Alicia Van Hecke
Language of God for Little Folks (Level A)
This is a simple and charming, Catholic grammar workbook designed for use in the second grade. It reinforces very basic grammar concepts such as - what constitutes a sentence, nouns and verbs, past and present tense (choosing the correct verb), singular and plural, opposites, simple synonyms, and capitalizing words such as - the days of the week, the months of the year, special titles and the names of God.
The Cottage at Bantry Bay
Lyrical Life Science
This clever learning set teaches basic concepts in Life Science through cleverly written songs (to tunes like Battle Hymn of the Republic and Dixie). There are eleven songs in all, with a chapter in the text and three pages in the workbook corresponding to each song. These are the song titles:
The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica
Little Folks' Number Practice
This simple workbook provides practice for preschool and kindergarten aged children in writing numbers, counting objects and considering religious ideas associated with each number (one God, two natures: human and divine, three Divine Persons, four marks of the Church: One - Holy - Catholic - Apostolic, five Sacred Wounds, etc.).
Math-U-See is a fairly new Math program, designed especially for homeschoolers, which runs from Kindergarten all the way through high school. The author is a former high school Math teacher who has attempted to balance a solid conceptual understanding of math with enough practice to let it "sink in." The program consists of a student text (workbook format), a teacher's manual, and optional practice sheets, special Math-U-See blocks and a teacher training DVD. I am very impressed with this program.
Flight into Spring
This is a sweet, but challenging story about a 16 year old girl from pro-Confederate Maryland who marries a Union soldier from Connecticut just after the Civil War. The story presents the conflicts of hard feelings and the need for healing between North and South in the context of family relationships. It seems quite unusual as stories usually lead up to an unknown "happily ever after." Here, the emphasis is on this young bride's married life.