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Starting with Shakespeare

Successfully Introducing Shakespeare to Children
Pauline Nelson
Todd Daubert
Number of pages: 
217 pages
Teacher Ideas Press
Grade / Age level: 

Unit Study-loving families may find in Starting with Shakespeare a very useful resource! This book is literary filled with Shakespeare-related activities! In the introduction we get to know the authors and their passionate belief in the benefits of bringing Shakespeare to elementary school. They are quite convincing with a top 20 reasons list, secrets for success and even some criticism of how memorization has been dropped from school curricula a long time ago. The introduction also helps the reader understand how the book is organized and what to expect. The first part of the book is entitled "Setting the Stage" and it offers biographical sketches on Shakespeare, very detailed ways to get the students interested, and creative tips for success. The second part presents four William Shakespeare plays, "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "Macbeth," "Hamlet," and "Romeo and Juliet" introduced for kids in a unique way alongside a plethora of resources and ideas for each one. As the publisher states: "a complete historical background, an introduction to the characters, a retelling of the story, a variety of integrated activities, verses for memorization, a complete script for class performance, and a list of resources accompany each play. Activities extend learning to history, geography, science, art, music, movement, math, and language arts." Each play is explained, character by character, plot, themes, and then told to children in prose with points for discussion in class. The authors encourage the making of a class film or video, as opposed to a performance, stating that it is simpler to use a video camera than setting up a live performance. What I enjoy about this book is that, albeit geared towards elementary school aged kids, it makes plenty of use of genuine Shakespeare language. Each play is also presented in "Will's Words--Selections for recitation", where key excerpts of the play are quoted on top of the page. Obscure words are defined and explained right below under "Say what?", and then a paragraph explains what is going on in plain English under "Kispeak". The illustrations are all made by elementary school students and some of them are quite interesting. All in all this book can be a wealth of resources for homeschool families daring the tackle the Bard of Avon in elementary or middle (or even high) school!

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Startwrite Handwriting Software

The Handwriting Worksheet Wizard
Book cover: 'Startwrite Handwriting Software: The Handwriting Worksheet Wizard'
Number of pages: 
0 pages
Idea Maker
Grade / Age level: 

System Requirements: 16 MB Ram, 20 MB Hard Disk

This is an elegantly simple computer program that resides on your hard drive just like an ordinary word processor. It allows parents and teachers to print out handwriting pages in a variety of handwriting styles, sizes and fonts. Some of your options include:

  • a center dotted line
  • solid text, dotted text, dashed text or text with arrows showing the proper writing direction
  • how dark you want the writing printed
  • a variety of fonts including standard print, italic and cursive
  • Landscape or Portrait orientation
  • how large you want the text to be
We've found this to be a really wonderful resource - particularly for our more reluctant writers. This software has enabled me to type in material from other subjects for handwriting practice (like Catechism or Geography). I love being able to save worksheets for extra practice or to use later on for younger siblings. I can also take the same text and print it out in different sizes for each child. It's quite easy to add pictures for embellishment or for the children to color (you can find lots of pictures on the Internet for these purposes). My children have enjoyed making up worksheets for each other as well.

Please note that the user agreement allows for use on just one computer. They do offer package deals for multiple computers. You can see more about this product at

Additional notes: 

CD ROM for Windows 95 & above / Mac OS 8.1 & above

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Stations of the Cross for Children

Book cover: Stations of the Cross for Children
Julianne M. Will
Patricia Mattozzi
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Our Sunday Visitor

This small booklet can make a nice resource for a child during Stations of the Cross devotions.

Each set of double pages depicts a full page illustration in a simplified iconic format and a page of text. Under the title of each station, in bold, is the traditional prayer of the Church: We adore you, o Christ and we praise you, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world. 

The language is directed towards children, and it has a personal and sincere tone. In a letter format, each opens with a "Dear Jesus" greeting and ends with an "Amen." Subjects revolve around the everyday life of a child and the prayers are very nicely worded.

This is a very nice resource, especially for Lent. 

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Stations of the Cross for Children Poster Set

Book cover: 'Stations of the Cross for Children Poster Set'
Julianne Will
Number of pages: 
15 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Grade / Age level: 

This is a very nice, very inexpensive, large-size set of the Stations of the Cross (created especially for children) appropriate for homes and classrooms. The drawings are simple (they remind me a little of Tomie dePaola's drawings) and what my husband would describe as "sanitized". Our first inclination was to think these were too sanitized, but when we compared them to our more "traditional" set (which cost us 3x as much and are about half the size), we realized that the other set, too was without blood. As a matter, of fact, my 10 year old son noticed that one of the pictures in our "traditional" set was reversed and had the wound in Jesus' side - on the wrong side.

I think many families will find this to be a very nice set to hang on their walls during Lent as a very visual reminder (and even a visual catechism in the sense that religious art of old was intended to instruct) of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Additional notes: 

Medium weight paper – each poster is approximately 11x17 inches.

Sadly, these are no longer in print but you might be able to find a used set.

