No name

Saint Thomas Aquinas

Raissa Maritain
Number of pages: 
128 pages
Sophia Institute Press
Grade / Age level: 
Despite its humble appearance, this biography of Saint Thomas Aquinas is a real gem. The story is told as a real story should be told, full of miracles and detail without becoming preachy, yet it is simple enough for the children it was written to instruct. The rich vocabulary hints at an original copyright in the early 1900s and may be challenging to a young independent reader. You may wish to read this book aloud to the under-8s or beside an 8-9-year-old to be sure of comprehension. The short chapters allow for frequent pauses and discussion of the spiritual truths encountered, and the black-and-white line drawings are tempting to our young colorists. Many of the elegantly written passages are perfectly suited for copywork.

The book begins with an introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas that tells of his unique titles in the Church and his gifts of wisdom and learning. We learn of his childhood and his studies, his captivity and his nickname, the Dumb Ox, and of his beautiful hymns for the feast of Corpus Christi and Benediction. We read about the many miracles and holy favors enjoyed by the Saint and learn from examples of his spiritual gifts of charity, humility, and intelligence. Finally, we hear about his holy death, canonization, and the institution of his feast day. Our young students will be encouraged to pray to this great Doctor of the Church and be inspired to work hard at their studies in imitation of him.

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Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Preaching Beggar - additional

Brendan Larnen, O.P.
Milton Lomask
Number of pages: 
190 pages
Ignatius Press
Sewn Softcover
Grade / Age level: 
(Additional Review) "Essentials and Accidentals"

Once Saint Thomas Aquinas was in a class that Saint Albert the Great taught. One day St. Albert asked why this was silly: "I am a human being and I have a high pitched voice; therefore all human beings have high-pitched voices."

St. Thomas said that Father Albert should be pointing to an "essential" and not an "accidental". An essential is what all of what you are talking about have. An "accidental" is what only some of what you are talking about have. For example, how big a room is, what shape it is, what color it is and what it is used for are all accidentals. The essential thing about a room is that it is a space between four walls and has a ceiling and a floor.

I thought that this was very brilliant.

Additional notes: 

Reviewer age 9

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Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Preaching Beggars

Book cover: 'Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Preaching Beggars'
Brendan Larnen, O.P.
Milton Lomask
Number of pages: 
190 pages
Ignatius Press
Sewn Softcover
Grade / Age level: 
St. Thomas Aquinas is one of the most beloved and revered saints of all time - both for his holiness and for his intellect. This accessible chapter book (from the Vision book series) gives a good overview of the "Angelic Doctor's" life with an emphasis on some of his most important philosophies and ideas.

My husband and I were quite pleased and delighted when our then nine year old daughter came to us, while in the middle of this book, exclaiming that "St. Albert the Great" was really brilliant because he understood the difference between "accidental" and "essential". We thought that was a great concept to introduce children to as well. When I finally got around to reading the book myself two years later, I enjoyed the story very much. I think that those who are fussy about writing quality would find this a little lacking - so I'll just say now that it's no great work of literature. I do think it worthwhile, however, because of the way the authors managed to integrate important ideas and interesting anecdotes to help bring to life this great Saint and great thinker who gave so much to the Church.

Update: We're so excited to learn that this great book has just been reprinted by Ignatius Press this summer (2005)!!!

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Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems

Book cover: Saintly Solutions to Life's Common Problems
Fr. Joseph Esper
Number of pages: 
379 pages
Sophia Institute Press

For more than twenty years, Fr. Esper has been a priest as well as an author, conference speaker, and authority on the lives of the saints. He has written this book to serve as a guide to perfecting our own weaknesses through the examples and experiences of the Communion of the Saints. This book isn't intended to be read straight through from cover to cover, but rather to be picked up and studied in short segments, so it is especially appealing to a busy, homeschooling family.

With more than forty different problems addressed, there is sure to be help for whatever is troubling. Just a few of the chapter topics are anxiety, criticism, distraction during prayer, gloominess, irreligious children, marital problems, old age, tardiness, and unpopularity. Each chapter begins with a meditation of several pages describing a particular saint (or saints) who had experience with the problem, with many valuable quotations and passages of encouragement. Following this is the "For Further Reflection" section with additional quotations, the invaluable "Something You Might Try" section with specific, detailed suggestions, "Further Reading" section with recommended sources from Sacred Scripture, Spiritual Classics, and Contemporary Works, and finally a Prayer.

