infinite Love and Mercy.
Rated R, 126 minutes
Director: Mel Gibson
Cast: James Caviezel, Monica Belluci, et al.
The Passion of the Christ (additional review)
The role of Mary in the story: The thing that struck me most about the Passion is how strong Mary's role is in the story. Rather than a minor character that flits in and out of the story (as occurs in many of these type of movies) this movie is quite Mariocentric. Many of the most moving scenes involve Mary's interaction with her Son. The movie also illuminates the Blessed Mother's role in Redemption, contrasts her role with that of the devil, and helps develop our own relationship with her and her son through her interaction with the Apostles of Jesus. It is difficult to put into words how powerful her role in this movie is. It is certainly worth seeing even if only for this alone.
The way Jesus is portrayed: While a lot of press has been given to the graphic nature of the portrayal of Jesus in this story, the uniqueness of his characterization goes well beyond this. Jesus is portrayed as having a very natural balance of strength and gentleness and appears as very strong and "manly". Flashbacks of Jesus talking to His followers and interacting with His mother particularly highlight this and provide contrast to the drama of His extreme torture. The portrayal of the brutality of Jesus' tormentors is quite graphic and hard to watch. I think it is beneficial, however, in many ways - particularly for modern viewers accustomed to movies with a lot of gore and violence.
Other Catholic symbolism: There was a great deal of beautiful symbolism which I have rarely seen in other movies of a similar nature. The most striking, to me, was the sacredness of the Precious Blood spilt during the scourging and highlighted by Our Lady and Mary Magdalene lovingly wiping it up with linens. There are also strong themes relating to the Eucharist and repentance. The whole movie can make for a great examination of conscience (I believe this is actually aided by the original language and subtitles because it has such a different feel from other movies) and would be excellent to watching during Holy Week.
The Question of Children watching the Passion: While watching the movie, I did focus on whether it would be appropriate for my eldest daughter to watch (she's almost 11). My husband and I agreed that it would be better for her to wait. Not only the graphic nature of Jesus' torture, but also some of the details involving the devil and the children tormenting Judas might be both troubling and confusing to her. We plan on purchasing the movie when it comes out on DVD and letting our children see it a little at a time where we can discuss it and focus on areas most appropriate to their age and maturity levels. Because of the the Passion movie, we have recently bought Jesus of Nazareth and the Robe, which I believe will be helpful at their particular stages. (Even the four and six years olds seem to be getting quite a bit out of these two movies - particularly when we discuss them at the dinner table or when the children chat about them together.) I do know a number of pre-teens and young teenagers who have seen the Passion and were glad they saw it. I think parents need to decide on an individual basis who the movie would be appropriate for. For my part, I think the movie is intended for adults but probably would be managable for most teens 14 or 15 years and older.
Rated R, 126 minutes
Director: Mel Gibson
Cast: James Caviezel, Monica Belluci, et al.