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The Joy of Mathematics

discovering mathematics all around you
Book cover: The Joy of Mathematics
Theoni Pappas
Number of pages: 
240 pages
Wide World Publishing
Resource Type: 

This book is very good at what it does. However, you have to read the introduction to find out what it does. It is NOT a math textbook. And it is NOT a math program. You'd have to be a real geek to read it cover to cover. This is full of 1 (sometimes 2) page math things of all sorts. Little vignettes into the world of math. As such it introduces the reader to a number of things that he might not otherwise encounter. In fact, I am an engineer (lots'o'math) and I saw new and interesting things in here! Some of these are little games (answers in the back). Some are just fun to look at and ponder (many geometric things are this way). Some include little histories of a problem or mathematician.

What this book will probably do at some point is lead you to investigate some of these math ideas more deeply elsewhere. This is good! It sparks a good kind of excitement and wonder about math that everyone should be happy to experience now and then. Therefore, adult readers and capable children (decent readers but not necessarily good or enthusiastic about math) should both enjoy picking up this book a few times a week. For this reason this would be an excellent bathroom book.

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The Killer Angels

Book cover: The Killer Angels
Michael Shaara
Number of pages: 
368 pages
Ballantine Books
Grade / Age level: 

This is really a rather remarkable novel about the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania – probably the most famous battle of the Civil War. The Southern Armies, under General Lee, decided to invade the North in order to strike a blow that would "hit home" and make the Northerners wish to end the war. North and South met in the small farming town of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania and engaged in bloody battle for three days. The cost in human life was devastating to both sides. The defeat of the South at this battle seemed avoidable, but turned out to be decisive in the overall outcome of the war.

What is remarkable about this book is both the completeness of the picture we are given of the importance and complexity of the battle and the humanity of its key players. It is surprisingly unbiased toward either side, instead focusing on understanding the multitude of motivations that influenced the key players. The book contains twenty-three chapters. Each chapter tells a piece of the story from the point of view of different characters (a number of the characters have more than one chapter – four chapters are from General Lee's point of view, six chapters are from Colonel Chaberlain's point of view, etc.) The author seems to take special care in elaborating upon the South's General Longstreet and the North's Colonel Chamberlain.

High school students and adults will come away from this book with a much fuller sense of the gravity and scope of the civil war. It is intense, although not overly graphic and does contain some coarse language (which is both realistic and not overdone).

Note: The 1993 movie Gettysburg is based on this book and is quite good. It is remarkably non-gory without destroying the necessary sense of reality. I would recommend reading the book first as it provides some details not shown in the movie and makes it much easier to follow the multitude of characters. My one caveat is that I didn't care for the way General Lee was portrayed in the movie. They left out some important details that would have affected his admittedly poor decisions (namely his bad health) and in general, I found Martin Sheen's portrayal too buffoonish and undignified in contrast with the book.

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The King of the Golden City

An Allegory for Children
Book cover: The King of the Golden City
Mother Mary Loyola
John Watson Davis
Number of pages: 
120 pages
Little Way Press

This is a simple, old-fashioned allegory about our relationship with Jesus and our journey to heaven (the "King" and the "Golden City"). The story is about a girl named Dilecta who struggles in the "Land of Exile" to keep her "hut" in order in order to be prepared for the King's visits, keep her "lamp" of peace burning brightly and control "Self", and listen to her "Prince Guardian" who helps to keep her out of the snatches of Malignus.

My daughter (2nd grader) enjoyed listening to the story and figuring out what each part of the story was trying to say in "real life". Sometimes children enjoy this sort of challenge of uncovering ideas that are somewhat hidden - working at the ideas can help to make them more meaningful.

This book covers a great deal of material in a simple manner - children are introduced to basic components of the spiritual life and encouraged to develop a strong relationship with our Lord through the Sacraments and a detachment from the things of this world.

This would make a nice religion supplement for young homeschooled children, but may be less appealing to those who have already been more exposed to today's culture.