The advice in this book is straight to the point and will be helpful throughout life. Most of the topics discussed apply as well to our teenaged children as to our elderly parents, and with Fr. Esper's recommendation to work on only one fault at a time, it could take a lifetime. Each reading and re-reading of the chapters in this book can help us along the path to Heaven.

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Saints and Their Stories

Maria Loretta Giraldo
Nicoletta Bertelle
Margaret Edward Moran
Pauline Books & media
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 

This is the translation of a lovely Italian book for children. I love the uniqueness of the style and illustrations. The stories are filled with anecdotes and details of the saints' lives not found in other books about saints for children. Truly a gem-- we will read it aloud during Religion this Fall. Do visit the Publisher's site as they have a neat flip-the-pages "look-inside" feature. From the Publisher: This sumptuously illustrated collection of biographies introduces young readers, ages 7–10, to eighteen popular saints. Historical and biographical information is enriched by cultural and artistic traditions,—and even a few legends. Saints and Their Stories includes: Saint Ann Saint Joseph Saint John the Baptist Saint Peter Saint Paul Saint Cecilia Saint Helen the Empress Saint Lucy Saint Ambrose Saint Augustine Saint Benedict Saint Francis Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Catherine Saint Rita Saint John Bosco Saint Bernadette The Archangel Gabriel Includes a presentation page, making it an ideal gift for First Communion, birthdays, and favorite saints’ feast days

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Saints for Sinners

Archbishop Alban Goodier
Number of pages: 
178 pages
Sophia Institute Press
Sewn Softcover
Grade / Age level: 
There is nothing quite like reading the lives of the saints to give us hope and inspiration. Saints for Sinners from Sophia Institute Press brings many of these inspiring and holy lives to the reader drawing both from well-known and obscure saints' lives. Archbishop Alban Goodier selected these saints because in many ways their lives seemed like failures. In the eyes of the world, they amounted to very little--or so it seemed in their own time. In the eyes of God, however, their lives remain as heavenly models for us today! Two aspects make this volume relevant and timely. First, these saints did not live stellar lives from day one: on the contrary. They inspire exactly because we are able to identify with them, in our own weaknesses. But they completely trusted in God, and immersed in this Love they shone. Second, the archbishop's writing is simply delightful! His accounts of these suffered, troubled yet beautiful lives will read like no other saints' biographies collection.
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Saints for Young Readers for Every Day

Book cover: 'Saints for Young Readers for Every Day'
Pauline Books and Media (Daughters of Saint Paul)
Grade / Age level: 
Rather than take a morning vitamin, our family reads Saints for Young Readers for Every Day every morning! It is a two volume set, with a saint story for every day (sometimes two). The first volume contains saints for January to June, the second volume covers the rest of the year. This hardcover set is a little expensive, but worth the money. We leave it on the kitchen counter, and do a daily reading with breakfast each day. The stories are well-written, engaging, and always one or two pages in length. There are black and white line drawings that accompany some stories. Both volumes are fully indexed. The whole family enjoys the readings, from toddler to teenager. Highly recommended.

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Saints of the Bible

Exploring Scripture with Holy Men and Women
Theresa Doyle-Nelson
Number of pages: 
111 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 
There are so many wonderful saints book out there-- our homeschool shelves are filled with them, and we read and re-read them! This one will be an unique addition to our collection as the saints highlighted within all come from the pages of Holy Scripture! So if you want to learn about Saint Onesimus, Saints Aquila and Priscilla, Holy Simeon or Jason, as well as the more well known saintly figures of the apostles and other better-known scriptural holy mean and women, add this small volume to your own collection! I will read these aloud to the homeschooling children as we are finishing up an old book of saints this week. As each saint 's story is no longer than a page and a half, we may be able to to do two or even three of them per day! This book will be a valuable addition to your saints' books collection!
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