No name
All Ye Lands
It is quite specifically Catholic in mentioning many great saints and Catholic figures and the role of Christianity in shaping Western Culture (without ignoring the contributions of the Hebrews, Egyptians, Greeks and Romans) and being written from a Catholic point of view even where Catholics aren't specifically mentioned. There is a significant focus on World Cultures including chapters on many non-Christian cultures - eg. Japan, China, India and the Middle East - as well as a great deal about the largely Christian west. I think it is important for our children to understand these cultures and it is so helpful to have a book that honestly highlights the good and beautiful things from these cultures without acting like it doesn't matter that they weren't Christian (In other words, it's NOT in any way new-age or modernist in presenting these other cultures). I think this is an excellent antidote to modern multiculturalISM.
The book is very visually appealing without being overly-busy. It has beautiful full-color pictures throughout with informative captions. There are some fun features as well, such as a "Let's Eat" segment for each culture with information on what people ate and some simple recipes. The book is intended for 6th grade, but would be profitable and enjoyable to anyone wishing to get a better sense of history and culture. This is the first book being published in a series of Catholic history textbooks. (6-21-03)
The book describes the "Legend" of Samson which some have taken as unnecessarily calling into question the historicity of the Bible. Since there is no other indication of a flawed theology in this regard, I would encourage people to simply interpret this as one of the other meanings of "Legend" which is simply "Story".
There's a confusing typographical error on pg. 133 referencing the life of St. John Chrysostom as "(A.D. 550-407)" I believe it should read "(A.D. 350-407)".
Along the Paths of the Gospel Series
Individual Titles:
- Saint Angela Merici: Leading People to God by Sr. Maryellen Keefe, OSU
- Saint Anthony of Padua: Proclaimer of the Good News by Marie Baudouin-Croix
- Saint Catherine Laboure: Mary's Messenger by Sister Marie-Genevieve Roux and Sister Elisabeth Charpy
- Sister Colette: In the Footsteps of Saint Francis and Saint Clare by the Poor Clares of Poligny and Sister Elisabeth
- Saint Francis of Assisi: God's Gentle Knight by Francoise Vintrou
- Saint Therese of Lisieux and the "Little Way" of Love
- Saint Vincent de Paul: Servant of Charity by Sister Catherine Ethievant
Alvin Fernald, Foreign Trader
Alvin's Secret Code
Amata Means Beloved
She enters the convent as planned and the struggle to come to terms with her grief blends with her journey to find her place in the community of sisters. Her superior gives her the religious name of Amata because she wants the woman to know that she is beloved of God.
When the convent is gifted with a really fine bell, the rest of the monastery rejoices. Sister Amata, however, reveals that her brother had been the bell ringer at the seminary and she hates the idea of hearing the bells ring at the convent. However, not only must she hear the bells and be reminded of the pain of losing her brother, the novice mistress assigns her the job of actually ringing the Angelus bell. As she conquers her fear of the bell, she finally accepts God's will and the death of her brother, and is able to forgive his killers. This is stated so simply here, but Sister Catharine's writing is very moving. I cried through the whole last half of the book. She captures the movement of the heart as it leaves itself and the world and turns to God.
While the story of the young woman's conversion is lovely, one of the best things about this book is the view of religious life. The nuns order pizza or ice cream on special occasions, have talent shows, and work with sheep. Their conversations over the cleaning of the wool are joyful and witty. One of the nuns even translates documents for the Holy Father.
Sister Mary Catharine distributes this book to young women who might be interested in a religious vocation to give them a perspective on the life. However, this would be a good book for a high school girl to read whether she is considering a vocation or not.
America's Great (and not so great) Catholic Moments: A Perpetual Calendar
This would make a fun family project to share at meal-time and might lead to further "explorations" about particularly interesting entries. It would also make a great gift for a college student, history buff or homeschool parent.
Binding details: desk-calendar sized stand)
American History for Young Catholics, Grade 1
American History, Grade 5
The seven units and twenty-eight chapters are fairly brief at an average of ten pages, and the reading level is appropriate for fifth and sixth grade students. In the chapters are loads of black and white illustrations, maps and timelines. The end-of-chapter questions are all discussion and short answer or essay type, with a list of persons, places, and terms that might be useful for a timeline book assignment. In addition, there are some "Interesting Things to Do" that are more research and hands-on oriented. The end-of-unit questions are also discussion or essay type, critical thinking questions. Also included are a section called "Linking Geography to History", more "Interesting Things to Do", and a list of additional books to read. Many of the titles on the book list are familiar to me as they are what is presently being discarded from the library. Many of them are are out-of-print, but others are currently being reprinted in inexpensive paperback editions. If essay questions are more than your student is able to tackle, the corresponding test booklet includes tests in the typical multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank format.
The Teacher's Manual contains the unique part of this course, and I would recommend its purchase as essential to getting the best out of this course. The reprinted edition is 95 pages long and is comb-bound. Its focus is on Christian social principles, which are outlined as an introduction to the Teacher's Manual and the course. Each unit has introductory information for the teacher, as well as an introduction to each chapter's material. These background notes are keyed to the list of Christian social principles and historical perspectives detailed in the introduction. Without this teacher's guide, I'm positive that I would have missed all of this. There is also a suggested test for the unit. For each chapter, the teacher's manual also includes a list of important terms and concepts, a useless-to-me list of related educational films and filmstrips, the answers to all of the student's questions, "Ideas to be Developed", and "Teaching Procedures". Because of the chronological arrangement of information, I think that the background information in the teacher's manual would be useful no matter which text you use.
Also available are a test booklet mentioned above and the answer key to the tests.
Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur
Amos Fortune: Free Man
Amos Fortune is the true story of a man who was born in Africa – the son of a great chief – and was kidnapped (along with many people from his tribe) and taken to America, where he was sold into slavery. He was purchased by a Quaker family in New England who treat him more like a son than a slave and teach him to read and help him to embrace the Christian faith. Through an agreement with his first owner, Amos eventually earns his own freedom. He proceeds to work very diligently and live very simply in order to earn enough money to buy the freedom of several other slaves over the course of his lifetime. The author simply portrays the virtues of diligence, patience and perseverance evident in this honest man. The story takes place at the time of the American Revolution.