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Home Educator's Lesson Planner
Designed to keep track of one child's lesson plans for a year, this organizer has several features that would please both the structured homeschooler or those who prefer unit studies. This comb bound planner includes an attendance record as well as pages for expenses, projects and field trips, book lists, progress reports, grading, monthly overview and 70 lesson plan pages with two pages covering each of 35 weeks. The Home Educator's Lesson Planner is unique in that the lesson plan pages provide rows but not columns, allowing the parent to determine the number of columns based on subjects studied. Older students could also use this planner to track their assignments and performance.
This planner was donated for review by H.E.L.P. Press
Home in the Cave
Homer Price
Homeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook
Mrs. Cohen provides a great deal of advice (from herself as well as parents and homeschool graduates have successfully gone through the admissions process) on shopping for colleges, the diploma question, portfolios, transcripts, essays (an important aspect of admissions for homeschool applicants), letters of recommendation, testing, and a chapter on how homeschoolers are doing in college.
Although it is important to seek out information from a Catholic perspective as well (particularly with regards to choosing a good college), this book will be very useful to homeschoolers eagerly, but nervously seeking to apply to the college of their choice.
Homeschooling with Gentleness
How Do Bees Make Honey?
A small, inexpensive book filled with pictures and lots of other information picture about bees and other insects. You'll learn how to tell bees apart from other insects, how bees live together in colonies and all about their beehives, how bees communicate with each other (my children have really enjoyed trying to re-enact the bee's dances) and of course how bees make honey. The one thing I didn't like is that the material is so disjointed because it jumps around between different kinds of insects.
How Much Can a Bare Bear Bear?
Homonyms are words that sound and also look alike. But they have different meanings, as in "Can you pass that can, Mike?" Or "May I sail with you in May and coast along the coast?and
Now, some words sound identical but are spelled in different way. These words are known as homophones. Like praise and preys and prays. Though homophones have matching sounds, their meanings aren't the same. And there isn't any question, they're as fun as any game.The homonym and homophone pairs are highlighted in matching colors to make it easy to identify each set. On the whole, we found this book both entertaining and helpful.
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization
How the Reformation Happened
This book is a surprisingly readable and interesting account of "How the Reformation Happened". Although it is written from a Catholic perspective, Mr. Belloc is very fair in dishing out the blame to the appropriate people on both sides. The years covered are 1517 (when Martin Luther affixed his protest against the Indulgences to a church door in Wittenberg, Germany) to 1648, but also includes commentary of the implications of the "Reformation" on our own times. He covers all the major countries involved and is very skilled at explaining the essentials of what happened and the lessons we should take from it. This is the answer for homeschoolers looking for the whole story of what is so often misrepresented in History texts – whether Protestant or Secular. It makes good reading for adults who are teaching younger children or for high schoolers to read on their own. Includes a complete index.