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Take it to the Queen

A Tale of Hope
Josephine Nobisso
Katalin Szegedi
Number of pages: 
32 pages
Gingerbread House Books
Sewn Hardcover
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
The long awaited companion to The Weight of a Mass (Nobisso, Gingerbread House Books) is finally available. In her new story Take it to the Queen, a Tale of Hope, Josephine Nobisso tells a fable that draws upon the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her material and mystical participation in our salvation. The villagers of a once favored city rebel against the goodness of the King, bringing famine and desolation. Eventually they seek the intervention of their queen, who was once of their village. It’s allegorical on several levels, and according to the author’s notes, the allegory “spans three salvific eras: Old Testament, God the Father, Creation; New Testament, God the Son, Redemption; and Coming Era of Peace, God the Holy Spirit, Sanctification.” In her story, Mrs. Nobisso has created a thoughtful excursion through the role of Mary in time and eternity, and yet the story is engaging and uplifting even if you don’t consider the allegory. The lush illustrations by Katalin Szegedi continue and deepen the allegory. In one picture the queen is standing in a doorway handing bread to a little girl. It looks like there is a halo behind her head, just as the saints and Mary are painted with halos. But if you look more carefully, you see that it’s part of the background; there is a series of round windows in her house, and the queen happens to be standing in front of one that makes her look like she has a halo. The inside flaps of the book cover contain explanations of the allegories and what is included in the paintings, but it’s much more fun to look, and ponder, and try to discover them yourself.
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Teach It: Eucharist and the Mass

Book cover: Teach It: Eucharist and the Mass
Joseph D. White, Ph.D.
Ana Arista White
Number of pages: 
134 pages
Our Sunday Visitor

Here is a book designed for religious education programs that is faithful to Church teaching, well-written, and easy to use. Children being taught from it, whether in a classroom or at home, will learn a great deal about their faith, as will their parents or catechists.

Teach It: Eucharist and Mass is based on the Catechism for the Catholic Church (1997) and the Holy Bible (Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version), as well as Canon Law and encyclicals from Pope John Paul II (Ecclesia de Eucharistia).

The Introduction sets out essential Church teaching on the Eucharist, including that children must make their First Reconciliation before their first Holy Communion. After that, the manual is divided into eight lessons: "The Church as God's Family", "The Gathering Rite", "The Liturgy of the Word", "The Prayers of the Faithful and Offertory", "The Liturgy of the Eucharist, Part One: The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist", "The Liturgy of the Eucharist, Part Two: Our Family Meal", "We Are Sent: Living the Eucharist", and "Putting it all Together".

Each lesson has a "Know It" section for the catechist, which summarizes Church teaching on the topic. These sections are outstanding; rich with citations from the Old and New Testament as well as a myriad of other church sources, they solidly present Church teaching on the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist in a highly readable way.

The next section for each lesson is "Teach It", with practical teaching suggestions, games, crafts, and activities for the classroom. These activities are easily adapted to the homeschool, using the reproducible forms and readily available materials. There are more than enough activities for each lesson, so the catechist can pick and choose the ones that are most appropriate or the most effective in making the point.

At the end of each lesson is a "Share it" page, in both Spanish and English, which is a reproducible letter for the catechist to send home to the parents.

One of the most impressive features of this text is its emphasis on biblical teaching about the Eucharist. In effect, the children receive an introduction to Bible-based Catholic apologetics, as they learn about the sacrifice of Melchizedek, the Passover meal, the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, and the words of Jesus Himself - all presented at a level appropriate for children.

Other highlights: The lessons on the parts of the Mass are excellent; children are taught the correct way to receive (according to the new norms for reception of Communion established by the U.S. Bishops); the letters to parents are catechism lessons in miniature.

This is a wonderful textbook for religious education programs, whether in parishes or at home. The children, their parents, and the catechists, especially those adults who were not well-catechized themselves, will all learn so much.