Update: Over the years we have returned to this lovely book again and again (especially when we have a child preparing for First Communion) - and were delighted to be introduced to this new full-color edition with lovely old-fashioned illustrations and beautiful, glossy pages.

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The King's Daughter

Book cover: The King's Daughter
Suzanne Martel
Number of pages: 
231 pages
Éditions Fides
Grade / Age level: 

This engaging novel is centered around a young orphan from France, who is married off to a Canadian coureur de bois. The heroine, Jeanne Chatel, is spunky and determined to succeed in the wilds of 17th century Canada. There is considerable Catholic content in the novel. Jeanne is an orphan, and is raised by Catholic nuns in France. She travels to America with Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, who went on to found schools and chapels, and started the Congregation of Notre Dame in Montreal, Quebec.

The novel has considerable historical content. We see the dangers faced by settlers in New France from Jeanne's eyes, as she struggles with raising her family and enduring the ever-present possibility of an Indian attack. Jeanne's husband is a coureur de bois, and we learn about this unique lifestyle. The book would be thoroughly enjoyed by girls, twelve and up. The author weaves a bit of romance through the story, and this would have high 'girl appeal'. It has an exciting plot, and would enhance any study of early Canadian history.

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The King's Shadow

Book cover: 'The King's Shadow'
Elizabeth Alder
Number of pages: 
272 pages
Bantam Doubleday Dell
The King's Shadow is a story of a welsh serf, Evyn, who dreams of becoming a storyteller. In retaliation for his uncle's crime, however, Evyn has his tongue cut out, thus shattering his dreams to become a storyteller. Evyn is then sold to the king's wife, and eventually becomes the king's squire and then his foster son.

The book is set in the 11th century, shortly before the Battle of Hastings. It gives accurate details of King Harold's life, and the life of English nobility of the time. It would be a wonderful complement to a history unit on the Middle Ages.

The King's Shadow is an excellent work of historical fiction, recommended for ages 10 and up. It has great "boy appeal" because of the battle scenes, adventures, intrigue, and the profusion of male characters. Not recommended for a read aloud.

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The Kitchen Madonna

Rumer Godden
Number of pages: 
103 pages
Bethlehem Books
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
This is a simple, lovely work, of fine literary quality, about a thoroughly modern brother and sister and their blunt Ukrainian maid, who feels out-of-place in London and misses having a "good place" in the kitchen. A good place, according to Marta is something like this: "In my home, Ukrainian home, we make a good place...A place on top of cupboard, perhaps, or perhaps on shelf. Little place but it holy because we keep there Our Lady and Holy Child." When questioned by the children, she explained further. It wasn't a statue and not a picture. "Like picture but more beautiful. They in our churches too. Pictures, but prickled with gold."

The children wrap themselves up in the quest of finding a kitchen Madonna for their Marta. I shouldn't really tell you much more. It's a short story, though not really a kids story; a story for everyone. Very sadly, it is out of print; but it's well-worth your own quest. :)

UPDATE: This has just been reprinted in a lovely, newly-illustrated hardcover edition by Bethlehem Books. Highly recommended!
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First reviewed: 
10-23-06/ 2-16-10

The Lady of Guadalupe

Book cover: The Lady of Guadalupe
Tomie dePaola
Number of pages: 
44 pages
Holiday House
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 

This has been one of my family's very favorite picture books since our oldest was a toddler. It is a beautiful re-telling of a beautiful story with illustrations that complement it nicely and which are very appealing to children. I especially like Tomie de Paola's attention to detail. It's informative enough to be interesting even for adults.

The story tells of Mary's apparitions to an Indian convert, Juan Diego, in Mexico, in 1531. She asked Juan Diego to tell the bishop that she wished a church to be built. On his second visit, the bishop asked Juan to ask "the lady" for a sign. Mary sends Juan back to the bishop with fresh cut roses - even though it's the middle of December. When Juan opens his tilma (like a cloak) to show the roses to the bishop, they discover that Our Lady's image has been miraculously imprinted on his tilma. This tilma has remained intact and is displayed even today in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City.

