No name

Herodotus and the Road to History

Jeanne Bendick
Number of pages: 
80 pages
Bethlehem Books
Grade / Age level: 
This is a brief, engaging and heavily illustrated biography of the world's first historian. Herodotus lived in the Greek city of Halicarnassus in the Persian empire during the 5th century BC. His situation and personality put him an ideal place to tell the fascinating stories of the Persian Wars (think Marathon, Thermopylae and Salamis) and to travel extensively and collect stories from all over. His original writings are a fascinating read for upper high school or college. This is unique in that it shares the basic history of his own life, told in first person narrative. It gives a fascinating glimpse into the world he lived in as well as touching upon major events and characters that he wrote about. It's the perfect companion to a children's edition of the stories of Herodotus. Our family read it immediately after finishing Stories from Herodotus by Glanville Downey (which is sadly out of print, but may be available from your local library), which made it even more relevant and interesting. Suitable for independent reading ages 10 and up, or for a read aloud to younger children.
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Donated for review by Bethlehem Books.

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Heroes of God's Church

Father P. Henry Matimiore, S.T.D.
Number of pages: 
286 pages
Neumann Press
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
"In writing this volume, the purpose has been to acquaint our children with biographies that will have some particular influence on the development of their characters. Each story has been planned as a real character-training project, not merely as a reading lesson to inspire admiration for faith and religious heroism." (From the Foreword)

I think the author does an admirable job in achieving his purpose. We are shown how the Saints were real people who struggled with things like bad tempers and parents who just didn't understand their religious fervor. Some became great saints by just doing the little everyday things well and out of love while others showed incredible heroism through the most agonizing tortures and martyrdom.

The book covers 25 Saint stories, from 6 to 18 pages each, with comprehension questions for each story. We are presented with a variety of Saints of every age with a true diversity of personalities, difficulties to overcome and social classes. The chronological order and selection would also make this a very worthwhile supplement to a study of World History.

The comprehension questions seem suited to mid-grade school (perhaps grades 3-6) but the stories themselves would be appropriate for a wide age range (probably from first grade through adult if care is taken with regard to some of the "scarier" martyr stories for the very young ones).
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Heroes of Virtue

A Timeline-manual of New World Saints and Blessed
Book cover: 'Heroes of Virtue: A Timeline-manual of New World Saints and Blessed'
Sister Elizabeth Ann
Number of pages: 
115 pages
Catholic Heritage Curricula
Stapled Softcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
We have enjoyed using this manual in our home for almost a year now and have found that it has added a dimension that was lacking from our homeschool before. The author, a member of the congregation Sisters of Saint Joseph the Worker, has done an outstanding job organizing the saints of the Americas by chronology and geographical area. This manual includes saints from both North and South America. Sister Elizabeth Ann begins her book with reasons for studying these saints along with many ideas for incorporating them into ones ongoing historical or geographical studies. She includes information about the various religious orders and information on "How Saints are Made." Her excellent timeline includes key events and people in the history of the Americas with an astric noting where the saints fit into the overall picture. We have found this timeline to be invaluable. Outline maps, which are provided for each area, are easy for the children to trace and the biographies are long enough to provide important information but short enough that they could easily be woven into any history program. The workbook pages and activity sheets at the back of the book allow the student to spend extra time considering the saint's life and how they impacted history.

Additional notes: 

Many thanks to Catholic Heritage Curricula for donating this book for review.

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History Links - General Studies and Ancient Egypt

Book cover: 'History Links - General Studies and Ancient Egypt'
Jennifer Alles
Barbara Little
Number of pages: 
68 pages
Wooly Lamb Publishing
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
We've only used the General Studies and just begun Ancient Egypt, so I know little. However, I do think they are very creative and very Catholic in their presentation. They recommend a certain kids Protestant Bible for ages 2-8 because of the "high picture-to-text ratio with twelve pictures per double plate spread. The characters are dressed in authentic garb, making it a wonderful companion to the unit studies. There is one reference to Jesus's brothers, but overall it is a fabulous learning resource for younger children and every child loves it!" They then go on to say that older children in the 6-10 year old category and pre-teens/teengagers should be able to use the adult Catholic Bibles, like the NAB, the Douay-Rheims, Jerusalem Bible or the RSV. The other resources they recommend in the "Resources Needed" section are a globe, a world map or atlas, a dictionary, a Catechism of the Catholic Church and a set of Encyclopedias. In the section on "highly recommended but not essential" resources, they also include the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism, Usborne Book of World History, Usborne Book of the Ancient World, National Geographic Magazines, Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, Encyclicals, a concordance, the WWW and last but not least, the Institute for Excellence in Writing program.Throughout the program, too, they also highly encourage the use of primary resources, which I think is a good idea. I was really impressed with their General Studies program, mostly for their emphasis on learning first HOW to study the Ancient World (thru. History, Archaeology, Geography and Theology) encouraging students to look methodically at the Ancient World thru. these lenses, rather than thru. a hodgepodge 20th century perspective. They start each section of the General Studies by recommending memorization of various Catholic hymns and prayers, too.
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History Links: Unit Six – Ancient Greece

