No name

Enemy Brothers Audio Drama

Book cover: 'Enemy Brothers Audio Drama'
Constance Savery
Bethlehem Books
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
Kidnapped as a baby, Tony, now age 12, was raised as a German. In fact, as he grew up with an entirely different identity as "Max", he never had any reason to believe that he was anything but German. Suddenly, through a strange twist of fate, he is returned to his rightful home in England and his true identity, but on the "wrong" side of the war.

Under any circumstances the transition would be traumatic, but now, with the outbreak of World War II, he is thrown into total disarray. Refusing to believe that he is English, Tony makes several attempts to escape from his new home. Then unexpectedly, he is given the chance to return "home" to his "mother" and to Germany, to be "Max" once again. Will he leave England, a country he was taught to hate in the Hitler youth, and his true family, whose values are so different? The consistent, loving patience of his siblings in the midst of his atrocious behavior is a beautiful and essential part of the story that dramatically shows Gospel-like attitudes to be the right answer.

Enemy Brothers exemplifies the eternal struggle within us. It is a story of the battle between good over evil, love versus hatred, kindness and goodness against anger and mistrust, sacrifice and the bearing of another's faults instead of revenge, and ultimately hope in the goodness of human heart. Will love triumph in the end?

In addition to the great story of conflict and suspense, this radio drama offers interesting sound effects and bits of historical recordings; all creating the feel that you are there. The well-done script smoothly interweaves narrator, music, sound effects and superb voices. This is a first rate production!

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2 CDs, 90 minutes

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Engineering the City

How Infrastructure Works: Projects and Principles for Beginners
Book cover: Engineering the City
Matthys Levy
Richard Panchyk
Number of pages: 
132 pages
Chicago Review Press

Reading Level: Ages 9-12

I must admit that this is not a topic in which I am particularly interested. I'm very secure knowing that the water will be available when I turn on a tap or that the bridge I'm driving over will hold me. I'm not sure if I want to know what happens after I flush a toilet or where the garbage goes. That being said, this book helped me to understand these mundane things using terms that are easily understandable, describing activities that encourage further learning, and showing pictures that are clean and clear and make their point.

This book would make a great secondary resource for high school level physics, engineering or civics courses in that it helps define and explain how the things we take for granted work – why there are different bridges for different applications; what the water table is and why it's important; ways and means of transporting citizens; and many other topics. The simple line-drawn diagrams and illustrations ease understanding of some of the more technical information. Published by Chicago Review Press, this book is supposedly for 9-year-olds and up. I think, unless your middle school student is very "into it", this resource would be better suited to high school students. Some of the activities are a bit blah or extremely elementary, but taking into consideration the subject matter, the activities do help illustrate the concept or principle described in the accompanying text.

Chapters include: water, transportation by water, irrigation, different ways of transportation, trains of all types, different styles of bridges, wires/telephones and wireless communication, plumbing and sewers, refuse disposal or reuse, and pollution from acid rain, global warming and water pollution. This book would make a great text for a co-op class of high schoolers, with the projects done in a group setting with a bit of competition thrown in. For instance, to illustrate the concepts from the chapter on different styles of bridges, a bridge-building contest using the designs described would be great. This book would also be suitable for ideas for science fair projects or as a high school level introduction to civil engineering.

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English from the Roots Up

Book cover: English from the Roots Up
Joegil Lundquist
Number of pages: 
100 pages
Literacy Unlimited

This is a really neat and fairly simple program designed to introduce children to 100 Greek and Latin words that are common roots of English words. Along with background information, Greek and Latin pronunciation guides, and other teaching tips are 100 pages containing one Greek or Latin Root word, a list of English derivatives (with definitions and other root words), teaching notes and extra derivative words.

For example, the fourth word taught is the Greek word metron, meaning "measure". Derivative words (i.e. English words that take their meaning from metron) listed are - meter, geometry, optometry, symmetry, barometer, thermometer, diameter, centimeter, and anemometer. Each of these derivatives lists other root words (such as geo - meaning "earth" - which is another Greek root from which the word "geometry" is derived) and literal definitions of each word follows. The teaching notes give details about some of the different meanings of the word "meter" and how other Greek roots contained in the dervatives (geo, syn, and thermos) will be covered on their own pages as well. The "extra words" segment covers the derivative "metronome", its other greek root (nomos) and the definition

Additional notes: 

Pages: 100 + appendix

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English from the Roots Up: Word Cards

Joegil Lundquist
Number of pages: 
100 pages
Literacy Unlimited

This set of 100 cards covers the Greek and Latin root words found in the companion book. 37 words are Greek Roots (cards are outlined in green - don't worry - they are written in our standard alphabet!) and the res are Latin (cards are outlined in red). The back of each card gives the definition and derivatives in an identical manner to the book (includes definitions, et al.), but does not contain the teaching notes and extra words found in the book. Although the cards are printed on paper slightly heavier than that found in the book, they are still quite flimsy and would hold up much better if laminated.