Additional notes: 

Imprimatur: John M. D'Arcy, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, 2003

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Teach It: Penance and Reconciliation

Book cover: Teach It: Penance and Reconciliation
Joseph D. White, Ph.D.
Ana Arista White
Number of pages: 
142 pages
Our Sunday Visitor
Imprimatur: John M. D'Arcy, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, 2003

Designed to be used in Religious Education programs, this manual is also "homeschool friendly". First and foremost, it is faithful to the teachings of the Church, based on both the Catechism for the Catholic Church (1997) and the Holy Bible (Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version). Second, the authors emphasize in the Introduction that "a child's own parents occupy a special role in the formation of their children for the sacraments" (page 12) and they include practical means for getting parents more involved in a Religious Ed program. Finally, the majority of the educational activities in the book could be used just as easily in the home as in the classroom.

The manual is divided into 8 lessons: "God's Great Love", God's Rules for Living", "Sin and Conscience", "Baptism and Other Sacraments", "Forgiveness", "the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Part I", "Sacrament of Reconciliation, Part II", and "Living Reconciliation". Each lesson has a "Know It" section for the catechist, which summarizes Church teaching on the topic and presents information about the developmental level of children preparing for their First Confession (assumed to be around the age of reason, ages 6 or 7). The next section is "Teach It", with reproducible pages of practical teaching suggestions, games, crafts, and activities for the classroom. Finally, there's a "Share it" page, in both Spanish and English, which is a reproducible letter the catechist would send home to the parents.

Many of the "Teach It" suggestions involve movement and activity, ideal for kids at this age (especially little boys). For example, there are directions for acting out the story of the Prodigal Son, and for a "lost sheep" hunt in the classroom. Other "Teach It" ideas include small-motor activities such as coloring a small booklet about Baptism, and playing a matching game about the Seven Sacraments. I intend to use some of the exercises this year for my seven year old son as we prepare him for the sacraments.

Most of the suggestions combine good catechesis and age-appropriate work. However, in an attempt to present the Ten Commandments in a "form they [children] can understand" (page 30), the authors use an alternative translation, with an emphasis on the positive rather than the "shalt nots". For example, the Fifth Commandment is given as "Be kind to the people and animals God made" instead of the powerful and attention-grabbing "Thou shalt not kill". I'm not sure this is necessary; children are capable of learning the traditional version and then how it applies to their young lives (no hitting, no mean words, be kind, etc.) The other commandments are presented in a way that's closer to the traditional language (for example, "Tell the truth" for the 8th Commandment).

Overall, Teach It: Penance and Reconciliation does a good job of accurately presenting the truth about sin and forgiveness, with activities that take into consideration a small child's developmental level.

Additional notes: 

Imprimatur: John M. D'Arcy, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, 2003

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Teach Me Spanish

Book cover: 'Teach Me Spanish'
Grade / Age level: 

This audio tape and coloring book set (also available in CD) is designed as a very early introduction to Spanish for young children through popular and traditional songs in Spanish and English. Material covered includes counting to ten, learning the days of the week and the words of songs such as Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes and Are You Sleeping?

My children have enjoyed this tape quite a bit over the past several years and the songs are performed nicely enough to not be too tiresome for Moms either. :)

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Teach Your Child to Read In 100 Easy Lessons

Book cover: 'Teach Your Child to Read In 100 Easy Lessons'
Siegfried Engelmann
Phyllis Haddox
Elaine Bruner
Number of pages: 
395 pages
Simon and Schuster
Grade / Age level: 

The 100 EL is a direct instruction program. This means that the teacher's dialogue is scripted. The sessions are designed to take 20 minutes per day. We found them to take 15 to 30 minutes a day. If it takes any longer, I recommend to stop using the program for a few weeks to let things "jell" then go back to it. I did this periodically with both children and they did not forget any of the previous material when we went back to it.

If your child is a cuddler and loves to be read to while sitting in your lap this is an excellent program. I often thought of our schooling not as home school but as lap school. I have a nephew who was not a cuddler and did not like to sit still and be read to. His mother tried this program on him and it was a constant battle which they soon gave up.

The 100 EL uses only itself (just a book), you and the child. There are no additional workbooks, tapes or other falderal to cost you money and waste time. It is extremely easy to use. Just sit down with your child, open the book and begin reading. There is no lesson planning involved. The sounds of the letters are taught first and the names are taught only at the end. This is consistent with recommended phonics teaching. By lesson 9 the child begins to sound out written words.