Unit Studies for Catholic Families.
Jennifer Alles
Barbara Little
Kim Staggenborg
Number of pages: 
83 pages
Wooly Lamb Publishing
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
Unit Studies, or integrated curriculum, present a wonderful opportunity to study one topic in depth while taking side-trips to study related topics. The History Links units have been prepared to help Catholic families study a broad range of subjects, over all grade levels, organized by historical time period, from a Catholic point of view. That doesn't sound too easy to do, but the authors have made it so.

This unit on Ancient Greece is not a structured, day-to-day lesson plan. Rather, it is organized to guide you to develop your own daily plans and longer term assignments. The book begins with traditional Catholic prayers and patriotic hymns derived from Greek that can be learned during the unit and used for memorization, dictation, copywork or spelling. Next is a lengthy list of topics that will be studied and a listing of specific books, church documents, videos, and internet sites. These lists will help you to gather materials for your students to use during the study of Ancient Greece. The "preparation" section ends with vocabulary and spelling lists and a timeline.

The bulk of the unit is organized in outline style, with many, many suggestions of things to do as you explore Ancient Greece. Each of the topic headings and activity suggestions includes background teaching information, which I think is one of the best features of the program. The activity suggestions are coded with an age recommendation and a subject classification. For example, some activities are best-suited for preschoolers or elementary students, while others are best for middle school students or high school students. Each page also includes ideas for including babies and toddlers in the activities! Main subjects covered include religion, language arts, literature, research skills, critical thinking, and geography. Some suggestions also include study in foreign language, math, science, citizenship, architecture, art, crafts, drama, music, and physical education.

The authors recommend spending approximately 2 months on this unit, but there are so many things to do that you could easily spend much longer on this time period. I think that these courses are wonderful all by themselves, but they would also be very useful as a supplement. If you are enrolled with a formal curriculum such as that of Kolbe Academy or the Angelicum Academy, you could use History Links to add some fun projects and a Catholic perspective to the courses. History Links really are family-centered education, making learning fun and memorable.

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History of Us, Volume 6: War, Terrible War

Book cover: History of Us, Volume 6: War, Terrible War
Joy Hakim
Number of pages: 
160 pages
Oxford University Press
Grade / Age level: 

This is an interesting, very readable overview of the Civil War. There is a significant focus on the issue of slavery as a plague upon American culture of the time. The author's basic thesis is that, while different people fought for different reasons and the focus was especially blurred when the war began (when there was more emphasis on preservation of the union), the war was essentially fought over the issue of slavery.

Although the author herself is not consistent on this issue in her final volume, a lot can be learned from studying her stories, ideas and conclusions about slavery in light of the current abortion debate. A thoughtful older student might even study this volume thoroughly and compare it with Hakim's significantly-problematic treatment of the 20th century. Hakim makes a significant effort to be fair to the intentions of both North and South while clearly believing that the North has the upper moral hand on the slavery issue.

Although the writing style is quite engaging, all the side bar quotes and information do make a cover-to-cover reading a little choppy. This volume could be used very beneficially as a "spine book" to tie together a study of the Civil War with an emphasis on great stories such as Uncle Tom's Cabin and Killer Angels. Most approriate for grades 6-8 but usable for anyone studying the Civil War. The book can have the effect of kindling an interest in the topic and inviting the student to learn more on their own.

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Hittite Warrior

Book cover: Hittite Warrior
Joanne Williamson
Number of pages: 
237 pages
Bethlehem Books
Grade / Age level: 

This is a rather interesting story, set in Biblical times (about 1200 B.C.) of a great battle led by the Hebrew Barak (at the time of Deborah) and told from the perspective of a young Hittite Warrior, Uriah – one of the enemy. The story gives the reader a real sense of the culture of the time – from the land of the Hittites, to Ancient Israel, to the major Canaanite cities of Tyre and Sidon (where the people fearfully sacrifice a child to the god Moloch in time of difficulty). Through the shock of becoming involved in rescuing a child from Moloch against his will, Uriah becomes involved with the Hebrews and eventually comes to see difficulties with the pagan beliefs. The author also ties in details of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece from the same time period.