Note: Some parents find that they only need the cards because they cover the most essential mateiral. Others buy only the book and make their own cards. Personally, I am happy to have both.

Additional notes: 

100 vocabulary cards in a small box

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Envoy Magazine

Book cover: 'Envoy Magazine'
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

A beautiful full-color glossy magazine on Catholic apologetics. The magazine is trendy in format (meant to appeal to teens and "Generation Xers") but orthodox in content. Although we don't subscribe to this magazine, I've seen a few issues and have been very impressed. Some articles I read included sample scenarios of how to explain Catholic teachings in particular situations. I thought this was a very helpful way of preparing people for apologetics. This magazine also includes Scott Hahn's newsletter Scripture Matters.

Update by webmaster, March 2024: Envoy Magazine has been out of production for several years now. Some of Pat's articles from the magazine can be found at his blog: 

For a Catholic apologetics magazine that is still available, check out our review of Catholic Answers Magazine.

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Equate: The Equation Thinking Game

Book cover: 'Equate: The Equation Thinking Game'
Resource Type: 
Conceptual Math Media, Game board with paperboard tiles and plastic tile holders

Similar in format to the word game Scrabble�, Equate allows players to place equations on a board while gaining points based upon the types of numbers and operations used. (For example, a fraction is worth more points than a whole number and a division symbol is worth more points than an addition symbol. Don't worry - the point value is marked on each tile.) Players may add on to existing equations provided that both sides of the equation are still equal.

We found this to be a fun and challenging game for upper grade school through adult. Add on sets can be purchased for younger grades or for advanced Math (the advanced set also includes negative numbers and exponents). Even with the basic set, level of play can be quite challenging considering equations involving multiplication and division of fractions and order of operation. Rules could easily be adjusted to accomodate players with varying skill levels.

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Escape from Warsaw

Ian Serraillier
Number of pages: 
218 pages
Grade / Age level: 
Escape from Warsaw, also known as the Silver Sword, is a very historically accurate account (based on a conglomeration of many true stories) of a Polish family who are separated by war and struggle and find each other again through many hardships. An interesting and likeable story beloved by many, it's a great read for ages ten and up.

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Eucharistic Miracles

And Eucharistic Phenomena in the Lives of the Saints
Book cover: Eucharistic Miracles and Eucharistic Phenomena in the Lives of the Saints
Joan Carroll Cruz
Number of pages: 
305 pages
TAN Books and Publishers

Joan Carroll Cruz has clearly spent years researching these very detailed accounts of 36 Eucharistic Miracles dating from the 8th century all the way up to 1970. Each story is carefully related according to the details known today which often include scientific confirmation and papal recognition of the miracles as well as photographs of reliquaries and hosts that remain intact even today. The stories are fascinating and certainly provide aid to people's faith through these very real testaments to the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. While these stories are probably written primarily with adults in mind, I was very surprised and delighted when my first-communion aged daughter brought me this book to read to her and repeatedly asked me to read a little to her each night until we had finished the entire book! Highly recommended.

This book can easily be incorporated into a History study as it is organized by date. I have also included references to the stories in this book on my history reading timeline at

This book may be purchased from any Catholic booksellers that carry TAN Books.

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Everybody Cooks Rice

Book cover: 'Everybody Cooks Rice'
Norah Dooley
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Scholastic Books
Stapled Softcover
Grade / Age level: 
A small illustrated children's book about two children who visit a number of their neighbors of different ethnic backgrounds and discover that each of their cultures uses rice in their cooking. Includes recipes in the back. A good way to introduce children to our country's ethnic diversity without getting "politically correct." (Warning: We get hungry every time we read this book.)
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Excellence in Literature: American Literature

Reading and Writing through the Classics
Janice Campbell
Number of pages: 
146 pages
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Grade / Age level: 
I am very impressed with this new publication by the Institute for Excellence in Writing. It is a user-friendly, comprehensive and resourceful American Literature Course, recommended for 11th grade English. I'd say it is a real possibility I will be using that in our homeschool co-op next year, and it could definitely be doubled as English and Lit. Visit to their website for info and sample pages. The text consists of nine units, all centered around one main work of American Literature. Each unit is separated into four weekly writing assignments: an author's profile paper, a historical approach paper and two weeks of guided work on a paper about the work of literature itself. Among others, texts students will work on include The Last of the Mohicans, Moby Dick, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , The Great Gatsby and The Old Man and the Sea. There is plenty of extra work offered for an Honors track student. A section entitled Literary Context offers an introduction to the work of literature and some thoughs on it. Under Context Resources one will find a myriad of interesting online resources which will bring the material to life: text sites, literary context and related authors' materials, and sites with information on the author. A Poetry section offers sites with samples of poetry contemporary with the work in question. Other online resources offered include audio, video, music and historical context websites all related to each unit's work of literature. The forms and formats appendices are extremely useful: models are very well demonstrated and student sample work is shown. Also in the appendices one will find rubrics and evaluation forms. There is a glossary as well.
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