An example, the sound of m has already been taught, the sound of e has been taught, I quote,"1. Touch the first ball for me. I'm going to sound out this word. then you'll say it fast. (Point to ball under m). 2.What's the first sound I'm going to say. (Touch for two seconds). (Student should say mmm (release) Point to ball under e) What's the next sound I'm going to say? (Touch for two seconds) (student should say eee). 3. Return to first ball. My turn to sound it out. (Touch under m and e as you say "mmmeee" (return to first ball) Say it fast. (Slide quickly to end of arrow.) me. 4. (Touch first ball) You're going to sound out this word, then say it fast. Sound it out. Get ready (Touch under m and e as child says mmmeee without pausing between sounds. Repeat until firm.) (Return to first ball) Say it fast (Slide to end of arrow.) me". As you can see it uses a stimulus-response method.

It progresses quickly from words to sentences to stories (all contained in the book). By the end the student is usually reading on a solid 2nd grade level. With my first daughter we did the first half in kindergarten, the second half in 1st grade concurrent with another program (The Hewitt easy readers). My second daughter did it all in kindergarten. She is an exceptionally eager reader however and now, at 6 is reading books such as "Charlotte's Web" (her current favorite).

I follow up the 100 EL with The Writing Road To Reading used along with Teaching Reading At Home which is a supplement to TWRTR. It organizes the material so it is easier to use. The 100 EL is a good background for TWRTR in my opinion. I got the idea from Berquist's Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum.

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Teaching Montessori in the Home

Elizabeth G. Hainstock
Number of pages: 
177 pages

This book is filled with simple Montessori learning activities and techniques for young children (2 - 5 yrs. or so). Included are instructions for making the materials very simply and inexpensively. For example we made some very nice picture cards by cutting photographs out of magazines, catalogs, etc. I attached them to index cards with contact paper.
One of the most valuable things I gained from using this book is a method called the "three period lesson" which I've found useful for teaching many things. I'll use the example of picture flashcards to explain it. The first step is to show the child the picture and tell them it's name. The second is to have the child point out a particular picture out of a small group. (e.g. where is the dog?). The third is to point to a picture and ask the child what it's name is. You won't use all three steps in the very beginning, but observe the child so you know when they are ready to proceed to the next step. It sounds very simple, but you might be surprised how easy it is to expect your child to know something he hasn't yet been introduced to. This method presents a very straightforward way to keep yourself from skipping steps.

Additional notes: 
Note from the Webmaster: Since this review was written, the book was essentially split into two separate books, subtitled: The Preschool Years and The School Years. I have not personally seen the new volumes, but I'm under the impression that the content has remained essentially the same.
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Teaching Writing: Structure and Style