It's so important to have books which tie Biblical and other historical events together – helping us to better understand the Old Testament.

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Hold That Thought: History Volumes 1 and 2

Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
I have a houseful of active, writing-resistant sons, and I am always on the lookout for materials that not only encourage my boys to write frequently, but also encourage them to write well. History, Volumes 1 and 2, from Hold That Thought have turned writing in our history studies, and the historical overlaps into science, religion, and the fine arts, into an activity that we all enjoy. The pages produced by the children are original reports that have filled our notebooks and our heads with unforgettable details, while documenting our studies and providing a pleasant means of review. The children themselves are proud that their efforts look so professional and polished. I am thrilled that it is so easy!

Each CD-ROM contains hundreds of files in pdf format that can be easily printed at home on either a PC or a MAC, demanding no flash trips to the copy shop or weeks of pre-planning. Volume 1 covers the highlights of world history from ancient times through the period of European exploration in over 350 worksheets. Volume 2 begins with European exploration, continues with United States history, and concludes with modern world history in over 600 worksheets. Don't be misled by the term "worksheet". These are not fill-in-the-blank worksheets, but more like "picture pages" that include a picture that can be colored as well as lines for the student's writing. Pages feature important biographical characters, events, geographical regions, and even architectural achievements; the range of Who? What? Where? and When? are available. Detailed content lists are available at the publisher's website.

In addition to these picture pages, the CD-ROMs contain many special features. I especially like the "first draft" sheets that are available to help more inexperienced writers with identifying important information that should appear in their reports. One of my boys loves the newspaper-reporter style of some of the historical event worksheets. Suggestions for extension activities and coloring pages are included for some events, and outline maps are another convenience.

Because the contents are extensively indexed and cross-referenced alphabetically and by date, these CD-ROMs can be used equally well by families who prefer textbooks to those who prefer a "living books" approach to those who utilize unit studies. Our family uses the IEW writing method (reviewed elsewhere) with a classical approach to history, and we have found a seamless mesh using these worksheets. Unlike materials that contain preprinted text, there are no interpretations of historical details that require editing or quibbles to reflect our beautiful Catholic faith. The producers of these materials are Christian, and significant religious figures have been included. However, don't expect to find all of the Popes or lesser-known Catholics; more generic pages can be used for these people.

These CD-ROMs make notebooking a pleasure and provide a concrete way to summarize a child's study, using his or her own words and work. The pages can be used to make special topical notebooks, added to a Charlotte Mason-inspired Book of Time, used to enhance daily work or formal assignments, or even included in an annual portfolio. I can also imagine using the sheets in 4-H reporting projects, Scouting reports and merit badge work, co-op classes, or even using the pictures to make posters. The liberal copyright allows the contents to be used by the purchaser's own immediate family or for any class that the purchaser teaches, so long as no money is charged for them. Finally, I must note that the customer service that I received was exceptional. My order was received very, very quickly, and a minor problem was straightened out immediately and far more generously than I have experienced before. All things considered, Hold That Thought's History Volumes 1 and 2 are our family's "top pick" of new materials for this school year.

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Holy Names of Jesus: Devotions, Litanies, and Meditations

Book cover: Holy Names of Jesus: Devotions, Litanies, and Meditations
Ann Ball
Number of pages: 
190 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Resource Type: 

Did you know that Jesus is also known as "Divine Mercy" and "The Incarnate Word"? OK, those were easy ones. Do you know the story of the "Infant Jesus of Prague" or "The Black Christ of Esquipulas"? Mrs. Ball has written an interesting book describing the numerous names by which Our Lord has been known throughout time and throughout the world. The earliest names, of course, come from the Bible, but many of the others have been made known through the writings of the saints, visions, and documented miracles. Others are simply devotional. She says that her goal is "that a study of some of His holy names will call forth a greater love of Him Who is Love" (p. 9). In addition to the main text, Mrs. Ball includes the Litany of the Most Holy Name of Jesus, a lovely prayer, as well as an extensive bibliography.

This book is laid out in short sections that may be read in a few minutes while providing food for thought for hours. Forty-four names by which Jesus is known have been listed and described, with a short prayer or meditation after many of them. Those names whose origin is well-known have longer passages than those names that are less familiar. I must admit that two of the passages struck me as a bit odd: the one titled "Cosmic Christ–-Jesus, Priest" which is a modern piece of poetry and the one titled "Jesus, Our Mother", which is a commentary of the universal natures of Christ. Both seemed out of place and less than reverent, but the book has both the "nihil obstat" and an imprimatur. Most of the remaining names were familiar to me and quite traditional.

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Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat

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