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Stations of the Cross Grotto Kit

Illuminated Ink

This well-thought-out kit is easy to use and makes a beautiful set of the Stations of the Cross "grottos" when complete. The kit contains full-color art prints of each station, pre-cut wooden sticks for the frames, and gemstones to glue on for decoration. When complete, each station measures approximately 7" tall by 5" wide.

This could be a wonderful family project to make during Lent or beforehand and the set of Stations can then be used for years to come. Illuminated Ink recommends it for children 10 and up or for younger children, 6 and up, with close supervision and help from a parent.

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Stepping Stones, the Comic Collection

Diana R. Jenkins
Chris Sabatino
Number of pages: 
127 pages
Pauline Books & Media
Grade / Age level: 
Contemporary in theme and presentation, Stepping Stones, the Comic Collection deals with a lot of issues that school children, middle school and above, deal with. These colorful comic stories follow the lives of Alberto, Chantal, Denver, and Suki, who represent a variety of ethnic backgrounds. As comic characters, they express very intense emotions, one minute crying, the next slapping one another on the back, and sometimes shouting to make a point. This can give the reader the impression of being on an emotional roller coaster. Definitely, there is nothing mild mannered here. Although this is an age group, which expresses intense emotions, and these are comic characters, who naturally show strong emotions, in real life such behavior would be highly annoying, disruptive, and considered probamatic. Fortunately, these behaviors are addressed. This collection deals with real life issues like a physically disabled girl, a drinking mom, a boy who needs anger management, gossiping students, friends vs. girlfriend/boyfriend relationship, childhood insecurities when a baby is added to the family, the desire for friends, qualities that make a “good” friend, forgiveness, and praying to God. Stepping Stones presents a realistic view of grade school life. Even though it is a school setting, most of the issues deal with relationships and are not so academically oriented: insecurity about how others will perceive you, bullying, name calling, and misunderstandings among friends. Sounds very negative, but in the end, all the issues are resolved. Since it presents a realistic portrayal of school and negative behaviors, it is a good book to ask the question, “If someone did that to you, what would you do? Or, do you think that character did the right thing?” Some homeschool kids might think, “Whoa, I’m glad I’m not in school.” But some of these issues all children have to deal with, whether or not they are homeschooled. Kids are attracted to the bold and colorful style of comics. Yet, younger children might not fully understand some of the issues. This collection of comics allows children to explore negative emotions and issues from the safe distance of a reader. The parent, however, would be wise to discuss some of the ramifications of the characters’ behaviors and choices.
Additional notes: 

This comic book treasury originally appeared in My Friend: The Catholic Magazine for Kids.

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Stories from Herodotus

Panorama of Events and Peoples of the Ancient World
Glanville Downey
Enrico Arno
Number of pages: 
158 pages
E.P. Dutton Co.
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
This young people's version of some of the most famous stories from Herodotus focuses primarily on the Persian Wars - most notably the battles of Marathon, Thermopylae and Salamis. This is a very accessible volume for young people (and makes a great read-aloud) collecting many of the most interesting stories from Herodotus and presenting them in a suitable format for children (some of the content in the unabridged Herodotus have mature themes). The stories provide a nice overview of the Persian Wars, a backdrop of Greek stories to get a fuller sense of the culture and make great tales in-and-of themselves; filled with thoughtful ideas, strange characters and good discussion material.

The book is llustrated with charming black and white figures modeled after images on Greek pottery.

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Stories from Shakespeare

Marchette Chute
Number of pages: 
320 pages
Grade / Age level: 
This children’s version includes 36 of Shakespeare's 37 plays. Chute covers the essential plots of the plays in a readable modern prose. Although her style is clear, simple and direct, it contains a certain lyrical quality. Not just summaries, these are wonderful stories. Especially appropriate for 12 and up, it might also be enjoyed as a read-aloud for younger children.
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Stories in Stone

The World of Animal Fossils
Book cover: Stories in Stone
Jo Kittinger
Number of pages: 
64 pages
Grade / Age level: 

Although this is a meaty book for its age level and rather lengthy, my children were completely absorbed when I read this aloud to them.

Stories in Stone presents the "World of Animal Fossils" and the story of the dinosaurs from the point of view of generally accepted scientific theories of today. Chapter 1 (A Rock Sandwich) covers introduces the idea of fossils, how they were formed, types of fossils, the scientific classification of animal species ("Why Dinosaur Names are Hard to Spell") and how scientists determine the age of fossils.

Chapter 2 (Buried at Sea) covers the oldest fossils that are believed to have come from ancient oceans (although they are found in very dry places today). This chapter also covers the theory that "about 180 million years ago, Earth had one huge continent ... surrounded by a large ocean".

Chapter 3 (Swimmers in the Sand) covers fossils of early fishes and sharks and ancient ocean mammals and reptiles.

Chapter 4 (The Terrible Lizards) covers the dinosaur world – including the first modern discoveries of dinosaur bones and the general scientific understanding of when and how the dinosaurs lived.

Chapter 5 (Furs and Feathers, Bones and Teeth) covers fossils of ancient birds, saber-toothed cats, mammoths and mastodons.

I've never had a great interest in fossils myself and always tended to skip over the relevant sections of animal books, but I have to admit that this book was well-written and quite interesting.

Additional notes: 

full-color photos

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