Andrew Pudewa
Institute for Excellence in Writing
Grade / Age level: 
Resource Type: 
My daughter, Emily, announced, “The kids’ class [student writing workshop] is much funner than the teacher class.” Scratch that. I am “sure” she said “much more fun.” She was referring to the student writing workshop for Teaching Writing: Structure and Style available on DVD. Implemented by Andrew Pudewa, director of The Institute for Excellence in Writing, Teaching Writing: Structure and Style is a two day seminar where he demonstrates to the teacher/parent how to teach writing skills to school-age children through a step-by-step process. He breaks down the writing process into two basic categories: the structure of writing and style techniques. The structure portion includes both outlines and models of fiction and non-fiction writing.The style techniques are employed to make writing more appealing to the reader and he offers quite a variety. In other words, he teaches the teacher how to teach his/her students how to write in an organized manner that is interesting to read. The step-by-step process is broken down into nine units: 1) Note Making and Outlines, 2) Summarizing from Notes and the Syllabus in Style, 3) Summarizing Narrative Stories, 4/6) Summarizing References & Library Reports, 5) Writing from Pictures, 7) Creative Writing, 8) Essay Writing, and 9) Critique Writing. These nine units are developed over 6 DVDs. In addition, there are three workshops for the students to participate in for a total of 9 DVDs: 6 are instructional workshops for the teacher/parent and the last three are Student Workshops: One each for Gr. 2-4, Gr. 5-7, and Gr. 8-10+. These are workshops. Periodically, he will ask the viewer to turn off the TV and do the assignment. Since these are workshops, he not only walks the teacher/student through the process, he also reads the completed assignments of the class or student as well. This offers the viewer an idea of what they are seeking to achieve as an end goal. This is an excellent way to show the teacher/parent how to present guidance to the student when learning how to write. To help the viewer understand the program, crucial information is found in a Seminar Notebook that is loose leaf papers clipped in a binder, so you can add additional information and notes. This includes detailed notes, charts, outlines, checklists, models of sample student writing, and a syllabus. During the class, he points out the page numbers for you to follow him. His target audience is for teachers of children from grades 2-10; however, even adults would benefit from the program in creating more clear and concise writing with interesting stylistic techniques. He opens the first DVD with background information about the Teaching Writing: Structure and Style program, he then provides an overview of the program before he launches into his first lesson. Each unit builds on the previous unit. With humor and interesting stories, he holds the viewer’s attention. Because of the great number of hours, the teacher/student should not try to cram too much information too quickly in order to finish the program. Going back to my opening line, “scratch that,” one of the points of the program is that the student should write in pen. Instead of erasing, the student is encouraged to write on every other line and cross out the errors and write the correction above the corrected word, phrase, or sentence. This is one of many tips that will make the writing process much easier for many students. While some parents may balk at the price, they need to consider the value of the program. It is a two day seminar and it includes workshops for the student as well. Even if the teacher/parent were not to follow the program exactly, there is a wealth of information that is shared that would be helpful to the teacher/parent and student. For example, some teachers/students may be attracted to the structure portion of the program and others to the style portion. They can pick and choose what works best for them. While it is a highly organized program, with check off lists, and a specific way of doing things, it is a program that is easily adapted. Because it is a workshop format, instead of a lecture series, by doing the exercises, the teacher will have a greater understanding of the student’s position when learning how to write, especially the potential frustration that usually builds up and the need to allow adequate time for a good essay to develop. Andrew Pudewa imparts a wealth of knowledge and teaching tips that can be applied to other areas of teaching. For example, once something is mastered by the child or “easy” for him/her to do, then he/she should move on to the next step. One of the beauties of the program is that the teacher/parent does not have to come up with new writing ideas, the teacher/parent can use the material the student is already studying in history, science, or religion or the teacher can use the suggested assignments in the program. Although Mr. Pudewa stands at the front of the classroom, he is not in any way a mere talking head. An engaging speaker, he knows the joys and the pitfalls of teaching and shares his practical knowledge with the viewers. He knows the secret of a good teacher: He interacts with the students. While my daughters periodically popped in and out of the room while I was watching the teacher DVDs, they purposefully on their own accord (Gosh, are they my children) decided to watch the student DVD, took notes, and did the exercises. They were quite proud of their finished products. No wonder they liked it more than watching the teacher portion. Because of the vast amount of information, I have only given a brief overview of the salient points of the program. If you visit his website, you can click on a youtube demonstration where he outlines the benefits of the program. On youtube, there is also a sample from one of the DVDs, but the constant pausing interrupts the flow of his presentation and makes it difficult to watch. Teaching writing to children, or to anyone for that matter, is one of the most difficult tasks for a parent to do. It really shouldn’t be. But we are overwhelmed with all the grammar rules and the memories of red ink dripping all over our student essays once upon a time. Andrew Pudewa gives teachers/parents a highly structured alternative to teaching children how to write. He does so in an interesting manner, showing students both how to organize their papers and do so with stylistic techniques that greatly improve interest. His goal is the goal of all good writing, to make it both interesting and meaningful. Before you give up on trying to teach your child how to write, consider Teaching Writing: Structure and Style by Andrew Pudewa.
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Telling Time Dry Erase Board

Resource Type: 

Nasco, 11" x 14" sturdy wooden dry-erase board

This is a sturdy and elegant little dry-erase white board for young children learning to tell time. Parents can use this for demonstrating principles of telling time or it can be enjoyed by young children for independent learning.

The front sports a large clock face complete with numbers but no hour or minute hands (these can be drawn in with a dry-erase marker). There is also a blank spot for a digital clock reading so that children can write in those numbers while practicing telling time. The bottom bar marks 32 different times that the child can practice.

The back has 32 small clocks marked with different times. The child can write the correct time underneath each clock.

What a great and reasonably priced product. We have two so that a younger sibling can participate too.

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