The author also avoids some of the mistakes and biases often present in renditions of the story. By explaining how the Bishop interrogated Juan Diego and carefully recorded all the details, the author makes it clear that this story is not a legend, but an actual occurence. (A note following the story also gives information about the miraculous condition of the tilma today - which is amazingly intact after more than 400 years.) The author also seems to have avoided any politically correct bias. I was particularly impressed with his portrayal of the bishop who was a very holy man with a genuine concern for all the people of Mexico.

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The Lances of Lynwood

Charlotte M. Yonge
Number of pages: 
264 pages
Lepanto Press
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
"Virtue Conquers" is the theme of this charming, wholesome adventure story set in the Middle Ages, during the reign of Edward III of England. Eustace, the scholarly but valiant brother-in-law of Sir Reginald Lynwood, goes as his squire to Spain under the banner of the English sovereign. In his first battle, he loses his brother-in-law but gains a knight's spurs for his courage. His future looks very bright, but soon his prospects sour through no fault of his own, as he runs afoul of an unscrupulous kinsman who is trying to abduct his nephew Arthur, the heir to the earldom, in order to control his inheritance. Suspicion, rumors of wizardry, and attempts on his life now replace the earlier praise and honor, and how he confronts injustice and preserves his nephew's safety makes an interesting read full of chivalry and adventure.

This book might be enjoyed by children who are fans of the historical books of G.A. Henty - it has the same historical detail and the same kind of noble, virtuous protagonist -- but has the added benefit of being thoroughly Catholic. The reading level is probably best suited for ten to fourteen year olds, but there is nothing in its content which would make it unsuitable for even much younger children.

The Lances of Lynwood is part of the Knights and Ladies line recently reprinted by Lepanto Press, and is handsomely bound in a hard cover.

Additional notes: 

This book was donated for review by Lepanto Press.

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The Lark on the Wing

Elfrida Vipont
T. R. Freeman
Bethlehem Books
Grade / Age level: 
Set during the late 1940’s, The Lark on the Wing is the story of a young woman on the brink of a new career. Seventeen-year-old Kit desires with all her heart to sing professionally, but one obstacle after another pops up in her way. Will she be able to overcome all these obstacles to fulfill her life’s dream? The Lark on the Wing captures the doubts, the excitement, and the energy of young people on the brink of adulthood with a world of myriad choices before them, including young love. The plot is fast-paced, effortlessly moving from one scene to the next. With a variety of personalities, it is also a story about relationships. Using the popular idiomatic language of the 1940's, we travel back into time as the characters express their thoughts, emotions, and favorite pastimes. The Lark on the Wing also presents a realistic picture of love, with all the emotional ups and downs, without the modern day garbage. In other words, people have real relationships. Sometimes they work out. Sometimes they don’t. People don’t always say or do the right thing at the right time. As Kit grows and matures, she must decide what a serious relationship involves. With all the intense emotions swirling about, it is also a story about virtue, building up patience, kindness, and forbearance. How will Kit react to those around her, the person who goads her to do something she shouldn’t do or thwarts her plans or good intentions through power or money? The Lark on the Wing also provides an interesting peek into Quaker life during the 1940’s, presenting them as an active, vibrant, socially conscious group, breaking the stereotype of a quiet and serious people. Along the way, we meet some unusual characters. Since Kit is studying music, for the reader seriously interested in music, there is a lot of wisdom to be learned. Even though she is learning about voice, much of her teacher’s advice could apply to other instruments. For the person who thinks singing is merely picking up a piece of music, the author clarifies the importance of training. For the young person, trying to make sense out of life, Kit offers a realistic picture of a young woman who is faced with numerous obstacles, yet perseveres in her life’s dream. A lovely young girl with sweetness and charm, searching to find her own way, Kit learns to ignore the voices of discouragement and laziness and forge her own path among the confusing voices. Will her perseverance pay off? Will she finally achieve her life's dreams? Immensely enjoyable, The Lark on the Wing is highly recommended!
Additional notes: 
The Lark on the Wing is a sequel to The Lark in the Morn.
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