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Mozart, the Wonder Child

A Puppet Show in Three Acts
Diane Stanley
Harper Collins
Resource Type: 

No need to introduce young Mozart or kids biographer extraordinaire Diane Stanley, but this brand new biography has a twist: she wrote the whole book as a marionette play! The pictures look as if his whole life is a show, with characters suspended on strings. Expect the usual detail-rich, high level writing that comes with her wonderful biographies.

Another innovative aspect is the medium she chose for the paintings for this book: the 500-year old method of egg-tempera. On the interior of the back jacket she explains about this medium and directs readers to the Society of Tempera Painters at For this art teacher, this definitely sparks my curiosity... potential projects abound in my head!

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First reviewed: 
August 05, 2009

Much Ado About Nothing

Book cover: 'Much Ado About Nothing'
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This is an admirable portrayal of one of Shakespeare's great comedies beautifully filmed on location in Italy. It is a love story that also laughs at love and a drama that ends up being "Much Ado About Nothing." It is so refreshing to see that Kenneth Branagh (director, adapter and co-leading man) appreciates Shakespeare as Shakespeare rather than trying to add on modern nonsense to make it more accessible. Instead, Branagh assists in making Shakespeare's timeless story accessible through good acting, beautiful scenery and an amazingly faithful script. I like this film very much, and I think it can be a good place for introducing teens to Shakespeare. However, there are a few short scenes of a sensual nature that parents might want to edit for their children. I recommend that parents preview the movie before watching it with their children, but in a nutshell, here some scenes that parents may wish to edit, particularly the third one:

During the credits, the men and women (who are in separate places) are shown bathing and dressing up while preparing to meet each other after the men had been away at war. While this is done in a fairly innocent manner, there are plenty of naked "backsides" in this scene.

There is a small scene during the costumed party involving a couple who are not behaving themselves very well. It does help establish their characters which play an essential role in the story. Although it is not terribly graphic (and might go unnoticed by small children), it is probably not suitable for younger viewers.

The balcony scene in which Margaret is "courted" by her boyfriend (same couple as above) by the name of another is a pivotal point in the story. It is done without nudity and is consistent with the story, but is still quite graphic and unsuitable for young viewers.
Additional notes: 

Directed by Kenneth Branagh, PG-13, 1 hr. 51 min., Color

Starring: Kennegth Branagh, Michael Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Emma Thompson and Denzel Washington

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Much Ado About Nothing

William Shakespeare
Much Ado About Nothing is an uproarious comedy (with plenty of dramatic elements) about love and hate. While awaiting the marriage of Hero and Claudio, several plots unfold. One is an incredibly funny conspiracy to set up Beatrice and Benedick, two swift-tongued sworn enemies, to fall in love with each other. The other is nefarious, a plan to ruin Hero by convincing Claudio and company that she has been unfaithful. You’ll find lots of great fodder for discussion here, including the wisdom of the foolish and the foolishness of the wise and, of course, Shakespeare’s often-present cautions about deception and flattery.
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Multiplication Songs

Book cover: 'Multiplication Songs'
Kathy Troxel
Audio Memory
Audio Memory offers math audio tapes and CDs for practicing "Math Facts" in Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication. (Sold separately from each other). These are Math drills set to music (of the synthesized variety). Although these make for an easy memorization aid, I found the songs almost unbearably sappy. (My children did like them though.)
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Murder in the Cathedral

Book cover: 'Murder in the Cathedral'
T.S. Eliot
Grade / Age level: 
This classic play, written in the fashion of a Greek tragedy (but with Catholic content) is suitable for high school students and adults. Handling the topic of St. Thomas Becket' martyrdom, it focuses on the spiritual and emotional struggles and temptations the Archbishop is faced with immediately before his martyrdom. Full of many truths and fodder for great discussion, this is a highly recommended piece for literature, religion and history.
Additional notes: 

Various editions available

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Music Theory Learning Wrap-Ups: Introductory Kit

Product: 'Music Theory Learning Wrap-Ups: Introductory Kit'
Carmen Wolthuis Hall (adapter)
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

Kit includes four sets of 10 flashcards: Keys & Notes, Signs & Symbols, Rhythm & Vocabulary, Intervals & Chords

Our family has been enjoying Learning Wrap-Ups in a variety of subjects to drill and practice basic concepts. Each set consists of ten key-shaped plastic flash cards attached at a pivot-point with a string to wrap back and forth from question to answer. After finishing each key, simply look at the back to be sure the string matches up with the self-correcting answer key. I love how my children can study independently with these sets AND they can be used over and over again. They are sturdier and more self-contained than ordinary flash-cards (and don't get lost under the couches!). Learning Wrap-Ups may be purchased one set at a time or in money-saving multi-set kits.

