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Wee Sing: Around the World
This audio tape or CD and booklet take you around the world, continent by continent, by introducing you to favorite folks songs or children's songs from each country. Someone from each country introduces themselves in their own language and then in English and the song is sung in each language as well. The booklet includes all the words to the songs in the native language and English, simple piano notation and guitar chords. There are charming illustrations including each country's flag. You'll also find a little description of each country. This has been our family's very favorite tape in the Wee Sing series.
What Bluebirds do
We picked a full bag of mostly new picture books from the library as we don't visit it as often as during the school year. Several new publications were examined by my review team – our children. Some were bold, creative, large and colorful. Fiction, informational, biographies: we read many different books over a number of days. In my mind as I hear their comments and listen or watch their reading enjoyment I run my own elimination process.
A simple, quiet, gentle book was the clear winner this time, beating all of its "louder" competitors: What Bluebirds Do, by Pamela Kirby. It won all of our hearts with the true photographic story of a pair of bluebirds in the backyard of the author's house. Beautiful photography, a list of resources, and a careful description of the bluebirds' life are combined into the most delightful nature-book we have come across in a while!
What Catholics Really Believe
13 - 1/2 hour episodes on DVD
What the Moon is Like
This book covers the appearance of the moon from the earth (in regards to its surface rather than its changes over the month), the explanations people have given for the appearance of the moon (man in the moon, etc.) and why it really looks that way. It covers many interesting details about the surface of the moon (including a simple map of the moon's surface marked with the locations of moon landings), its atmosphere, the length of day and night on the moon (and the extreme temperature difference between the two), the difference in gravity on the moon, etc. The book is fully illustrated and quite engaging although I think some of the ideas on how the moon was formed are still open for discussion. A final page offers a few simple moon-related projects and a few related websites for further information.
First published (copyright) 1963. Many later editions.
What's The Deal?
National Geographic published some longer, generously illustrated non-fiction picture books, and this is one of them. A great aid to any homeschool's History curriculum. We have picked up several different titles from the library like this one. I, for one, learned a lot! From their site:
This entertaining saga brings a legendary land deal to life. Over 60 reproductions of art from the period, a cast of characters, maps, a timeline, endnotes, a bibliography, and index give young readers all the resources they need to understand the period in which the Purchase took place.
When Children Love to Learn
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
Where Valor Lies
Whigs and Tories
This is an extensive reading list, from a Catholic perspective, on materials relating to or taking place at the same time as the American Revolution. The extensive introduction gives tips and ideas for studying the revolution, choosing books, and how to proceed. The list is broken up into the following categories: Grades K-3 Series, Grades K-3 Individual Titles, Grades 3-6 Series, Grades 3-6, Individual Titles, Grades 5-Up Series, Grades 5-Up Individual Titles, Grades 7-Up Series, Grades 7-Up Individual Titles and Grades 10-Up Individual Titles. Many of the titles include short descriptions and hundreds of books are covered. This resource also includes a Timeline of the American Revolution, books about contemporary figures (such as Blessed Junipero Serra), a list of "Prominent Catholics in the American Revolution" – an essay about Catholicism during the American Revolution, and a listing of good Catholic textbooks and Reference books that cover the American Revolution. The Appendix lists companies that sell those books (currently in print) that are recommended in this resource.