No name
The Educated Child
This book is designed to assist parents in choosing and judging good schools and how well their children are doing there. Brief "scope and sequence" lists (based on the Core Knowledge Curriculum) and some suggested resources are included. Although it is not specifically aimed at homeschoolers, homeschoolers are favorably addressed in several portions and will find much useful advice and ideas in the book. It's a worthwhile read, but probably not a high priority to purchase (you might want to check it out from the library before buying it.) Like the Core Knowledge Curriculum, it does have the potential to overwhelm at the expense of learning.
The Empty Pot
This lovely little storybook has been enjoyed by my preschoolers as well as my grade-school-aged children. As the moral of the story unfolds, this colorful story book exposes children to a little bit of Ancient China. It is the story of Ping, a child with a green thumb. However when the emperor gives Ping a seed to care for, he cannot even get a sprout from it. Yet all of the children of the land, who were also given seeds to nurture, return to the emperor's palace with beautiful flowers. Ping, humbled, gives the emperor his empty pot expecting to be scolded. Much to Ping's surprise, the emperor embraces him and names him his heir, for the seeds that he gave to the children had been baked and were sterile. This is a story that will give your children a beautiful example of honesty as well as courage and humility.
The Essence of Holy Mass
This book is divided into two sections. The first, 44 pages long, discusses the purpose of Holy Mass and its essential parts (in such a way that it would be equally useful for those attending a Tridentine Indult or a Novus Ordo Mass). The text is very simple and could be ready by many first or second graders. The large typeface and full-color photos (of children re-enacting scenes from Our Lord's life) make it very appealing. My oldest read through the book rather quickly in second grade and like it very much. As a family, we also very much enjoyed it as a read aloud for several age levels who benefited much from listening and then pausing occasionally for further discussion. We found it a beautiful source of beginning spiritual direction for young children.
The remainder of the book provides additional meditations and other material that could be profitably read-aloud to children and/or provide background reading (and helpful meditation) for parents.
The Evangelization of the New World
The Face of the Nazarene
As the story unfolds, we see the powerful influence of "the Master" upon his devoted friends - especially Judah, the headstrong young charge/apprentice to Lazarus. Judah and his friends are gravely concerned about the plottings of Jesus' enemies and they desperately wish to do something to protect him. The story helps to give us a very real sense of their helplessness and sorrow as they watched His Passion and death unfold. Mary's sorrow and faith during this difficult time are also very beautifully rendered. The reader, who has experienced the sorrow of the Passion with Jesus' friends will also rejoice all the more with them at His Resurrection
The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau
Like many parents our age, I grew up with Jacques Cousteau, the Frenchman who brought the life below the water level to everyone's homes via TV and films. Here is a colorful, friendly picture book about his life and accomplishments. Curious episodes of his life and his conservation efforts are explained in simple language. Also, beautiful, direct quotes from him are found throughout the colorful book, such as:
If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we faith, and we have hope.
The art is reminiscent of illustrations from the 60s and very pleasant. We read this aloud and some of the facts of his life listed on the last page. We also found plenty on You Tube including longer films of his adventures on his ship, the Calypso.
Together with another picture book about Jacques Cousteau entitled Manfish by Jennifer Berne, this book can bring alive the life of a great man and his work to any young student .
Note: An interesting piece in the NYT about these books on the "red-capped" ocean explorer is worth reading!