This music theory kit includes four sets of Learning Wrap-Ups on Musical Theory for piano students:

Keys and Notes: Match notes on a staff to keyboard, letter notes to keyboard, notes with the same name on different staffs, fill in notes sequentially, etc. Includes some sharps and flats.

Signs and Symbols: Match musical terms (like mezzo forte and descrescendo) to their abbreviations, match musical symbols (like repeat, sharp and treble clef) with their meaning, find the relative minor for each major key, match the key with its signature in the treble clef, etc.

Rhythm and Vocabulary: Match notes to rests of equal value, match musical terms (like dolce and lento) to their English translations, match note groups of equal value, "How many counts per measure?", etc.

Intervals and Chords: Find the note to complete the chord, Match the chord with its name, Match triads to their black & white key patterns, etc.

Each set may also be purchased individually.

Additional notes: 

Made by Learning Wrap Ups.

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My Advent Calendar

Pauline Books and Media
Grade / Age level: 
This is a very simple advent calendar with little doors to open each day of Advent. The price is very reasonable, but the quality is suitable for a one-time use (it would be difficult to close the doors a second time around). The illustrations are very simple with some glittery high-lights but my favorite feature is a simple task (though some are very generic) printed on the inside of each door for the child to do to prepare for Christmas. Here are a few random examples: "Jesus, as we prepare to welcome you, let me be welcoming of others, too." "Jesus, today I'll be obedient, even when it isn't easy." "Jesus, today I'll offer to help my family by setting the table." "Today, Jesus, I'll spend some time thinking about the miracle of your birth."
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My Brother Sam is Dead

Book cover: My Brother Sam is Dead
James Lincoln Collier
Christopher Collier
Number of pages: 
215 pages
Scholastic and others

My Brother Sam is Dead is the story of a boy whose brother rebels against his father to join the colonial army in the Revolutionary War. There are many good things to recommend about this story and some warnings to give also.

The boy, Tim Meeker, is witness to the chaotic events of the war. The book gives a good description of the confusion of the times with occupying armies and defiant citizens, senseless death and seemingly cruel punishments. Tim's brother, Sam, joins the patriot army against his father's wishes and even returns to steal his father's gun. Sam's father is a staunch loyalist and scandalized by his son's behavior. The father has also had a taste of war in the French and Indian war and does not want his son to have to experience the horror of it. The son thinks he knows better.

As the war progresses, and goods become scarce, armies on both sides resort to commandeering or stealing for food and supplies. Tim's father is arrested as he is bringing a load of supplies to the tavern he runs and Sam is arrested for stealing cows, which he did not steal. Tim's father dies on a British prison ship and Sam is executed by his own army for theft. The scene of the execution is somewhat unsettling as are other scenes like it in the book.

This is definitely an anti-war story. The authors end the book by asking if we might have been able to accomplish independence without a war. Throughout the story the atrocities of war are reflected upon by Tim and there are many quotes by Tim's father about the price of war, such as, "In war, the dead pay the debts of the living." This slant by the author would make a great subject for discussion.

Another very interesting aspect of story is that the rebellion of the son to his father directly parallels the rebellion of the colonies to the father country, England. The exchanges between father and son could be laid right across the colonies and England. Yet another interesting aspect is the irony of the deaths of father and son. Father, as a loyalist, dies in a prison ship as a prisoner of the country he professes and Sam, as a rebel, dies at the end of an firing squad of his fellow patriots. All of these make this book a great vehicle for discussion of author's bias and purpose, of literary devices such as irony and story structure, and finally of the ideas behind the war itself.

However, there is one great drawback to the story. There is an enormous amount of swearing in it, including taking the Lord's name. If it were just once or twice, you might be able to overlook it, but one teacher I know counted and found over fifty instances of swearing. If you want your children to have the experience of the book, you might consider reading it aloud and editing out the swearing as you read. However, there are many other books available which discuss the ideas of the Revolutionary War while avoiding this drawback.

Additional notes: 

Newbery Honor Book

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My Cup of Tea

Musings of a Catholic Mom
Danielle Bean
Number of pages: 
178 pages
Pauline Books and Media
Grade / Age level: 
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