No name
Who's My Baby? Memory Matching
Why Be Catholic?
Wild Animals Coloring Book
A very nice, detailed and academic-oriented coloring book for learning about wild animals. In addition to beautiful line drawings of 47 different animals from around the world, the text provides common and scientific names and details about appearance, location, habits, size, etc. The index includes both common and scientific names as well, for easy look-up. Illustrations are royalty free (within certain conditions) and may be copied for use within your family.
Dover offers a couple of examples of how the finished images might look:

William Shakespeare and the Globe
William Shakespeare's The Tempest
Winter Danger
As an adventure and historical tale, this is a great read, but it offers a deeper level too. The story touches upon some very essential points about the purpose of civilization, family and loving one's neighbor. This is a fairly easy read for 2nd or 3rd grade and up but would also make a great read-aloud.
Witness to Hope
In what is being widely hailed as the definitive biography of Pope John Paul II, faithful Roman Catholic theologian and journalist George Weigel presents a thorough look at Pope John Paul II from the inside. With a rich complement of Polish history and in-depth coverage of the Holy Father's cultural, philsophical and spiritual background, he portrays a vivid and accurate picture of who the Pope really is and what he's trying to accomplish (and has already accomplished) as the Vicar of Christ. A long and moderately difficult read (the base text is about 850 pages followed by approximately 150 pages of footnotes, appendices and a thorough index) it's the sort of book that would not be required reading for every high school student, but would make excellent reading for those brave enough to attempt it and required reading for adults trying to understand where the Holy Father comes from. The book touches upon many major issues and events of the 20th century (including World War II and the fall of Communist Russia) as well as an in-depth look at the history and culture of Poland going back many centuries. Includes 32 pages of photographs (the more recent ones in full color).
Click here for a review of this book written by Cardinal Avery Dulles (from First Things)
Widely available used and in bookstores and discount stores everywhere as well as the sources listed below. The audio book is excellent as well.
Wooden Pattern Blocks
These beautiful wooden blocks are about 1/8th of an inch thick and come in six different shapes (each shape is a different color).They can be fitted together to make beautiful patterns and designs. We've been using them for many years and they've been a hit with every one of my children. They're fun and beautiful and promote fine-motor skills, eye-hand coordination (intricate patterns can be too frustrating to really young children) and visualization and thinking skills. One way I use them with my kindergarteners is this: the child and I will each start a pattern or design and then switch so that the other one has to finish it. The wooden set has such a nice feel to it - playing with it is so relaxing and peaceful for young children (especially while you're trying to work on academics with older siblings.
Available in various materials, sizes and quantities - we prefer the wooden set.