Alicia Van Hecke
Learning Wrap-Ups for Pre-Algebra: Introductory Kit
Each of five sets in this kit have 10 plastic key-shaped cards that fan-out at a pivot point. A sturdy string attached to the pivot point is pulled through a hole in the card. The student then wraps the string from the first problem to the answer, around the back of the card to the next problem, etc. After completing the card, you turn the card over. If the string matches with the lines on the back, all the answers are correct.
The five sets drill the following materials:
Catholic Book of Quotations
This inexpensive paperback offers a wide variety of memorable Catholic quotations from both ancient and modern sources. The book is organized according to subject. Here are just a few: Abortion, Art, Baptism, Blessed Sacrament, Conscience, Devil, Divine Mercy, Dying Words, Family, Fasting, Free Will, Generosity, Grace, Guardian Angel, Incarnation, Justice, Marriage, Our Lady, Prayer, Priesthood, Rosary, Sin, Suffering, Transubstantiation, Virtue and Vocation. Authors quoted in this work include: St. Augustine, Pope John Paul II, Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson, St. Josemaria Escriva, St.
Math Facts Now!
Advertised as "No Clowns, Trolls or Space Aliens...Just a math program that works!", this program really is just a simple way of drilling math operations. A simple menu allows you to choose your operation, number of problems to solve and how much time to do it in. You can even write in a reward that will be offered when the child achieves at a certain level!
Equate: The Equation Thinking Game
Similar in format to the word game Scrabble�, Equate allows players to place equations on a board while gaining points based upon the types of numbers and operations used. (For example, a fraction is worth more points than a whole number and a division symbol is worth more points than an addition symbol.
Magnetic Hundreds Board
This 23" x 23" laminated poster is made by Nasco.
I have used homemade hundreds charts for years - they've been a great help for Math in preschool, kindergarten and early grade school. I was so excited when I saw this item in a catalog because it is advertised as a "double-sided wipe-off white board with sheet magnet-receptive surfaces." I immediately dreamed up all sorts of fun things my little ones could do on this board with skip-counting, covering numbers, etc.